
From Chinekwu Ibeabuchi-Chichyno C.I.C…Full Circle…

From Chinekwu Ibeabuchi-Chichyno C.I.C…Full Circle…

Father and Son…

Emeka Obumneme… E.O.. 5O..

I always knew he was my Son… then came as Nnamdi my Brother..

And he comes as B.L… B.E.L.L…E…

Being of Lore… Eternity.. My Equal in all things except 1…

I notice that this Degree is from the University of Calgary…

It is where my brother O Boom lives….

Calgary Canada…

5-20.. 73…

And this makes C.I.C… Not only my 937 Face Book Friends

But E Galaxy 1O11/ 1101 C.I/I.C…

full Circle C.I C… Complete…

10 10..

1O 1O..




All One…

See the meaning of his Names…

It interesting that when I visited Nenad M. Djurdjevic I noted this image and Face Book Friend of his… Without knowing ..while obviously knowing why….

Chinekwu… The Spirit, the Chi.. is Speaking

Ibeabuchi No one is your Peer or your Equal…in the Song

Your kindred are not you God, or No one is you Good..or Equal

Ibeabuchi … By itself, Ibe just means peer or mate, but as a a name, it could …

Chichyno…Means The Song of God.. The E-Spirit is the Leader… Also Quiet.. And Beautiful…

Quiet! The Chi is speaking…

that no Song has the Peer to your Song and recollections of Creation..

None is your Equal nor is there a peer…

To this Song of God..

It is The Leader… the one which led the Awakening the Rising…

Quiet.. A Beautiful Song….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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