
From Arinze Umeano.

From Arinze Umeano.

The Dove of Peace

A full circle and one Line with two branches

The One line who become 2…3.

One Line E A .. Two branches emerge

2 is B.

And together they become three.


E- A B C.

Link the E..

5 5 5..

Three from the one E

The original 5 is E is Male Femake..

It manifested Man and Woman MW the Two who are actually one

And then the evolution of Man through Woman to reach E as Masculine Feminine

And the evolution of woman to Feminine Masculine and thus

Source E ..

And M.F. and F.M.

And so Source E is F.F MM. FM ME.

And his completion is the Two branches M.F and F M who are all One linked from the Source pointing out there is only One way of Truth Manifest

The Beautiful Truth B T.

And Beautiful Expression Truth..B.E.T

Alpha Bet Cee..

A B C.

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