
From Ariana Gradow AG….

From Ariana Gradow AG….

Add Alex Vidaud… A G A V …V= 5 Roman Numerals Rome O- 5 is E.

A G A V E…

Shaggy- Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp

Peter Bragino

Stephen Filgueira.

Kim ( Tree Sage)

The name Agave is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Agave is: Mother of Pentheus. Brilliant Noble Good

Agave is a genus of monocots native to the hot and arid regions of Mexico and the …. Common names include century plant, maguey (in Mexico), or American … or basal rosettes, and the sap (in Spanish: aguamiel, meaning honey water).

Stephen Filgueira gave Kyle Murphy a gift of Honey Suckle..

In my last production in Istanbul. I created the Show called the Story of Colors. in it I had in the second scene , the story of Africa’s principles and in it was a White Witch and fire and sparks flew from her hands.. like this…

I found all I had created and produced had magically come alive and real in my existence, telling me I later broke down that I had hit upon the Truth of origin of the Story of Colors and now Sound…

All from Silence… in solitude, I lived in a Word deep within me… until 1993.

12:24 p.m.

this far… Fa.. a Long long way to run..


1193 Face Book friends… and still no one can see me.. but they seethe awakening and evolution…?

Agave means Agave (/?’g??vi/, UK also /?’ge?vi/,[1] Anglo-Hispanic: /?’g??ve?/)[2] is a genus of monocots native to the hot and arid regions of Mexico and the Southwestern United States. Some agave species are also native to tropical areas of South America. The plants are perennial, but each rosette flowers once and then dies (see semelparity). Some species are known by the name century plant.[3]

Agave tequilana, agave azul or blue agave, is used in the production of tequila. Agave nectar, also called agave syrup, a sweetener derived from Agave sap, is used as an alternative to sugar in cooking, and can be added to breakfast cereals as a binding agent.

Agave means Illustrious.. Noble Brilliant Good…Exultation and Wonder…

Pentheus in British. (‘p?n???s ) Greek mythology. the grandson of Cadmus and his successor as king of Thebes, who resisted the introduction of the cult of Dionysus. In revenge the god drove him mad and he was torn to pieces by a group of bacchantes, one of whom was his mother.

Dionysus is making a play upon words, but much more than typical “play.” He is invoking Pentheus’ name to predict his doom and, by stark contrast, using the same tactic to reveal his own divinity and ultimate victory.

Both Teiresias and Dionysus play this game, only Dionysus takes it further. Teiresias makes the pun of Pentheus as penthos, “grief, pain.” The god’s word play is deeper, and both more accurate and cruel. He puns Pentheus as penthos and pathos, “suffering.”

Even as he emphasizes the origin of his own name as Dios huios, “son of Zeus.”

It’s a shame Pentheus isn’t able to hear the truth behind these name games. But then, if he did, we wouldn’t have much of a drama.

Dionysus Midas.. D M….

The Greek Meaning is a Story and a riddle…

Wine is Dionysus linked to King Midas…Golden Ratio..

I am playing that Thread with Stephen Filgueira and Shagan and others..

And it culminated at Olea restaurant in Brooklyn – And yes I met Brook and Mikela yesterday… Rep of Brooklyn and Manhattan ..

We were four…

Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp Shaggy…

Ariana Gradow

Emeka Kolo ( me)

Stephen Filgueira…

S A N E…. 1:13 a.m.

S E A N…. Sean means John’ Link Sean Bono… Green House Soho who lInked me to Eric Ebright…

S N E…is how we first sat.. and N S E A… Was how we arrived each and took a seat…

S. I NE… South North East… North Sea… S E A…V…

S E A K .. V….

N…S..P.E.A.K.. V… (Shaggy Stephen..) N

N.S..P.E.A.K.. V…

K V… recall was linked to Kelsie Bissell and Victoria Jackson

. ( I am also P.. 16 which I completed at Delta Manor…and with the line of Peter…)

Its a play.. arrival of Alex V.. represents the completion of the embodied players represented in yesterdays play.

N…S P E AK… Victorious E… Expression..

The riddle of AG A V E.is not that story of the Greeks…

yet it must be corrected….

1:04 p.m

S.P 104 Terrible Death

Dionysus is Joy…. Intoxication God of Wine..

*Dionysus (/da?.?’na?s?s/; Greek: ?????s?? Dionysos) is the god of the grape-harvest, winemaking and wine, of fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre in ancient Greek religion and myth.

The bull, serpent, tiger, ivy, and wine are characteristic of Dionysian iconography. Dionysus is also strongly associated with satyrs, centaurs, and sileni. He is often shown riding a leopard, wearing a leopard skin, or in a chariot drawn by panthers, and may also be recognized by the thyrsus he carries.

Symbol: Thyrsus, grapevine, leopard skin, pan…

Roman equivalent: Bacchus, Liber

Parents: Zeus and Semele; Zeus and Persephone’

I met Stephen Filgueira at Scared Portal 50.. the Matador and the Bull..

Thesus and the Bull…

Legend of Ariadne… Ariana….

Minotaur- Poseidon-Neptune… N P… PN… 30..

30 USD… Turn Tide…

Thantos.. Flip him over…

He is Extasy… She is Exultant Brilliant….

As for the last of the riddle of Ariana Gradow

Meaning of the name Ariana: Derived from the Welsh element arian (silver)

Silver and Ag.. Gold…

( Kim.. Tree Sage)

The name Arianna is also the Latinized form of the name Ariadne (Greek: ????d??; Latin: Ariadna; most holy, Cretan Greek a?? [ari] most and ad??? [adnos] holy), the daughter of Minos, King of Crete, and his queen Pasiphaë, daughter of Helios, the Sun-titan, from Greek mythology.

Meaning: The land of Aryans

The name Ariadne is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Ariadne is: Chaste, very holy. Ariadne was Greek mythological daughter of King Minos of Crete who aided Theseus to escape from the Cretan labyrinth after killing the Minotaur.

She gave him a Silver Thread…


The riddle is that that Dionysus is the Extase and he slays Misery and Grief represented by the King of Thebes Pentheus… ‘Man of Sorrows

Link Rahul D’Silva… and the intel he gave me… Sword of Truth…

I brought the Truth to the World and the evidence that this is not the real world but a Hologram.

1.17 a,m..


Anamla Qayin.. D M I C TP/ K.. A G E…115…

( / 5 11 E GH A..K . P T… Peter Tree….M D..)

There way out of the maze of Death as Grief Loss Misery Sorrow laws i the portal I passed through of the meaning of the Name Rahul which means Conqueror of the Sum Total of Suffering and Misery…

It also means Relation of Buddha

Link Rahul who owned the Motel I stayed in room 114…Newington…

So, that story would of AGAVE… in Greek Mythology would represent logically the slaying of Grief and sorrow by using the Fil De Guerria to sustain that Common thread of Memory..

Silver Mercury..Messanger.. Light Energy Impulses Pulsating Ions moving through the brain, pushing through the past the darkness of the recesses of the mind… to light up the whole roomto bring your Brain Mind Being to 100% Capacity…


Music is the Path way which leads you through the 1-7 chakras to the 8… Harmony .. Manifest Harmony.. and then to I…

Ofo Igbo Jude Lucas…

O I… Isis Osiris… I O..

And to the E… Eternal realm…through stories by linking the Common Thread… C T…Art.. Music..

or through codes…A G A V E…/E V A.. G A… E V A ..G A…V E….

Ariana Gradow spoke of first about all the Synchronicity going on in New York…

The Magic happening…

That is thread I have been documenting with full awareness and expressing it to the world for 25 years…

1:34 p.m.

Enough Riddles…

No more of these silly human plays…

of words…and numbers…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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