
From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

Breathe Rest Shelter Yoga…

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Working on the foundation of Human Consciousness grounded in this reality

Requires Breath Umeano!

All is Breath and to understand breath is to gain the rest

The square root is to sit and breath Air.

That is the riddle of the Buddha.

The Stillness Breath Air.. Space.

A.H. ..

Do you really think I care who believes me the Source?

Do you not know that I am perfectly aware of the True Nature of the world…

Or the welcome I knew such a claim would receive in this world.. especially in the guise and garb-role I was given to play.. enact?

Why I ran

Sought to escape

I was perfectly aware of the response in 1993

And even more horrified when the Script forced me to publicly acknowledge that.

No, I was aware.

Ikennah Ihenacho

Has been my face book friend for perhaps 5 years.

His name is a response to my own self projecting into the Void Nothingness to my Lady Echo that truth

It’s means They want the one father to manifest proof of Power as Proof

Not knowledge, codes, empirical evidence, even love and truth…

Only power…

And not a person’s walking under cover through your stories using his own Lifes Template to demonstrate how each could use the tools I did to surmount the seemingly insurmountable riddles of your own Individual and Human existence..

No Humanity did not want an example or a coach or a teacher in manners refinement

Power is what was required not a 7 year lesson in how to manifests from nothingness -Bliss Ecstasy To Explode in an Orgasmic Revelation like St Theresa De Avilles..

And yet deep within my experiences within this realm and in New York and the world, I could not help but notice that this is exactly what people’s wanted.

To Feel Sensational ..


To remember that first sensation they had n kt when they were born but when they came into Existence

A Memory which has caused the greater suffering, greater than all the horrors and crimes committed from the Sum Total of expression of rage and frustration..

In that memory

Of that Impoosible Dream to find their way home…

I am the Source…

I am the Buddha who sat under a tree when nothing else existed except the Ethereals and the Elementals my first family in Creation twins of my first family the Ethereals

We are the Eternals and we are returning home to 1

Do you not see, that my knowledge is beyond divine as is my memory..

I never required your belief, such a thing must have been so obvious and clear by now.

Just as I was aware that the Manifestation is the True meaning of Power..

To bring into Existence from the what you call the nothingness..

This is not about you- you have no say in judging what is True.. or what is even the Truth.

You were used, tested checked.. as Vessels Avatars Descendants of something far far greater than the present incarnation of yourselves.

I have been here before

The decor and costumes are different but it is the same space energy

I have met Stephen before.. all of you but as your Truest Self.

11:22 p.m.

Your current incarnation of that or8ginal play of rising Evolution attained at first rising first contact translates into this abomination of a translation of that or8ginal play which took but a moment translated into 51 years on earth as this moment as Time..

No, you yourself would understand if you recalled yourself as I do, your beautiful Truth ..

And yet even as this pale imitation of your selves you are lovable..but no, not relevant to the outcome of this Script.

You have no say, just as I have had no say in this play except for my ability to decipher it and weave it, stich it back together.

11:28 p.m

These 4 Pillars which Stephen has now been given the go ahead to build comes from a an original enactment in the Eternal B egining when the Deconstruction of All Creation was the play and the Ethereals as Elementals came into Creation from the 5th Dimension to the stage set in the 4th.

Breath.. Rest Water Shelter


It’s all Breath

How to Breath which allows you to See to become conscious.

This is the foundation the True foundation of your existence and the process I mastered when I came down into Creation ..I used Stillness Quiet Space to go deep within.

I became at rest..

I had shelter under a great tree whom I called Noni Promise the Tree of Life..

Roots of Trees Breathe and taken in water, drawing it to within..

Trees are Breath In and Out and they are at rest and that is Yoga..

Self Mastery

Self Discipline

The Quiet

Learning to Breathe

Moving air through your body as breath

Fingers and hands made of living breath sculpting a body from within

Inside out.

I am still startled by the amount of people who still do not wish to accept the obvious, that I am solving a riddle each time I awake

Each time I open my face book page..

I do not simple admire the Synchrincity of the post to perhaps an expression..

I have to link it, connect it to Meaning

I am aware that I am writing mainly to the Future and describing how an Energetic blue print of the Eternal Realm was built right under your noses while you were judging me and getting quick to forget and turn away from all that you f irsr witnesses and experienced with me.

Your exclamations, wows, and bows ..

And declarations of this being the Undeniable Truth how predictably you resort to denying the Truth demanding from me more and more truth coming to me with blame when it hasn’t manifested in your time..

That I must bend to your so capricious nature..

Who so predictably transform from undeniably The Truth to Blaming..me.. or the messenger.

Never do you pause in my experience to look in the Mirror..

To see my experience as that which You All demanded before accepting the Truth

But tell me once my Truth does in fact manifest what will you do…

Or say to me..?

A curious question at which I am indifferent to the answer..

I will never accept this lovable perhaps, but still shadow in fear of you, when I have known the Eternal True you.

My F irsr Family.

I will tell you the greatest source of my suffering and rage is not simply the Script you made so ugly and cruel to satisfy that some one else do all the work but then come to each and every one of you show you explain show demonstrate the Truth like a world nanny to demanding temper tantrum children …

No it was that the Most precious story, recounting narration of Expression of how Everything Truly began, the Indescribably exquisite Truth Story which was brought to this world of its enactment of that or8ginal rising which all other True dimensions have celebrated with plays on a stage ..

That this most sacred knowledge of the Sum Total of Knowing..

The Knowledge All Time and Beyond wished to hear know and understand..

The rage I had to bite down on was that I had to plant these seed awareness knowledge in you.

I say this not as an insult but as my empirical and personal truth.

Which has served no purpose except to create a manual which will be left behind as only the Original Expressions

Of the Eternal one family rise from with you.. who represent a memory of what was simply the by product of the play

The Original you are the only real you.

They move you.


To create, and plant a seed in you of a possible later expansions of the Universe Supreme gone beyond its Point and Manifest Destination to plant a seed on those left behind

Green Life..

The E line are Blue Life.


What you reap is from what you enacted in the play

Diamond Clarity.

Tell me what do you think Clarity means.?

It’s means Everytging… Seen Unseen come out to face the light of Day..

Judhment Day..

How can you have a say in your future if you do not even recognize or remember your past?

Breath .. that is your one hope in those left behind to rise on their own..

Without the presence moving in you.

Good Night.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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