
From Boodogay Chetah GaoDein

From Boodogay Chetah GaoDein

Jesus Wept John 11:35…

Code K.C.E.

Jesus wept for tears of Beautiful Sadness and Quiet Joy…

There is an empirical reason I state this,

In 2OO4, I wrote a Creation story where the family of 55 rose in me,

the Family of the Fifth Dimension, who had incarnated in this Story of the World, and who existed undercover in the Soul of Humanity.

Enacting out Characters which they had created, along with plays which they acted out here, to inspire Humanity forwards in the journey towards the point of this current Existence..

The Question of Why are we Here?

Unfortunately, each act they played out, in which they were born in forgetfulness, only to rise through death (Forgetting) back to memory and the purpose or Play which they came to fulfill.

But each plays interpretation was twisted, often intentionally…

Until the Truth of Each expression, its purpose message and meaning became so distorted that it became completely unrecognizable.

In the Creation Story, the original family who created these roles, moved through me, (sort of a body becoming a radio which can tune into frequency of all that ever was, sort of an Akashic Record, or a Encircling river where every expression as Truth River which moves to the portal of True Life and expression as Lies- River Styx in Greek Mythology…)

One of the last incarnations was the Yeshua (Jesus Story)-

In that scene of the Book, the family have incarnated as Arch Angels, but very different from the current human awareness of what Arch Angels are…

The Arch Angels representing A Wave Length of Consciousness which form Rainbow 1-7..8…And 1OO Hues of Spectrum…1O8..1O1…9..1…1O

One Full Circle…

The Circle in the Creation Story is a literal Portal, A Pool, which if you enter, or dive in, takes you into different dimensions, each Dimension was meant to be aligned to the True story, though each dimension represented the different version of the same story, taking place on the highest level to the most grounded level…Lowest Common denominator to the Highest…

In the dimension of the Jesus Story we have a scene where Gabriel and Raphael are traveling in the present story..Star Wars and the Star trek story…They peer into the pool or portal and observe with Horror and outrage at what has been done to their Brother and Sister’s play down on Earth.. The Play of Mary Myrrh and Joseph Jesus (Yoseph Yeshua) and the cause effect to the present story…

Gabriel so horrified by the level of the distortion of her brothers truth that she dives head long into the portal to the dimension of where the Root cause and effect of this perversion of the Truth lay..

She plunges into a dimension of utter Blackness and with her flaming Sword encounters the Great Spider Witch of the Perverted Human Existence as Death through Violent destruction..

And another the Great War Lock…

The Two principles which grew in power, fed by Humans feeding upon lies..

Raphael follows behind her warning her, that the horrors below are aware that she would come.. But it is too late, though she Slays the great Witch, she falls under the Spell of the Great Warlock, also the great Hypnotist…

And drains her of all her power, making her believe She is not who She is, and then to seal it into her Psyche he brutally rapes her over and over again, until the Horror is indented in her…

And she believes… And She who represents Joy, comes to become the principle of Pain and Suffering…

Which the War lock purrs to Raphael whom he can not infect, because Raphael built a protective forcefield around himself by using the power of his Song…

I will use Her Divine Energy of Truth to Infect the whole world..and fill it with Pain and suffering, and the only way you can save Her, and what I will do to Humanity for their creating me, by choosing to live in lies, is make them exist in the consequence of their choices…I will bring them Pain and Suffering Misery…But it is you I want, your Principle of Love Healing and Song…

For I wish to destroy Love, Happiness, Healing and Song forever more…

And so, Raphael finally concedes to the Great Warlock, and the next instant, Gabriel and Raphael are transported and transported to a a home in london where they are a little boy and girl, hiding under a Bed as they watch Beams of Light, filled with the presence of Angelic Beings moving through their bed room…

Yes in my story, I recall that scene vividly as a child age 2 or 3, where I had observed presences in my room, and from the top section of the bunk bed, I lay upon looked down to see if my sister was alright, only to find the bed, empty.

I climbed down and saw that she was under the bed, staring up at these beams of Light… I joined her there… strangely I had no fear whatsoever, as if I understood..

A few years later, in Canada where we had moved to, I was in our home at 1O5 Wiltshire Bay, when I recall seeing a Man who appeared in the Wall.. I must have been 7-8.. it was the same period where I had traveled through Space of my third Eye… I used to fly all the time, right up to my late twenties…I had witnessed the meeting of ascended beings, Kings and two queens from the History of the World having a meeting about Pangea…

And one in which my Family dropped me off on a mission and then my writing a book of the Evolution Awakening and the Destruction of the Old world…

And finally the image of this man who appeared in my wall…

A man I knew who he was immediately though I did not associate him with the name Jesus for years…

I just knew him and after three days on my way, with his gaze looking at me so sadly, as if pitying me, I told my Parents…

I recounted all this…

In the Creation story, which rose from me in 2OO4, similar to when I wrote the first book age age, but this time I was literally moved and communicating with a Family so beloved to me, that I would weep when they I no longer felt them…

In our combined retelling of the Original story which for 11 years, I would find myself being forced to prove it into existence…

Was the story of the mission which was to come undercover and correct the play which had manifested the power of the Great Witch Spider- the Weaver of the Web of lies and The Great War Lock…

*See The Greek legend of Nyx and her Children…

From Wikipedia… See the Riddle and the Alignment with the play on my page..

NYX was the goddess of the night, one of the ancient Protogenoi (first-born elemental gods).

In the cosmogony of Hesiod she was born of Air (Khaos), and breeding with Darkness (Erebos) produced Light (Aither) and Day (Hemera), first components of the primeval universe. Alone, she spawned a brood of dark spirits, including the three Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife and Pain.

Nyx was a primeval goddess usually represented as simply the substance of night: a veil of dark veil of mist drawn forth from the underworld which blotted out the light of Aither (shining upper atmosphere). Her opposite number was Hemera (Day), who scattered the mists of night, or Eos, the goddess of the dawn.

In ancient art Nyx was portrayed as a either a winged goddess or charioteer, sometimes crowned with an aureole of dark mist.

The Mission undercover was in order to move the World to the True Present the Message of Salvation of the Anointed Word..

Save the Word of God

The World is made of Words, and the Word is anointed with Truth and Love…Ceeing Beautiful Expression

The Mission became the War to realign Words and Language back to the Wave which created the 1-7 Colors and the 1-8..First and Last Light called Harmony Full Circle O.H..Which is the Unseen Hand which moves Everything to Logos Order Violet Energy..L.O.V.E…

And E.V.O.L..Evolve, Evolution…

In 2OO5, I found myself in Augusta Georgia, visiting my late Uncle Lord Charles widow and my cousins- I felt my task had been completed, I had been in New York for almost 4 years, I had been trained and lived the one Existence I had not yet explored…The complete surrender of my self to this play to see me where it would lead me to…

And I was incredulous that it was very much the Yeshua Christ story… Walking the world but with no 12-13 disciples…

I finding myself seeing the correlation my life reflecting that story, which people had commented on, about to me for a while which I had scoffed at..

until I realized that my Word I was playing the Part of a Prophet! Jesus, Holy E-spirit!..NZE Nri priest…!

*Older Face book friends might recall my expression of indignation, recorded here on getting the evidence that affirmed my own conclusion, and my desperate attempts to get out of that Casting that Role…

Agusta Georgia, A.G..1-7… I stayed there, and listen to my young cousin each reveal a revelations through dreams and vision which they could not share with their Mother, who was an ardent Catholic…and who did not wish to confront the mystical visions of her children…

One of them spoke of a constant vision of the 12 Disciples all lying in a room asleep or what appears to be Stasis…

He is the only one awake, and knows that he is awake because he must awake the 12 at the right time…

I never realized it, until too late that I had passed through that home of my Aunt, was a portal through the story of the Church…

I began to get suspicious when I realized the Day I left April 2nd was the very same day the Pope John Paul died…

And in a Grey Hound bus, an outrage took place which made me stand up for some people being addressed so rudely by the driver because they were poor and because of that allowed themselves to be addressed in a manner which finally made me stand up…

But the moment I stood up, I felt I had been conned in another dimension, to agree for another play..

A few months later, I Geoff Lacour whom I mentioned often in this play as a the Highest incarnations of the E-spirit Plays, flew over from St Barths to visit me in Hells Kitchen…where I Had been staying…

He stayed with me and he informed me that I can not go home yet..

Vexed, I asked why?

He said You have got to go and get the Children

And later as we sat outside a cafe near Elizabeth Street, he said that I have to destroy the Church

I have to destroy the Church.. would sound ridiculous seen through the perception of this reality…

But we were both undercover, I knew his true Identity just as he knew mine, having made a Handwritten book and presented it to me after the 2nd day we had met and he had done something so extraordinary to me- to test and check who I was undercover…

Destruction of the Church, Save the Children, Correct the Families of 1O..55 Story, or they could not rise…

All the Dimensions (Multiple Universes), had to be realigned to one..

All versions of the Story and its cause and effect through Each perfect Symmetry called Sound and Full Circles, Hearing and restoration of the 5 Senses…

A Sensie, whom the Elemental and Ethereal Consciousness’s, the First Born’s of Existence Creation Justice Balance Expression…

E.C.J.B.E…Had to be realigned..

See the image of the Birds in alignment shared by Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

Or the portal- Worm Hole would not open…

It has been 11 years since I completed that Creation Story, 1O-11, since I was in Augusta Georgia…

And 9 years since I first stepped into Generation X Gardens, at 268 East 4th Street…

9 years…9 planets.. 9 months in the Mothers Womb..

9-11..9, 1O-11….

Galaxy I.C. 11-O1 X…

Milky Way Andromeda…

Thus, one can see that this posts, Post John Paul to Pope Francis…

Quote from Pope John Paul..

As the family goes, so goes the nation, and so goes thee world we live in today…

The Future is not tomorrow, it is Today

The manuscript, The True Conversation between Ahtom and Energy E..

Is all about the Nucleus, the story of Family…

John means Grace of the Creator, Paul means Humble..

Real name Karol Jozef Wojtyla…K.J.W…May 18th 192O

Francis means Free Man he is the 266th Pope…

Real name Jorge Mario Bergoglio J.M.B..December 17, 1936…97 years old..

Pls refer to sacred portal 97 Light of the World

He lives in the Domus Sanctus Martha Vatican City…..Martha.. Mary Martha Lazarus of Bethany- beloved of Jesus…Martha means Lady… Just as does the name Donna O’Sullivan… Ma Donna and Prima-Donna…Mary Martha Twin sisters undercover playing a role to merge MM to 26 8…

Domus Sanctus Home (House Structure) Holy (Sanctified Anointed)

Martha (Lady- Mistress of the Home and House..in this case the Energetic Play, it is the Body…)

See the equation in the code name of my Face Book Friend…

Frances Martha (Lady- Mistress of the House

D.S..M…These letters for the initials of both Donna O’Sullivan and her Daughter Sophia M….Who I have observed through the alignment of the Equation Riddles I have been solving, and to the Play of the Book Sophie’s World S.W), and finally to Donna and her daughters Natural enactment and play linked from The Bean at 54 2nd and 3rd…Representing the Double UU..As Linked form the equation Wu-Man…5th Dimension Man transformed into Wuman, his Female Form…

A Full Circle…

Donna is the Mistress and Lady of the House and Home…

V.C…Vatican City…Links to Vicki Cashmore…

and the code Vie Cee…Meaning to Live is to Cee, and we do not see with our Eyes, but rather with Consciouness- Conscious Hearing..

For in our Ears are the instrument and tools of Balance..

Thor and The Black Smith…

What is a Pope…?

P.O..P.E… A Post Office of Physical Expression

which has to be transformed by the Office of the Pope back into Energetic Expression Transmissions, linking the Two Realm as Physical and Energetic… Energy Atom…back into one and relay transmission communications linking the realm Beyond called the 5th Dimension and the 3 Dimension and the Story of this World..

Thus Hermes Mercury is the Messenger able to translate all Human expression of Individuals, and Cee and Translate the C.T their Conscious Truth into the language of their Higher Self..

Pen Pals..is what these two become until finally merging through this clean translations of the Pope that your Letters and Expression reaches the Lord Creators Ears

A Pope is the Energetic Embodiment of a Transformer and his Staff and Rod are the Electric Poles and Wires which understand and translates all Expression and Experiences into the Beautiful Truth of the Real World Beyond but also present right here…

He is the Understand of the Brain as the Earth and the Word as the World… And the He is the Middle Man- the Post office, who lives astride two World and His work is to prove them One..

By publicly speaking out in Daily Motion..

Transforming everything His pure Clean transparent Being picks up from the Expression of the People and events of the World.. into the Truth of why such things manifested…

He is the principle of the Cee of Truth, which makes him akin the the Holy Espirit.. H.E..

For He is the E, the Expression Voice Consciousness of Existing in this World while have access to the great Library of True Nature and the Realm he recalls All are from

The Pope must have the True Story…

or he can not be the Pope.. Nor the Father of the World..

The Pope must remember the Truth..

That is what a Father Does.. He is the Guide

The one who understands the Wind and transforms into into beautiful Expression.. He is the one with an Ear to the Ground and understands what is going on in the Streets the Grass roots as well as the Palaces of Kings..

The Pope is the Consciousness of Truth

as well as the Conscience of the Entire world..

He is the Reminder… A voice from another world..

This is the Mercy..

Mercy is path uniting God and Man, for it opens up the heart to the hope of Eternal love.. (M.V2)

M.V…2? I am at Mountain View..

Mercy is really Universal Understanding, and the act of Explanation Reminding is the Absolute expression of True Love..

M.U..SI C..= R.U.E… of Truth..

Ofo Dile…

The Truth resides with the Surf Board of the Silver Surfer…

The Tongue the Sword of Truth..

And yes, I played the Pope for the past 11 years, our kind of pope… That was my last role undercover, which I have been aware of for over a decade but I kept that mostly to myself, because that was simply a Cover for a deeper Black Op’s Mission..

Restore the Eternal Night Erebus to its Truth..

the Evanescent Luminosity

Diana… David.. Daniel Deborah Dana Dune…

To the DO Rey ME…Fa- T.H.E..R..Roberto…

The One Day Dawns…



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