
From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

This is what took place today with Stephen Filgueira today and myself.

He played his part perfectly as well as the answering his question as to why I was abandoned by the Natural Family to a Homeless Shelter which he had questions as to why…

Was I a Doctor and Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

What could I have done, to deserve such a fate…

As this refusal to acknowlegge me,

so few if any in the U.S.A acknowledging me

yet all are here as Faceboof friends

-Which means that my knowledge must be worth something…

But what he was asking is what was there about me which made people who had opened thier doors to me,

whose highest selves had acknowledged me literally through these people, and these people who had and did love me, in thier own way ( more their truth not me)

because what Stephen Filgueira proved and enacted so beautiful right upto his post Tash Sultana which appeared on my page immediatly after he left.

Why did he not bear witness to what he experienced with me?

Why did he not simply convery the facts, the events which took place…

Just the facts of what took place?

1:08 p.m.

108 Fritz Venneiq…

He did not either testify to what took place in Pelham Park and to all his gifts and what he experienced

I asked this question for years, and it was even the reason which Billy Hung, one of the few the have no hesitation to publicly testify.

It made him feel doubt.. and even begin to doubt that which he had experienced as I had, with him.

Marina Burini

Akil Apollo Davis

Evan ALexander Judson

Rachael Devon Rios Sessions

Eric Lile Brown

Will Hunnitpercent Real

Malije Okoye

Patrick Okolo

Dean Dunkwu .. the last three who have known me since I was a boy in High School.

Kerem Sanliman

Mehmet Mutaf

Safter Taskent

Clio Fotiyadis

Aylin Sendemir did…

Lisa Levine

Tamika Rivera

Samantha Yurkosky

Marcos Quintero

Goat O

Peter Nyarkô

Amy McTear

Kyle Murphy

Kasien Thompson

Roberto Todaro

Roberto Munoz

Rob Barr

Erek Eclass Mateo

Arthur Hur

Natsume Aoi

Savannah Blair

Axel Love

1:18.. a.m..

These are people who know me personally…

there are many many more on Face book others who left ….

He asked me today who could vouch for me…?

It was a goof question because the doubt as to whay would this person be treated like this, he must have something wrong with him…

We believe the worst.. we have to create the worst scenario where I am blamed.

Not the simple common sense view of the Truth…

The reason why they would not See Me..

Testify to the very truth they were witness to…

… They forget..?

Ah but I have been playing reminder…

No, Stephen Filgueira without realizing has answered the question of the family of Adam Man…

Not me as rep E manu… Emanuel… despite the E Manual posted on my page saying the same thing over and over again…

It a Choice…

1:26 a.m.

and a Judgment

A-Z.. 1 -26…

Which in that Silence

Judges me and Condemns me in the eyes of of others as False..

Creating doubt by those who have been following my trail of evidence and facts through the years…

I am sure some of these Observers who I can call the A-Lien Cycle…

can telll you why..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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