
From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

I like this is…


… I found earlier on, in my life line,

that I did not wish to speak and declare things without

demonstrarting how i knew what I was saying was true.

I did not wish to add the Worlds, choas and Babble.. Confusion.

I did not wish to add to the Chaos and Cacaphony of the worlds commincation channels- Already clogged with thosuands of years of opinions, some even true, so few transformed into fact.

I did not wish to cerate the betrayals, by expressing something which was not emphatically true, which people could not be disspapointed by applying that philosphy and it not yeilding Fruit:’ because it had not been proven a fact Universally..

Only to me, was not enough.

There is no point in sharing an applicatio if it is not Universal, and if not universal, at least it must come from someone who C.V..Curriculum Vitae reflected his or her credentials and thier right to share intel..

Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Ludwig van Beethoven (/’l?dv?g væn ‘be?t(h)o?v?n/ (About this sound listen); German: [‘lu?tv?ç fan ‘be?tho?fn?] (About this sound listen); baptised 17 December 1770[1] – 26 March 1827) was a German composer and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Classical music, he remains one of the most recognised and influential of all composers. His best-known compositions include 9 symphonies; 5 piano concertos; 1 violin concerto; 32 piano sonatas; 16 string quartets; a mass, the Missa solemnis; and an opera, Fidelio.

Beethoven was born in Bonn, then the capital of the Electorate of Cologne and part of the Holy Roman Empire. He displayed his musical talents at an early age and was taught by his father Johann van Beethoven and composer and conductor Christian Gottlob Neefe. At the age of 21 Beethoven moved to Vienna, where he began studying composition with Joseph Haydn and gained a reputation as a virtuoso pianist. He lived in Vienna until his death. By his late 20s his hearing began to deteriorate, and by the last decade of his life he was almost completely deaf. In 1811 he gave up conducting and performing in public but continued to compose; many of his most admired works come from these last 15 years of his life.

9 symphonies; 5 piano concertos; 1 violin concerto; 32 piano sonatas; 16 string quartets; a mass, the Missa solemnis; and an opera, Fidelio

9 5 1 32 16 A M… TM.S…O…Fidelio/Loyalty..

I E … A ..CB…P..A M…. M.S… O.F…L.E

The last segment is a code- which I have been demostrating how the Human Subconscious is Aware and Awake undercover in you all.

Why should anyone listen to anyone, without showing their credentials…

or without demonstrarting thier expression is true and a fact.

I did not speak with my own authority until 2004-5…

And even, even to know, I check, confirmations which come from outside of me…

Such as the arrival of my last 4 Facebook Friends- mirror in perfect timing the response of leap Year, 2016…




D D D … H..P.T…. Harmony in Perfect Timing – Responds..

See Jennifer Cone 10-13-1969…

Jump Man MW69… Reflecting my expression as the source and Original Moon Landing aligned with that of Neil Armstrong..

Neil means ‘Passion Cloud Champion: Arm Strong….

Link Neil Furby

And codes on my equation d Altar Model Art the codes of letters I found and placed on the Equation ( Blindly constructing it through 6th senses and moving pieces of it like chess, only through moments of awareness which came naturally over the course of 24 months in the shelter and 5 moves- where each time the equation was destroyed by the people in the shelter or by me, when my room was moved.

F N…

F N =T…20 2O,,,

Truth Be.. 22 V…

*Neil Alden Armstrong was an American astronaut and aeronautical engineer who was the first person to walk on the Moon. He was also a naval aviator, test pilot, and university professor.


Lived: Aug 05, 1930 – Aug 25, 2012 (age 82)

Height: 5′ 11

N A-A.

8-5-1930…. H E… S. C O.

(P.N ..Perfectly Natural.. 30… Robert Kyle Murphy is 30 today)

8-25-2012 ..H Y…( H B E) T L… ( True Love… 32 C B.. 5.. E)

Height 5′ 11… E.K.

Moon Landing … M L. 13 12= 25.. Y.

1.13 a.m,

1:14 a.m.



Merge A M A N…..

1;15 a.m..


A M A N O…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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