
From Christopher Filgueira

From Christopher Filgueira

Father and Child… F A C… / C A.F…. Christopher Andrew Filgueria..


Father Daughter…

Christ Line… Literally…

C-Consciousness Speed of Light.. C.

Trinity in one.. A B.. A 1 B 2… Merge.. Add Joseph…. Means Add..

Joseph Byron

Joshua By Water…

John The Baptist…

Christ means ‘Follower of Christ… Christopher… Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme.. W A V E S …

C speed of Light..

C -Waves… of Light.. ( Spectrum Rainbow Trail of a Star Comet..

Particle Wave…. Converging to the point in Perfect Timing.

Daughter Isabella…

Link Isabelle Ilic

Isabelle Sullivan Evans…

Christopher Isabella… C.I..

*E Gala XY.. 1011..C.I…

I S …E..

Isabella Stephen Filgueira Emeka… That is the portal I came down…

And Anastasia Hart A.H was the portal from 114 Grant Moor..

( Link Marcus G… Kim Arthur Hines.. K..A.H! Tree Sage… Moor as I as all)

Then to Goddess Bliss… 440 Asylum Avenue… Red Roof…Rm 904..

I O D… D.O.. I.. D… OI… Delta Quadrant O.I..Balance… 15.6 9…69..

MW.69…Bats… Camera’s Flip… Flip J Hendrixs ( Flip The Script)

and Turn… Mick Turner M.T… Turn the Tides…

M T… 13.. 20… 33…

Which began in 2017 at the beginning of the Total Solar Eclipse…

T.S.E.. / E S T…Emeka Stephen…Tamika Rivera T R… 20 18…

( She met David Nikoma and I Emeka and 17th Street in 2015…)

17the Street to 2017… 17 Q.. as Queens to I.Q… I Quantum Man Jumps… with his/her Mind.. E.M.F… Has been identified as the true Mind which is the is centered in the Heart. Rock Solid…

Beating Trumpet… Donald Trump…’Meaning the Universal Ruler Beats to His Own Drum and is the Trumpet Sound of the Elephant Man as Memory and sixth sense of finding the way home…

Total solar Eclipse was 2017… Began in Oregon 33rd State..Ended in South Carolina…8th state…

It was a message…

The Turning of the Tides…

Its is Energetic… and manifested into this physical reality as Hurricanes which though wrecked Devastation the death Toll was very low compared to the level of destruction…

It was a message.. a Code written in Nature, just as 911 was written by Men.. but really by The Original Man.. T O M..

TOM Means Twin

Mot means Word

Wave and Particle… Twins…

Moved my the Word… of the One…

B=A A…

Being is created from Awareness of Two aspects of Ourselves… Particle-Actor…Wave-Actions… Awareness-Attention…

Father Child and Holy E-Spirit ..Holy Expression..


Literally.. Christ Consciousness I…Infinite…

C C I..

33 9…After South Carolina…8th State…the path of the Eclipse moved to the Sea… See and the Sea.. Sea.. rose to respond.

33… 6…Fil Gueria Line… 9… 9 is I.. Age 4.. I.D…of

6… Facts Objects Solids..

9;16 p.m.

I P…

Manifest In Verse.. Through Verse.. not Upside Down..

6 IS… 9 is inversion Turning half way in the full Circle.. 180 degrees instead of 360… Thus at 9 is simply the Journey of 6 at Half way..

180… 18= R.. Reflections… of the the Source on the O Mirror of the O.H…. And the observer… the Seer.. is the I..

The Individual who is also O.. O.N.E… / E N..O….. E is C..E C H O..E..

C…N.O… 3.15….Pi…

Paradise Island…




Chris, told Johnny MacDonald and I, how his dream was to own an Island where he would help people go back to creation and family in a beautiful setting ween then of the addiction to Technology,which John added was and is everything outside of ourselves…


For truly truly.. it all come from within, and thus what we project outside comes from within.

And thus, technology should be used in a manner where there is no dependency on it, and as a means of escape- but a tool to remember its original purpose which was to be a tool of human innovation and not mental and emotional stagnation.

The island he spoke about reminded me of the 9 Day Festival I had created in Istanbul which got cancelled…

9 Days… C.I… C H… C .I… Consciousness Harmony.. Consciousness Infinity…

Jump Men… and now Wu Man… Crown Jewels..

C J… Elizabeth… Queen Elisabeth .. our version as the E


E Quantum… Expression is Quantum… Conversation is Quantum…

C.E…Q…E. D.

9:28 pm/

The Father and Child…

Father of Infinity… Children of E..


Joseph John Osiris Yes-Hues-Ah…

J..B…J.O Y…

Dunkin Donuts…

D D.. 4 4.. 8…



Emeka… Went together to get coffee first time..

Emeka.. went alone…

Chris Emeka … walked there this evening..

S E C… C E S…T…




8 44… 8 16…24 H.P./.P H …

12 14… 26… C.E…/ E C..

@Delta Q… 24.. 6…P H D…F…

26..8…E.C H O..D… H O D isG O D.. Evolved back to Origins O .. o-8.9…

Back to Harmony Infinity.. ECHOED Through out Eternity in a play which took place on a small blue bejewelled planet called Earth…

Crowning Beauty of Manifestation. ..

True Reality…( not the current Holgram Holo deck.. Holgraphic World… H,W..

W.H… Whitney House OH!..

W.H O……

H O W… We did it…

Evolved the World through Expression Silence and Sound back to Source, with something added…

The Beautiful Truth…

9:39 p.m..

I C I..


Here.. in French..

9;40 p.m.

I D.. O… N E…

Memory… Total Recall… T R.. 2018…

Cool.. but I will still have to view the Proof Facts just as was done to me to make me prove the truth of my I.D.. Idenity.. I Dawnn, alone in front of an entireworld who could not put me nor my Brother Lines in a mental Asylum because we have Truth.. Empirical Truth- Reason Logic and Manifestation as our proof..



68/ 86…

11 22 47.. 68…Cecilia David…

86…22 11…. 74 22 11…

That is the line of the One Father.. Who did not come as Man Woman but rather as the Source of the Two… Man and Woman…

He is the Two in One… 86…74… 22 22 11 11…. 14..11…. 25…Y… 8 4…

25 8 4…

Y Is Male.. 8 is Harmony.. 4 4.. the Two MW..

8 is 9…


9:48 p.m.

Man made first contact with himself through the Eyes of his Child.. and then Children…

9:50 pm

I. E O.

I Hawa ii..

Hawa Ali.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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