
From Chigbo Nworie C.N…. Remarkable…

From Chigbo Nworie C.N…. Remarkable…

Simply remarkable…

I took particular note today as to the three people who were left in the room today…

Beds 4-004… Moi…

Bed 4-008… Nicholas…Wittingham from the Caribbeans…

Bed 4-012…. Allan Murray African American from Harlem U.SA…

I very casually amused myself, in decoding it…

Emeka Nicholas Allan…

Then I tried it with the full version of my name as Chukwuemeka…


Chigbo Nworie…. C.N… 3.14…..Pi… The Story of Pi…

My name is Emeka… No one calls me Chukwuemeka and on all my stolen or lost British passports, since 1989, it is Emeka Kolo…

Not Chukwuemeka, that name I let go of when I let go of this world in 1988, when I left Nigeria, having not only completed my task the Story of the Past but of Chukwuemeka Nnamdi… C.N…

I have met a handful of Igbo people in the last 28 years, which did not come from me avoiding them…

And so, It is a source of continued wonder ( and unparalleled rage, wrath) that their influencing and meddling persists even now…

I am fully aware of the meaning of the arrival of Chigbo Nworie as my face book friend, at this moment just as I am aware the Nworie comes from the Igbo Market Days of the Week.. Nkwo. Orie, Eke, Afo…

Which are 4.. making 7 weeks ( instead of the inverse in the west… * please take particular note of the significance… or possible significance for you the Public Individuals….)..

Ah Jace K Horst.. just arrived…

J.K…H… 10 11 8… Yes University…. Galaxy 1O 11 C.I.

5.57 p.m.

6;33 p.m

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