
From Anne McHugh

From Anne McHugh

Happy Birthday Anne.

29 is a code as you know,


A trail which I found myself on which linked to from 29 years ago, to 29 Lincoln Street

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

And 8-29-2019 Liberty C Liscomb where on that very day, I was made aware of your work.

Its 10:29 p.m right now… 🙂

And to your work and intell which in 27 years of doing this work on proving the existence of the E, you are of the only ones I met all over the world who brought true intel from that frequency to me.


Happy Birthday Anne, your input and contribution is now recorded forever on this page.

It brings you blessing and protection for being one of the few to actually be linked, chosen as a messenger of the E Class.

Blue Roses..

Nice Touch.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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