
From Conscious O’best

From Conscious O’best

Code Red is the First color…

White is the the sum total of all colors ..1-7…Evanescent White Light-Purity..

Pink is 1 and 7, Red and Evanescent Purity- White- merged together..


8=H..Harmony Infinity…


Conscious O’best..Consciousness OH..Best..

living up to his name…

Message received from his 3 D, (Child Consciousness) Anchored Self and 5 D, (Eternal Self) Higher Self

3 5 (C.E) A.H. SS..8

3 5 (C.E) A.H..8…

The three Sees Cees

E rose…

1:34 p.m..

See sacred portal 34..

With the Perfume Scent of the 1-8.

1:35 p.m



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