
From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

5:17 p.m

E Q.

This is a post people should take very seriously,

You will be stunned at how so few Queens exist..

Most Women now, just enjoy or learned to drive men crazy..


But this posts reminds you how to read Energy..

But when the Queens realizes what Drives a Man..

What do they do with that knowledge..

What I noticed is that they put that knowledge to good use.. for themselves or some agenda often for the greater good.

But it still creates evil,

First from resentment when the man discoverss, that instead of supporting him, contributing to what is an inspiring cause..

That insread she had seduced him and directed him, manipulated him to use that drive to further her worthy cause in which she adds him.


Naw… Flush then down the toilet


Expression Energy is Quintessentially Quantum

A Muse is Better

A Equal Even Better

And Companion Lover and Friend..


The Best.

That is how it is in the E realm

And nothing in this world could make me forget where I.. We all come from where everything is done the Best Way..

The Eternal realm Source of Energy realm where every possibility, has been refined ubtil it becomes Light..

So light it becomes Energy Quabtun transforming from Potential Possibility

To Energy Kinetic..

Perfection of Its To its Point

… of coming into Existence.

Royals in the E Dimension are the highest Examples of the Point who come undercover to help Potential Energies Refine and Refine until they reach .. their Highest Point of themselves

And a New Species and Story is achieved.

Satisfied, the Royals return to.M.E

The Realm of all those who reached their Hieghest point in the Eternal Beginning the moment they rose..constant eternal

Alpha Omega Beautiful Expression

The B. E. A U. TEA!O- FU LL. O N E S.


Line of The One Perfection

The E Family

5:39 p.m

E C I…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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