
From Bandara Rma… B.R….O.

From Bandara Rma… B.R….O.

From Bandara Rma… B.R….O.

I noticed that this was shared by Bandara on May 11, 2016.



Emeka Kolo…. 20 16….36….9…I.

I was at 18 Mountain View at that time, chez John Blackwell – John Delguidce ( J.B…J.D..) And Donna O Sullivan… D.O.S…D.S…

Where I spent 9 months exactly, to the day with them.

Jon and Donna… J.D.

It is also where I became Face Book Friends with Jean Ann Dortch really Fey Mirach… F.M…

*FM broadcasting is a method of radio broadcasting using frequency modulation (FM) technology. Invented in 1933 by American engineer Edwin Armstrong, it is used worldwide to provide high-fidelity sound over broadcast radio. FM broadcasting is capable of better sound quality than AM broadcasting, the chief competing radio broadcasting technology, so it is used for most music broadcasts. FM radio stations use the VHF frequencies. The term FM band describes the frequency band in a given country which is dedicated to FM broadcasting.’


Fact Manifest Being….

In my Sacred Portal designed and created to replace the Tarot of the Ancient Egyptians, and to end the portals of the Maze which ended now where, it is represented by sacred portal 54. Mother and Father- Father and Mother…

J.D…and F.M…. The two codes which Lady Fey operates under- one Fact and the other Fiction; form an equation.

J.F… Link Jade Ford… J.F… 106… 16… Confirmed on Sacred Portal 104 with the number 16…and sacred portal 88… both confirmed by the response being moved in this Matrix play yesterday with those unaware of their being moved- while I representing the Awareness Observer Expression narrated to you all, the Witnesses its manifestation which witnesses here such as Lisa Natalie Johnson and Robert Vlaun could will attest to, since they were and are present within it as Witness and Spy…and Lisa collaborator…

D.M…. Delta Manor… rep by Daniel Maman formerly of Go Antiques…

The question which we pose is which is the Fiction and which is the Fact…

Jean or Fey…?

Jean is a feminine form of the name John….

Fey means Fairy in French.

Jonn Blackwells… Represented the John… and Donna O’Sullivan represented the Fairy folk in the play.

But I who arrived there with a James Dean poster J.D…

A Wand made out of Wood which the Colors of the Rainbow painted in it, as well as a poster of the colors of the Rainbow was representing three dimensions of the Play through the embodiment of meaning….

John Jean means ;Gift of the Creator- I gifted both John and Donna- he the poster of James Dean and She two Books one called Sophies Word ( which was the name of her Daughter) and another about Marriage…

And then I did the work of resolving those issues- the Lost youth of Jon and the story of his Father and the resolution from the spell of the Black World of Ras as the imposter…

And of Donna and her daughter, and the story of their marriage….

John Jean also means God is Gracious…

I worked 24/7 with them as well as the codes which I taiught Donna while posting solving the riddles before the entire world for 9 months day and night…

As for the Fairy world represented by Donna’s Slav and Celtic ancestry.. as well as her Name meaning Lady aligned to Sacred portal 37..The ascension of Wu-Man Sophia O Laurel…

Sophia means John…

In my creation story the 8 members of the family of Mother and Father.. ( M.A.F/ F..A.M…) Wisdom John is the 5th Aspect and his twin aspect is Beautiful Pride the 6th…. 56…

* I am presently seated besides Frank one of the regulars here.

Emeka Frank…

Frank means Free Person and comes from the French word Franco…

E.F… 5 6…

Anne means Grace

Which was established already as Solfeggio Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti..

from the human vocals… A Song… And not from instruments as again reflected in 18 Mountain View.. Including the AMP..that was fixed there by Ted, called the Boogie… And Jonn’s band when he was a kid called Dark Matter

FM broadcasting is a method of radio broadcasting using frequency modulation (FM) technology. Invented in 1933 by American engineer Edwin Armstrong,…

*Edwin Armstrong… E.A… Niel Armstrong… N.A…Louie Armstrong…LA! 6th Note….

1933… Yes Jamel and myself… he is 33… I am rep the year 1984 D.O.B. Which I transform into after I solved the riddles of 65…My Sis… 66 Fiction Fact, which I am completing right now, and 67, 68, 69…70 71 72 *Tarot are 72, 73 ( E.T) 74…75…To Reach 76…

Which was represented by Erek Eclass Mateo E E M…/ME..E…

Sacred Portal 123 Cocksure of the Awakening.

1575.. I was Taina Vasquez 1575 Face Book Friend….

15= Letter O…And A.E…Armstrong Edwin… 7 5 is the Planet as well as Rainbow Solfeggio….

15=6…675…/ 5 76…E..76… So we are at the point according to the Riddle Matrix of the R.M…Room as Existential Death ( Rock Marciano… 49 K.O…Record broken by Floyd May Weather… the Grey Haired Man Wizard MW..Posting for 9 Months almost to the day from 1385 Starbucks cafe Woods Metropolitan…

And the accommodation awarded him by this present Human Consciousness and Judgment and appreciation of his Devotion for the betterment and evolution of the species…

Dorch is a name origins Germany from a place called Silesia ( Sile S.IA… Sage Issac Albert the three I met the first day I found 268 East 4th St Alpha Bet City.. Generation X Garden Sia’ means Black’ in Turkish..* Language is MUSIC… Waves…

One of the many ways Dortch is spelt is During

It means Dortch Meaning: one who lived at the sign of the small cod Fish… C.F… Chris Franco… C.O.D.E… F.I.S.H….E…. F.I…96… 96% Dark Matter… S.H…E… Siren Mermaid… Pisces….Yeshua…

-Another Story moved to fact….

Thus we have 56…5 6….Links to fact….

Sacred Portal 104.. Come Pass me Compass Me.. Deaths Declaration of War …Cloak Of Death E..S… C O D E…

It also means one who lived by an Oak Tree or a Stream…

Sky Oak Speaker I lived with a person by that name Park Slope 2003.. See play post of OAK Tree .. Wizards… Fairiy Celtic World..

Stream of Consciousness…


Definition of Mirach


: a red giant star of the second magnitude that is seen in the constellation Andromeda

NGC 404 is the nearest example of a lenticular galaxy, and therefore of great interest. But it lies hidden in the glare from a red giant star called Mirach. — Space Daily, 3 Nov. 2008

—called also Beta Andromedae

I am in Bed 4-04… Room 4.

*The Sun joins Mirach on April 19

Fixed star Mirach, Beta Andromedae, is a 2.1 magnitude yellow star in the left hip, or girdle of the Chained Woman, Andromeda Constellation. The traditional name Mirach is a corruption of the Arabic name ???? (mizar) which means girdle. Not to be confused with the fixed star Mizar (? Ursa Major). The galaxy NGC 404, also known as Mirach’s Ghost, is visible seven arc-minutes away.

Beta Andromeda…. 21 Yellow Star…. R.O.Y… 3rd…

Galaxy NGC. 404… N is 14th Letter… G is 7th… C..Is third..

147 3… See sacred Portal 147… A.. B B… 3… C…

Mirach’s Ghost… M.G…. M=1000 in Roman Numerals… 10007 I was at the number of Face Book Friends yesterday with T.V… Taina Vasquez.. Linked to 268 East 4th St.. A.Santana… Edwin Albert Rodriguez Santana whose portal I passed through

April 19th is the Day I left 18 Mountain View…

9 months to the day..

It is also the birth date of Donna’s Father.. Robert..

– Meaning I passed through all these portals.

Mirach is an old proud Welsh name Meuric which is ‘Maurice

-Yes my Bio Fathers Name…

It means Dark…


(plural mirachs)

(medicine, obsolete) The abdominal wall. [15th-17th c.]


From Late Latin mirac, mirach, from Arabic ???? (maraqq), from ?? (raqqa, “to be soft”).

Girdle… Stomach 3rd Chakra.. 3rd Color Yellow… Soft…

Dark… Dark Matter….within the Stomach.. the Break down of foods.. Bacteria… Space.. the break down of Universal Body… Earth Planets..

Yes.. I find my self solving yet again…

Thus here have sacred portal 87…

Which shows a Fairy returning two Children to their Two Mothers who are One… Venus Aphrodite… Erose Narcissus.. Emeka Nnamdi…

It entitled bring the Word back to It Senses… and Sensei’s…

Nasa classified the Milky Way as M.W 87.

I received a text from Fey today, at 8:07 am…

please see sacred portal 86… Victor

I am so happy you finally received your money. Now perhaps you can rest. I’m too lazy..but then I keep thinking that I am old.

I just want peace for the world… everyone and everything to have enough.

Thank you for all you have done.. I am proud of you.

I know you have gone through Hell with the frequencies and your body.

I feel them when I go Mad, but I feel only the Harmonious ones or something. I have always tried to live in a Fairy Tale… not very effective. Smile.. Very cowardly.

Anyway, thank you Emeka. You have saved us.

I love you.

They always gave me shock treatment to snap me out of it….

( Out of the Harmonious state… how she must have suffered, for I have been put through that process of non stop shock treatment…

Shocked by this play, shocked by it being allowed to go this far…

Shocked that I walked through the steps that was done to the Beautiful Harmonious ones who lived in Fact while all others lived in Fiction but not even Fiction of A Story…

But in a Nightmare of Lies…

I love you too…

5:15 p.m.

Fey Mirach is her true name…

Jean Ann Dortch E… Gene E…


I Dream Of Genie….


The Genie of the Lamp…

Aladdin …ALL AH..DD.. IN..E

5:17 p,m.

5 15… E.O.

5.17… E.Q.

Date of birth of Jose Anthony Roc… Indian Angel 5-15-69.. Formerly bed 5-04… 54… Sacred Portal 54.. Super Nova Mother And Father… Child Birth.. Lab-our… Labor Day Tomorrow….

Sept 1st… 9 1/ 1 9… A.I…I.A..S…

He is now in bed 5-16…

Kasien Thompson was in bed 5-17….

DOB… 11-29… Ophiuchus Asclepius… O.A…T….E…

5:21 P.M.

E.U…I am E.Q….

I solved the Equation…

I am sleeping besides Quintin Bed 4-006…

I am in 4-004….

4 6… Sacred Portal 46 First Drop


5:23 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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