
From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH)

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH)

My sisters British name is Joy.

Link the from the Face book pool of friends –

Joy Jane.. J J…Makes one link Janet Jackson and her album Control which is the song I entered New York into 17 years ago.

I link it to Sacred Portal 1A… Being A-.A.

And Generation X Gardens and A.L… ( Albert Santana – Link Aturo Snow A.S who reminds me of Axel Love)

But most of all it links to the last play which took place here at the Shelter- which I have been proving is a chess board play very much Harry Potter and Ron Weasely…

Yes link the chess board at 33rd Street.

where both Peter Nyarkô and Flip J Hendrixs work.

Link it to 33rd Street where I lived with Michelle Lobsinger ( a true gifted seer very much like Erica Ekayani the beautiful fiery young woman I lived with in Paris.

Recall that I had lived with here at Bastille, right next to the area called Le Republique

and then with Michelle at 57th street and then.. 33rd street.

And see Sacred Portal 33..’The awakening of the E from a Terrible Dream by the D

57 is E G….12..L… 3 C.

33 is C C… 6… F… 6.

3.. 6… 9…

The number 9 is on my page right now..

Nicola Robinson just asked me to note a a flyer handed to her by some women who are campaigning for a person called Karines Reyes a nursee who is running for assembly.

– A Beautiful woman who is running on the platform of being a Nurse Mother Advocate ( N M A/ A M .N… My sister went by the name AMON for a while)

.. K R…


(Yes Robert Kyle Murphy)

Karines means Pure Unsullied ( yes i link the army of the Unsullied in the Game of Thrones loyal to the Queen of Dragons, who freed the enslaved

Reyes means :Kings Royals…

The Unsullied Royals are The Kings

.. And Robert Kyle gave me the gift of a coin, And Egyptian Pound

E P.. Which he found here..he said… the second one…

the other he had…

He some pretty amazing coins he had found including a Mercury Dime worthy 5000.00 u.s.d in mint condition.

*Spoke to Nicole- my case manger today- she was very really evolved today and for some reason I mentioned that I of Royalty but not as perceived here, and I wondered why I felt it necessary to mention that….

Smh- this script.. the test…

The code of course makes sense in every level..

The world needs Nurses in Government because just as Nicola Robinson is Nurse who has a masters in P.T.S.D.. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder- which I have finally proven in this play of the invisible realm between two Awareness I call Black and White ( Feeling and Ceeing Darkness and Light.. Flesh and Desire…)

Which I have finally got the result of the last play today which all boiled down to a play in a room…

The world needs Nurses in Government because the whole word is suffering from P.T.S.D… and thus because of it 95% of the population has retreated to living to varying degrees to living in Delusions and Illusions.

The story after the Awakening event will require for those who have to graduatehealers.. Nurses..

Nurtures … R N../ N R…

It is a code which has followed me for the last 12 years – Albert Santana wished to become an R.N… Registered Nurse.

One of the few jobs which there are vacancies in the world.

Nature Nurture … literally… It was part of the Script which had to be manifested…to heal the world.

Nicola means Victory of the People

Two Nicoles in one day linked by an Alexis… and me as Alexander…

And finally link it to the play of Robert Kyle Murphy…

You will notice that K.M. links to Karmina Marine code on her page is I.Q.

Intelligence is knowing how to Nurture…which is synonymous with Consideration- the ability to Cee

Which I have been demonstrating…

That Love is the ability to be Conscious of… to be Considerate off..

To Care to Cee.. and not look away.or retreat.

That play with Robert Kyle Murphy which moved him from Dig In… D.I.. IS IS… Yes Isis Osiris… Isis is Jah Fire… She is the Sun…

7:04… 7:05 p.m.

G O D… G O E..

I am now sitting besides Brenan and Nicole..

B E N.. ( Hmm perhaps that was the name on the Ten U.SD. BEW From James…Was the W a BEW.. Also B E N.? I had wondered about that, believing it was both but I had to wait to get the evidence that I was correct… But I knew W was confirmed, now N is…

N W… Nicholas Wittingham who was bed 4-008.. Recall.

48.. Sacred portal beautiful death as transformation.

.. he is the Man I spoke about who said to me one day out of the blue that did I know that there are aliens amongst us?

I did not realize that his name is Brennan…

That is the name of Robert Kyles Big Brother the one who saw the portal home at the moment of death as that Galaxy seen here as 1101 IC…

He died at age 39… ( yes C.I… My initials as well as that of the correct reflection of what would be Galaxy 1O11 C.I)

Kyle as you know is linked to the same Wave Length and Energy of my Sisters who is linked to me…


Nnamdi 4-28 linked to Vaïhéré Cardonnet but since I am here at Delta as C.V/ V C again it links to me… as well as the full Circle… O..

Thus 7 O 4… 28 28…

7 O 4… 56…

G O D…. E F…A CT… IO N… S…. GOD Is Action and the Action brings Harmony…and that brings Manifestation…

G O D E…F A C T…I ON..S…

His interview is on the 28… Ant also has one but it was today.. 24th…

82… Nnamdi…

42.. Robert.. as Emeka… I am not be moved from the room – Lorenzo is…

7;28 p.m.

Yes, my sisters code.. as well as the daughter of Dee..

It is the code of Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon Kevin G Gordon

K G…

And I was given L B…Pound… And Egyptian Pound.

So the code is weight in Pounds not Kilogrammes…





a unit of weight in general use equal to 16 oz. avoirdupois (0.4536 kg).


the basic monetary unit of the UK, equal to 100 pence.

Weight and Money..Money Wealth.. M W… 13 85 Metropolitan Woods

W N… W O N… O W N… N OW…


Yes.. I won.. or the E line Won… I was not moved out…of Room 4B.

E OWN the World…

7:40 p.m.

Yes.. I was solving and decoding…

I will post the play and the conclusion of what I have understood took place – all set up and boiled down to a play between myself and a man called Lorenzo W.. in bed 4-015.. which I had occupied first in that position as bed 4-016..

16 ounces is One Pound.

100 Cents = 1 Pound.

Kyle bought a Pound of weed and then broke down the codes for me,

7:44 p.m.

I A.M J O Y….

It is our True Nature… proven through a terrible unforgivable and unforgiving script…

Joy Jay… J J A O Y Y…

I just found a Dime and 2 cents..

Mercury Dime antique…

Two Cents.. Two Pounds.. Two Kings… Tutankhamen…

7:48 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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