
From Bronson Ware B W. – *” – Die

From Bronson Ware B W.

Diesel 1944
When someone is gaslighting you, it means that they are doing things that cause you to end up questioning your own sanity. The term came from the film Gaslight, which was based off a play from the 1930’s. In the film, the main character is a narcissistic. Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that occurs in abusive relationships. It is an insidious, and sometimes covert, type of emotional abuse where the bully or abuser makes the target question their judgments and reality. 1??????? Ultimately, the victim of gaslighting starts to wonder if they are going crazy.
Here are 8 tips for responding and taking back control.
First, make sure it’s gaslighting. …
Take some space from the situation. …
Collect evidence. …
Speak up about the behavior. …
Remain confident in your version of events. …
Focus on self-care. …
Involve others. … ?A gaslighter may not truly be aware of, or may refuse to acknowledge that their behavior is the problem. Even if a person is practicing gaslighting behavior without being consciously aware of it.
Getting Past Gaslighting.
Keep a journal. Write down your account of actions or conversations you think might be twisted or denied later.
Get a second opinion.
G66D B75????”

Well said.

G.L 7 12. 19 84- 103 .
13 M… 1O3 163.
G “66”
B 75 ( & Continents 5 Oceans)

Charles Atlas.
Planet Earth Mapped.

3:11 pm.
C K.
Clark-in K.E.NT.
C-A-A C-Axel Anderdon

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