
From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

Bruce Lee…

Brooke Lee Lemery.

It is the same way, with people whom the Universe sent me here ( at great personal cost… which I will never forgive), to train the line I have Identified as the Universal Sensie’s

Some stayed consistent by staying loyal to the Script and choosing to Focus their Attention on it.

Others, simply wait for me to prompt them, which kind of makes me their Slave.

They focus on the play only when I remind them.

And I do the reminding only because I had to move them to complete their parts, their roles from which their higher selves as E must be completed.

After which I let such people go.

Because they chosen not to focus attention on the E by their own free will but only by the prompting of me, forced into this role because the laziness to do it in their own.

Dependence on me.

That was the last test…

After being shown everything, all the love effort work done, all evidence and proof.

In the end, some as the line of I

Individuals rise to E

And others, go off and do their own thing.

2:13 p.m


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