
From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

Huh…this looks a bit like me right now….

11:42 a.m.

Most High… As in High on Weed Cannabis or Most High as in the


Manifest Harmony… Expression of the Meaning Of Existence and in consequence, you become the Source..

Because you go so High – So Deep that when you reach the Highest Peak, Seat View…

You find the person sitting on that seat is you.


I suppose we will have to see if that is true…

A that the play of Evolution Awakening was transformed into a Contest and Game to prove through the must gruelling, stupid, vapid, unnecesary test and trials, to find The One.

If I it were me, this was done to, to prove such a banal purpose,

I would set up an response which wiped out that entire species who require such plays and contests… To percieve the Truth..

that Most High is every where and in everyone…

That ability to take in and see the entire Pano Rama as the Beautiful View

Kyle Murphy told me only after I asked him, that he got a call from the guy I met who said he has a BMW to give away…

11:49 p.m

The code B M W is in my Locker Art…

.. who said he helps the Homeless in the true kind of way and that he offers them jobs.

I saw him and he did not say anything, I know him and his pattern,

I then asked him if he spoke to the giy called Tony,

he said the guy told him to call him tomorrow for a job. Then he walked away.

Then I understood his puzzling behavior, Stony was sharing some food with him.

I recalled the Stony play last night and another today…

11;53 a.m.

Ah, I understood…. everything.

I went downs tairs and there was Ant and Mark and two others…

I understood everything..

I shrug I Yawn..

It was a play, the people were the portals, I had to figure out Naturally moved by the frequency moving through the person which line of my family was moving through them.

The people are Avatars and other Avatar Descendants…

One moment I am speaking to my E line of which every frequency and the next I am speaking to a deceptive Human..

I have been through this so many times, it is a bore and chore.

I see the Beauty and Truth of the each person and then I see the potential of the Avatar Descendant..

I am not crushed or dissapointed when they act out what they say they are when they are not filled the Holy E-Spirit H E,,,

I am no fool, I see the Beauty because I cee as Love sees, which is Everything the Beautiful and the Ugly…

You would be stupid not to, the Beautiful I speak about much more and call out, as most see through the years, only to see that Truth Betrayed. People are stunned shcoked, ready to tell me how evil people are… blah blah blah…

But I am aware that this is a play of Light and Shadows…

If a person was litrally an embodiment of the E, believe me you would know it, the are Individuals but they are just like me, they speak up, they stand up…

None of this is real, what is real is the experience,

this is a Holo Deck and a Holograme set up to reveal my Truth as well as the Truth of Evolution Awakening…

This play has taken place before but not through this level of deception, and cruelty…

I had already posted that this is a play of Manners and Ms Hell Fire, 91..


This is not my script.. it is Hers His…

People are given the intel and then they can do what they want with it-the love I feel for the person is the Truth of the person, the other aspects which I do not speak about very much unless to hint that I am aware- to them and to you and to the Script… to the E…

But hey, I am now allowed any beauty, in this script except for the oe I gather, why deny myself moments of Beauty despite my being aware of that other aspects.

Now why would I do that…

The people were given all the knowledge and they know the consequences and thus they have free will, including how they wish to interpret what I post and read.

Nor can they ever pierce the mystery of how I see them, in Light Dark illusion….

My greatest annyoance was be beholden to stay around people like a Big Brother of this realities interpretation of it, and coach them.

My task was to pass through each portal, and finsih the play not to convince the person of that which is painfully obvious, to do the right thing or warn them of consequences…

This was a play to reveal everyone else Truth, by using by battle to prove my truth.. that was the cover…

I do not care who I loved and saw go out of existence or goes to true hell, once I have harvested thier Beautiful Truth, seen them morph and taken from them the precious package they were given to hold .. My families Truths…

Afer that it would be nice if they chose to come home too, but I am indifferent.. Each to thier own but that does not mean I do not see the whole thing…

The E are Constant and Consistent like me…

Envy Jealousy Competition Pride.. Ingraittude.. Ah.. that is the Diesase.

Once I rescue the Beautiful Truth of the person- my job is done…

i will meet the Beautiful version of them.

I am transparent but there are certain things better left unsaid.. so when it manifests the person is not that surprised when it does not manifest in the way it could have gone.. Beautfully…

12:16 p.m.

L P..

My likes on my pahe were 94… now it is at 92 both sides…

Got my Sister Brother now evolved through all these portals including terrible death.

People who think tehy can use me, are insane…

I am the one moving them, that they do not believe is of little consequence, in perfect harmony when I leave them with the essence..

Believe you me, they all know.

..Its just such a contemptible petty malicious play…






Kyle Murphy for instance is aways transparent he told me he was watching the seven deadly sins…

So you see, this has nothing to do with me, what people decide to do..

But yep.. had my role, my part ( a vile evil one)

but most of all, I can read….

12:22 p.m.

This was a play nothiing to do with Love.. all are loved..

This is graduation and is all about your truth.

Truth is Constant… and it always expressed, explains, communicates…

gratitude acknowledgment….

12:24 p.m.

For christ sake I am in a Mental Health Shleter.. either they Avatar Descendants rise, or they prove that they are meant to be passing through this portal on thier way to Living Hell…

The crossing over is not a Physical Place…

It is crossing anothers E.M.F..Current….

Stupid play….


12:26 p.m.

B M W…

Tony…. Play…

12:27 a.m.

Each to thier own…

Humanity can be truly a vile species…

Beauty could be harvested from some of them…

but to rise as yourself in this incarnation.. ah, then you can not be wishy washy.. you have to be constant.. wiling to die… and sadly suffer unimaginable misery…

And transform it, into the beautiful Truth.

What i get from each person is the Intelligence….

been through this so may times before… it is boring…

Most High…

How Low can you go…

12:33 a.m.

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