
From Cree Santiago.. C S…

From Cree Santiago.. C S…

Consciousness Supreme.

War and Peace…?

W.P…Wave-length and Particle is the true equation

B Q P W… The Transformation…

Linked to the Transformers I saw on the homes I was invited into from 268 Generation X Gardens to Delta Manor Transformer B Q P.W

To John Mack at 217 B Q..

P.W… 16 23…

It was never about Prisoners of War…P.O.W…

But W.O.W… A W E…

This is the True Nature of Humanity…

Beautiful Youth…the Courage beyond belief to recognize in the heat of battle, that truth which lies within the Hearts of all young men.

The desire to connect, exchange, see our similarities and that there is no Difference…

This is something which humanity has been striving for since inception…

And this is what I, and a few other witnesses I was moved as Particle and Wave who were Seers saw in what they said was the Vision of the Awakening of the World.

An entire world in Jubilation and celebration.

But it was not a vision, I knew this,because I knew it was the truth of what the actually awakening of the World would be..

But those few who saw this vision could not believe how it could ever be come true.

They did not fight for it because, they could not see it as ever happening.

They did not see that by having such a vision that it was a actual possibility which could transform into reality…

And that the War was an internal war, which had to be fought in teh Spirits of man and woman…

That we had the will and the power, the knowledge, Art and Science finally to manifest the Impossible Dream of world Peace and Harmony..

P.H.. H P…

Nor could they see that the Script we have been in was designed for this very purpose…

Yes Esteban Miguel Filgueira code and portal is 8-16-1984…

What that means is that the passing through Stephens portal successful and not succumbing to all those factors which bring war…

that by passing through his portal from Hawaii to Connecticut

( H C.,.. 83)

Peace and Harmony in the World was finally here.

29 Years ..

18 Years

7.3 years..

No one believed it…

So many wanted to believe it possible but looking at History and the nature of reality and Humanity, world peace and harmony became an impossible Dream…

But not for me, when I suggested that someone should access the Source Energy and in doing so could access the power to move all Humanity to Awaken.

The Awakening I saw, and have seen and had been fighting for all these years is like this, but even more dramatic..

Men women all over the world dropping their weapons, an in a blink of an Eye and in perfect timing the entire world in a state of Bliss from Awakened Memory…

( how terrible it is when we Forget is it not…Is there any worse form of death when you begin to forget who you are.. your family, friends stories relationships History…

Forgetting is the nature of Terrible Death…watching as every part of who you are,your Identity fades away…

And yet when all Fades .. what remains… ?

There is something beyond that wall of forgetting…

And the Chaos – Forgetting can create…

Woman played Death.. Forgetting and forgetfulness,but of the temporal things but not of the Eternal Things- still moving through you.

Rays McKayla played that last role…Woman as Forgetting and Death but within that forgetting is a memory, which simply sought to awaken.

And thus,even beyond Forgetting..there is no Forgetting of the Eternal only of the temporal.

Woman played Death…To be born of her you are already on the way to Dying.

Unless that pattern could be transformed, transmuted and the Pitch Black transformed into Dawn Light…

But Death as forgetting had to be conquered and remembered and proven as Beautiful Transformation.

Hence the story of Adam and Eve ..He Life She Death and then the subsequent alignment to prove empirically and with the consent of Father Death …

represented by J M.. MR..that they are one and the same thing.

Death became the Body and it was governed by the principal of C.. SH.E -and to move through the body as Death was to move through the body as Time- Inception of Man -Human being walking this Earth…

The Body as Truth had to be awakened to Life but through an ardous journey of all the lies told and expressed believed and lived since the beginning ..

Only then could the body align to the Eternal Truth and MY LADY DAWN Awaken..

To Sol.

Marina Burini to Mckayla Burgos M.B..took me 8 9 years of traveling through the Inner body so filled wit disease to cleansing it inside and above as the Milky Way and the Space in between..the Streets ,roads, People places and things…

This has been done…Through Woman representing the Universal Body and Man the Universal Being through a script of which I was given continuous rage, poked,burned, tortured.. I was given the full rage of woman encountered through time…

9 months… 9 years…

The rage of woman at war with Man…

Each blaming the other…

Then Man against Man..Woman against Woman..

All of this had to be resolved, and the only way was to find the root cause of the enmity and correcting each point of view..

Aligning Body to Being…

To align them All back into one by understanding going back to the Source ..

i had to fight a 24/7 war 25.. 39… of which I was constantly provoked to anger and rage..

A Test by Woman as to the True Nature of Man being Violent, savage war monger or his true nature as Gentleman…

The rage they had for man…and the rage man had for Woman..

I can not tell you.. how far it went…

Awful awful terrible cruelty and hatred and yet beneath it all, I had to prove despite the constant .. dear Jesus constant provocation that I too would become a being of rage.

And yet underneath it all such a great love… which is why the rage was so great…

My test was I was not allowed to become that rage…

That rage of which drove men to the place of insanity…

that rage woman had and knew how to incite…

Tree Sage and his daughter Serenity just came up…

Christopher Filgueira was here for a moment and his symptoms are growing…

John Mack and Rays McKayla were here earlier..

I saw Mckayla and I felt so tired of this script of Woman using their power against men…and men causing woman to anger by Womans Assumption that they are not seen they way they wish to be seen and not given the attention.

When I told Tree Sage what I was posting and what the equation script had played out- in the last chapter as represented by John and Mckayala..

Who are the same person but with their own now distinct ID.

He confirmed what I had witnessed solved and understood between the play of John and Mckayla rep as Adam and Eve

The nature of power and who was the cause… and who wet to far in response in anger…

There is no doubt that Men had a hefty responsibility in causing Woman exasperation-but it was not out of intentional spite, the lack of communication nor was it forgetfulness but rather Men looking for God…

Their Source…



5 22.. EV..

12 48…

*I found a picture in a Magazine, called the Voice…

it showed a Dancer – Principal Dancer called James White-Side…

then the play which followed with Christopher speaking about how John Legend has been given the Role of the Voice in American show in its 16th Season…

J L… Judas Lucifer… Lion of Judas.

J L.. 10 12.. V.. V O.. I C E…


James whiteside looks like Nathaniel Thomas Bywater and Esteban Miguel Filgueira brother

Josh Bywater…J B..

I already now who Josh represents…

This was a terrible war in which Woman wished to prove that She is Supreme over man, Men.. who always revert to violence war and aggression…

That Man could not be the Creator..

That his Nature could not allow it..

That is what this entire script of such cruelty was about…

I wrote sovled resolved it here on this page over and over again but it seemed it was not enough it had to be resolved through their own script with all existence watching….

And in the end, M.W… Both responsible but Woman went to far in her rage and response right to the play at 29 and 219…

4:44 p.m.

A power to manipulate, sway, use the power of suggestion and shift responsibility to another for that which she was made responsible for..

John and Mikki,just as Esteban Miguel Filgueira and all others were used in a pre set up script to find the Truth of who used witch craft and spells.. a power which manifested Rage Hell Hate and Death not as Transformation but Death as Existential Death…

‘I refuse to see you, respect you or your expression…ad reason..

This was played out right to this morning…

once more… a play script to reveal the truth..

XY is Male…

4;48 p.m.

49 became woman and then

94 .. I.D…

Sol… 5th Dimension Woman who does not use that power so ingrained in Woman and Mothers to use..

4;49 p.m


Look at what was done to me through their script.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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