
From Awawa Kalu Agwu

From Awawa Kalu Agwu


I wish to make a bried coment about the Money Play and How People and the Satan’ Character who was really Alien Father- ( Dark Matter as a Conscious Intelligence) set things up to create an illusion of Lack – Material Lack to demonstrate and reveal the Truth of People.

In the Novel by Daniel Brown- The Lost Symbol- in Noetics- the Science there was a moment in the Novel when Katherine Solomon ( Link K.S.. Kemi Sara play) she spoke of Energy being recorded coming out from Peoples Hands.

And that was the Energy which Jesus ( Yeshua) had used to heal…

When I was at Pelham Bay Park in 2010 with Fritz Venneiq- and we saw all these Lights swirling around us.

I noticed that same phenomena taking place comming from my hands.. i Recall starring at it and not being sure what it was…

A Few weeks later John Shaw took a photgraph of me which is on my Facebook page of an exuasted looking me, with my lights coming from my hands.

Oh I know that the Rationals will say it is a trick if Light which the camera caught, but the truth is I recognized it immediately.

What this means is that, I always knew I had that ability.

I knew it as far back as 1992 Paris when a French Woman in a cafe was so sure that I could cure here friend of Cancer that she made a scene pleading for me to help her friend, so much so that she had to be lead away.

I did not how to activate it and was so disturbed by the Womans assertion because I had heard that before.. had similar responss.

A Few years later Ekayani, a person I had been living with while very ill with some strange exhaustion after I came back from the Light through Death.

She was so sure of my secret I.D ( Way before I did) that she believed that if I died that the last hope of the world would die with me ( truly, I thought she was crazy and avoided her, but some how I suspected that she knew of my mission)

But she sent me to this man dying of luekemia..She asked me to stay with him while she went away.

I did not know what to do… And I asked her how could I help the dying man, that I did not know how to activate my power..

She had smiled knowingly.. and replied Just Be yourself

I simply ended up conversing with him and through the conversations I took interest in his life and beagan seeing the riddles which he and flaws in the way he had percieved and interpreted his life.

I could see the gaps and through Conversation I was able to quietly and with the lightest touch steer him to seeing another point of view, using laughter and lightness and Love… which meant that I cared.

He became cured of Luekemia…!

Dawn Piercy

Da Enlightens

David Powers

Isabelle Ilic

Anthony Bienke

Edward Eceinco

Ogonna S Omocrafts

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula

I wish you to bear witness to this post as well as the beings of the Future reading this…

That is when it hit me what my Asian Doctor had told me, he was an MD qualified in both Western and Eastern Medicne…

He had told me that I had used so much of my Chi- Life of force that my internal organs were shutting down.

He said it was especially bad with my Kidneys which gets rid of waste and toxins..

I then realized that I had spent the last 3 years listening recording and conversing with scores upon scores of people problems and lifes in an effort to understand why they wear masks…

And in doing so I had healed them of thier traumas..But I had taken their horrors and points of veiw of their lifes and had not been able to get rid of it…

I had been shiocked to my core by how people saw reality, interpreted things…

And I just could not absorb, digest the intel- I had not learn to Transform it.. And eventually it became so much that I was carrying all these Toxins…

I was able to release them when I wrote the stories down and analyzed it but I still began to get weaker and weaker and had no ide a why..

I knew that i was super strong and so I knew I was being summoned in 1992 to The one I call beloved.. My Father as Death…the twins..

R EH… TOM .. Robert Radiance Reflected.. Eternal Harmony.. The Twin of Life whom is called Death…

MOT… H.E… R.. The Manifest Full Circle of the Truth… THE Mot- The Word… Harmony Eternal Reflection Radiance…

Edward Eceinco yes.. E E.. the The Twins.. A-Lien Father… A F…A-Lien Mother… See Sacred Portal 16…

( the reason Billy Hung was not allowed to give me the 400 usd to make in 1600.. was not only because of what Billy had transformed into with the money play (Power) but more importantly because of Alien FATHER ( 149… N.I.. E N I…/ IN E.. Yes the dentist adress.. See Willy Wonker and the Chocolate Factor.. recall the Father of Willy Wonker was a Dentist.. Yes Grand CONCOURS…. WW.. 23 23 46.. Time now is 10:46 am… Recall the code in Dan Browns Novel..The The Portal is Out there Somewhere.. in a Vault of the C.I.A.. Director Initials W.W..

ww.come… see sacred portal 46…Father in the Clouds.. See Dawn Piercy share Solo dolo… Lisa Stands Alone0 Baker.. L B/B.L..)

1600 Pennsylvannia Avenue…

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue SE ( S E.. Spirit E.. My First Bed Delta.. 5-19… E.S.. E S P/ P.S.E… S E…)

Pennsylvania, in 1682, was the 12th state to join the original thirteen (13) colonies. It was one of the states which …ratified the U.S. Constitution, and made itself the 2nd member state of the United States in December 1787

See Sacred Portal 16…Horizon Dawn… H D. 48… Tiffany Dawn Haynie Sun son Song Sum

…. Ad yes Vaïhéré Cardonnet Isis Osiris I find myself solving a code even now…

But it was Edward Eceinco who logo is Lion.. Rav Singh..

Dina Singh

Pradeep Singh…who has been used to move me to this riddle…

10:55 a.m..of Father TEN.. E E… See Sacred Portal 10.. and 55..

I realized that when I went home to Father also called Dark Energy .. Dak Matter… D M.. IC… TP/ K 115 AGE…

That I was brought back because of the Illusion of Toxins I was carrying, all the peoples riddles I had solved but which I could not resolve in myself as to why they had chosen to think that way…

Jesus… I see where ths is going….

.. whew… I am not sure I can continue down this route…

i Just contacted Jace Horsford… he is linked to line.. how far di Father go… He played Old Age..? The Abomination I documented rose from within me in 2011 when I wrote the manuscript The Trurue Conversation between Energy E and AH-Tom

Wow…. OK… Let me pause.. excuse me…

I came back pulled by Gravity the illusion of it – I did not need to solve those riddles when I reached the Full Circle and the Sacred Portal..

That portal made me forget everything.. I had reached the Source.. The Eternal Self.. Me.. it was within me.. I passed through the portal of the twins.. I knew the way.. I wrote the Poem And So I sought Deaths Door in 1992 Before preparing for death and slipping into a coma on the floor of my Paris Appt facing the Garde De Nord.. My room mate Stephan had been told what I intended to do.. and was pissed but accepted and went home for Christmas…

I knew the way home…

Through both life and death.. 1992.. I was correct age 25… age in illusion 26.. 25 years later . 50.. 5O… 52…

1200 is what Billy gave me.. 500 200 500.. I knew what I was meant to spend the money on.. Not on escaping of getting my passport which might entail my having to go to Washington D C…

I was not allowed to have the 1600… 16OO…


Because had not finsihed the code of Pen.. the 12th state to join the Union.

I just spoke to Kyle.. he just sauntered over…

He showed me his New York State I.D and just told me that his job at the Restauraunt is 31-30 Pennsylvania Avenue!!

And is not called the Dug Out ( D.O) It is called the Dig In..

D.I.. 49… S.P 49… N N A M… D.I…

It is complete…

I D…MANN…. LINK Moira Judith Mann. M J M…

Do you undertsand my rage when people pretend that I am pissed off with them and Curse them because of Money.. because they did not give me a 20 usd or a Code to acknowledge that I have been solving thier riddles unblocking thier lifes.. Carrying thier Toxins…

Brought back from the Source.. My home.. again and again ( while not really leaving) to transform thier ideas of the Dark Matter- Thoughts so bizzare back into Light and the pathway home…?

All through Remote viewing and I could have done all this from afar with ESP…by activating the Wave.. moving through it..

How many people have testified that I have appeared to them in thier dreams ?

Why I had to transform thier lurid thoughts.. Drak matter the Physical Body back into the Body of Light….

11:22 p.m.

See Washington.. D C…

the 16OO Is me and NN AM DI.. My Beautiful past my Brother father.. mother sister whished me to explain the processs of teh Universal Body and being through this play this BOOK on face book.. a Living Book.. L B..of Light whic can not be twisted- mis construed… because it is alive and responds to anyone who dares…

And outlines the codes, the way home in such clarity over and over again that there wlll never be a false prophet.. liars… or such because through this Book this play I have had every possibility thrown at me and to each I have given a response…

so that no one can ever be decieved ever… that future generations have an E Manual which they know Works.. because the Creator Himself undercover as A Man was used as a Guinea Pig by his own Brother Father.. to prove that it works..

1600 P E N… N SYLVANIA… The Silver Penn…

11:28 p.m..


Recall ink Death the Books by Cornilia Funke… C F…

Ink HEART.. I.H.

Ink Death.. I D..

iNK Spell.. I S…

H I…

D I..


H.I… ( Harmony Infinite.. H.i…S COOL..)

D.I ( N N A M.. DI… DI in O I Nri Igbo… means IS.. DI.. 49.. XY )

S I…/ IS…

S I.. IS…



I have to stop..

AKA.. In OINri Igbo Hands Hand of G-ODE

Dear Lord.. How could HE ( S.HE) do this to me



In philosophy, noetics is a branch of metaphysical philosophy concerned with the study of mind as well as intellect. Noetic topics include the doctrine of the agent/patient intellect (Aristotle, Averroes) and the doctrine of the Divine Intellect (Plotinus).

*The Parapsychological Association will be holding its 61st annual convention on August 2-5, 2018 at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma, California. Leading scientists and other academics from around the world will gather to present the latest parapsychological research into psi and related phenomena, such as extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, psychic healing, altered states of consciousness, mediumship and possible survival of bodily death. Organized by IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin and Everton Maraldi, the event e is open to the public and academics alike.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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