
From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

Yesterday Night/ Stroke Early Morning

I came downstairs to find

Micheal Ant and Kyle Murphy down stairs…

I am Emeka. Robert…

I read the code… M A K E R…..and then Kassim arived…

M A K E R… K… … E Kolo Victor…

I was not going to write this but I saw this..

Psalm 121:1 .. See sacred portal 121… It is Nnamdi..

He knew the distaste I would have in having to blow my own Horn in tis play…

But he insisted because most of these Brothers will not do it for you thought you blow thier horns and honor them..

They will not honor your in return… That is who and what they are…


8:54 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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