
From Brooke Lee Lemery

From Brooke Lee Lemery


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And so it is the same for the Human Race evolved to Hue Man Beings Harmonic Being of Harmony

It took quite a process to reach the Point of which was the Species Destination

Being 8

April 8th 2019

April means Open

To the True Hue Man Being.

The past you was just an illusion part of the process to get us to the Point of Evolution and consequently, to Harmony

Consciousness of Infinity.

Everything other part of our past selves served the purpose of getting is to the E.A

Evolution Awakening to our True Identity.

And the one first person or being to get to 5th at point, is the one who begins the Evolution Awakening of Everything .

As for the past selves, they are all discarded because none of them were real.

And anyone not raining with the Point having been reached, then they cease to exist because they are not real.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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