
From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

John 18:36…

I am on Bed 18.

Fritz Venneiq is 36.

I spoke of that Kingdom being not of this world but as the True World.

And he witnessed and experienced it.

That was in 2010… 8 Years ago.


I came here with my Brother Jon Jason Lee

first, in Dec 1999…

J J L… 10 10 12… 32… 3-20-2001… Bed 3-002…. 2012…32…

My Name is Emeka Kolo, and I am Nnamdi Nature -Fritz Venneiq and

I am John…..

Hanke John

John Kemakolam

Leo John

Anthony John

John Mikel Obi

Sarah Simon John

Jonn… Robert Anthony Alexander Eric Eri…


18:360 Degree’s

9 9… I I

Isabelle Ilic

Ikenna Iheanacho

18… Roberto Todaro David Roberto Robert Brittany Hobbs Robert Tanner Powell Roberto Munoz

9… i… Ikemefuna…Infinite

The real World is the realm of the real Word…

The beautiful WAY….

This is not the Real World because the people do not use Words

the Beautiful way of Truth … which manifests

They Lie..

And so they live not in the true World nor do the walk on the True Earth.

They walk upon a stage… a simulation… A Chess Board…

As a Truth and a Lie…

Its is not the Truth which lands you on the Real World and the Truth Earth…

It is being True…

Truth does not require your permission to Exist…

But you can not deny its power..

Hurricane Michael H M… 8 13… 13 8… M.H.. Manifest Harmony…

It has landed here as a Category 4 Storm

It did not ask your permission to exist…

You can deny it all you wish, it is and if you do not get out of the way..

It will prove that you do nort exist… that you were a work in progress…

Truth is …

Being True to Truth is a Choice…

which transforms you .. Link The Rapture…

Link Michael Love post…


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