
From Busayo Alonge B A..

From Busayo Alonge B A..

I sent Busayo a face book request because Gabriel Binky Signar suggested that I do so…

But I waited and checked, despite my trusting Gabriel Binky Signar proven Harmony linked to Dawn Piercy Isabelle Ilic..

I waited not even knowing why I waited…

But then today I saw the alignment…

5B 3 A 4B 5A 4A 4B….

53 454 4…. 8 13…4…H M… D

B A….. B A A B…

Busayo Alonge… We have TEN mutual friends…


10 11….

See play Kyle Murphy and Kassim represented…

K K… 11 11…

Ant… A=1… A.M.

Michael O… Bed 4-004… M.O../ O M

Bishop King… Gate Way…

The Truth… Beautiful Transparent…

The Evil Gate was in the Caribbean Islands…

But I still accessed through its Bermuda Triangle.. B T..

Beautiful Truth…

B.A… See sacred Portal 147 A.B…B A…

Being Aware…

Being Alpha..

Being 1…


A … M.R….. A.K… A

Emeka Kolo..


Boom! E Rang!

Is a Bell E!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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