
From April Marie Malone

From April Marie Malone

Chuckle.. Nice pattern your day formed..

P.S. Story of my own life, I created a Line and direction and instead it transformed in the study of the patterns my days continually formed at 23 years later, here is 45-46 months of presenting the intel of the patterns each day formed…

Like patterns which form on water and air…

and to truly see them, we use Indian Inks, Hues of Colors and sensations to investigate this recurring Patterns to see what they mean, like dreams and if they are products of imagination, or if what they are saying is real…

perhaps that is why I studied Urban Planning -Architecture- Fashion Design and Advanced Pattern cutting…

P.R..and Dance..

Investigative tools to investigate Anomaly Singularity, aka

What the Devil is going on with my plans, my Days, my Life..

Response: Plan-E.T… Eternal Truth, Ear-T.H.E…Truth-Harmony-Expresses


A Physical Education

Energetic Plane TT

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