
From Brooke Elizabeth Banwer

From Brooke Elizabeth Banwer

From Brooke Elizabeth Banwer

Thank you Brooke, this is really quite extraordinary…

and the deeper implication is that the Cave Dwellers in incubation in their I-Pods

Individual Pods..(Thier individual Universes Worlds)

have transformed their Dreaming -Sleeping (D.S..Represented by Donna O’Sullivan line) into Beauty…and Truth..

A much better Vision than Bears in Hibernation in Caves, Bearing the Load of Christ passion as Pain and Suffering, Be content with your Lot

Death is transformed Back to its true name Beauty, instead of the Thief, lurking in the Temple (your Body)- who steals your heart Beaut and Soul Breath

the awareness and fear that you can die at any time..

Beautiful Death is Lord Beauty

Yes Hues are the Ah!!! of our Christ…

Word and Voice..

and True Meaning..

In the Cave, underground and in sides of the Mountain called Life, in the Darkness, and its the Darkness.. , Flesh and surrounding darkness which you must not fear but rather Transform..into Beautiful Expression as this artist did…

Dark Thoughts into reflections of Beauty which brings Light.. and the attention of the world.

Meaning do not tell me, to at me,

Show me…


Not Will I a.m Tell…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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