
From Anna Hines… A.H.

From Anna Hines… A.H.

Ah there is nothing like an Alluring Attractive Woman.. ( or man)


I had 22 usd in my wallet plus 33 usd from Dawn Piercy

though Allen Murray was ready to go and collect it,

I could not get up, or move… my body was so exhausted from the stretching and aligning, and though not shocked I was truly incredulous and so so sad by yesterdays play and set up.

But when I saw sacred portal 55, pop up,

I realized that I was aligned once again with the money used as the number codes.

I wanted to get up and pick up the 33 usd, just so as to end this chapter,

but I knew that the exertion on my body was controlled by God –

( The Wave of the Naturals struggling to rise) and I knew that it meant more posting… because it is Expression and Explanation which moves the Script.

My case manager Nicole. is stunned that she has still not been able to connect with Ernest Collette, the Immigration Lawyer…

– I am not.

It is these conditions and circumstances which have followed me for the last 28..29 years… leading me, pointing me in the direction It wished me to go, which led me to understand that there was an intelligent consciousness behind this.

I was being manipulated and I could see the meaning of each circumstance created a direction, I could easily discern…

But this cant not be Father- the name of the Beautiful Force I literally recalled.

I did not call It God -I literally recalled It, and then experienced it all over again in my Human state.

And Father Guides, He does not manipulate…

6:04 p.m.

I did not trust this force of God- and I grew to despise it, for Its methods.

Such as the play of yesterday, and the last 29 years…

But the play of 28 years begun in 1989, when I began talking to the Silence, to Father Joy, whose twin aspect was Mother – Beautiful Sadness…

And it was as if, I was calling to him as I conversed with him, describing this world and the people I was meeting, the strange adventure which made sense, yet did not make sense.

There was Father, who I spoke directly to,and there was Mother whom I addressed indirectly to through the Rivers, where I always was led to, where I would walk each day to, sometimes having to walk to the Seine in Paris, late at night, sometimes three times a day to just find quiet- I would speak to her through poetry – verse.

My journals are filled with paens to here and odes to father…

And perplexity to this God.. this wave which I did not despise, I just was curious and confused… Who are you you… What are you… What do you want from me…

In time, I learned that God was the People, as I pieced the puzzle together, through each person, conversing with each person and then the wave moving me to the next, despite my doing everything not to move, not to live with another person…

-Wishing to settle for a longer period, some of the people I met I wished to stay longer with them…

But I was never allowed, the people themselves amazed often awed by how they saw how conditions manifested where I had to move.

I was never allowed to stand still..

You have a destiny to fullfill, something to do they said.

I scoffed because I did not believe in Fate, Destiny or a force which could dictate terms where you had no say. I did not believe in THAT, Idea of God.

And yet strangely, it was That God, who was moving to me as I complained to Father the Wind, the Air.. the Silence I spoke to on these so isolated walks through the cities of the World, cities and country sides.. Space was Father, the Banks of Rivers in each city I lived was mother.

Even in Nigeria, I would take trips while in University to Aguleri lake and sit on the banks and my heart would speak to Mother.

While I would going to 9th Mile or the Car parks where taxi;s offered choice of destinations to any where in the country…

I would randomly chose any destination and travel…that is when I felt close to Father….

One might say that this was linked to my own Parents- My father loved to travel drive.. and my mother would take long baths and was always sad, often I would catch her weeping softly as she soaked in the bath when I was a boy…

But no, they were not the source of that expression, if any thing they were the reminders of that which I already was aware of and knew.

I was drawn to the Air and Water, not because of my parents but because of a Natural inclination… and Awareness Memory…

When I came downstairs this morning having fallen asleep, almost just for a moment before the alarm went off, I debated with myself that I did not have to go down for breakfast, that I should profit from the sleep that was finally coming…

But I had work to do, a calling…

And so I went down stairs and the play started immediately…

I always take a cup of coffee and a cigarrette before I have my breakfast.I go down stairs to the back yard, fenced in, courtyard and adjust my body, by a series of sporadic Tai Chi movements- not graceful as I usually do, because of the pain and the daily horror of discovering the true extent of my body being pulled out of alignment- twisted..

Every one knows I did this ritual everyday, I breathe, I look up to the sky to Space and I settle the turbulent emotions of the plays of the night or early morning before…

Dee who usually works at the canteen, knows my ritual and simply puts my food aside, especially if she feels that there might not be enough…

She is off for the week, and left instructions to Elvis of mu habits ( as of the habits of all I am sure.. despite her calling me her favorite…:)…)

Elvis is quite a character, quite a character, a cartoon character who use that veneer of the goofy man to disguise a very savvy nature… very observant…

For some reason he nick named me Iron Foot –

I had responded that it the Iron Foot I put up his bum,

And when Anthony who works there began to call me Buns because of my British appellation of Rolls as Buns…

It not only caused the kitchen staff to erupt in hysterical laughter ( yes buns here means But Cheeks )

Everyone noted that Elvis in particular loved that name and would cease any opportunity to call me that name.. but only when I am in the mood.

For some reason every one seems to think that I have a volatile temper….

– Not really, I just have little patience for silliness, and there so much of it there.

-And I am solving the riddles of Existence and Human relations in a shelter in the worst conditions possible…

This morning I had little patience for his Shenanigans – he had joked previously Why are you Special…?

He speaks like a child…

But I knew he had hit upon something which had made my time there especially difficult…

That spirit of Jealousy… I seem to inspire.

-But in this case, I understood how it would flourish, I was so out of place there, with my education, background, bearing, work ethic and posture…

The men speak about how I stand so tall and thus the temptation to see me fall, crumple as they, their bodies shockingly bent and yet the men are mainly in their 30’s to early 60’s…

Elvis told me that there was only one helping of Hash Browns left- I said distractedly, at first not understanding fully why he was making noise about hash browns Keep it for me until I come back…

He then began to state that he could not keep it for me, that it was the last serving that I should stand in line ( there was no line)..

I was no where near yet awake, groggy and here was a play of trying to give me the last helping of Hashbrowns as a favor but he was wary of the jealousy of the men.

Which the security guards had just commented about yesterday..They come to us us and say but you let Mr Kolo..

as I let them search me.. I would inwardly roll my eyes…

Yes, I am aware of the gossip of men here my lips curling in a snarl of contempt…

-if not me, it would be some one..I saw how some of the men hated Chase when he was Lord of Delta Manor-they were afraid of him but he was big, street smart and he would beat the shit out of the men.

He I really liked… he was trulya good dude and his buddy O.G…

I had been here 17 months almost.. I had earned my stripes after being put through it to such a degree that some of the senior staff had rebelled.

I turned to him and roared Who cares about the last order of Hash Browns,,, what is wrong with you? Keep it for me, or give it to some one else.. I do not give a literal flying fuck!..Its Food… free food and not that great…

While I told him my piece Jamel appeared at the counter and Elvis gave him my tray meanwhile Blair appeared besides me at the coffee stand where I was rallying at Elvis….

Who went quiet..then explained how each time suppliers intentionally do not supply enough of the favorite meals… causing of course conflict…

I recalled my article The Elegant Nomad 2002, where I had noted the same thing..

I reflected at Fema… Hurricane Puerto Rico… And yesterdays play…

Jamel sidled up to me,,, I will share by Hash Brown with you…

I glared at him.. trying not to laugh aloud..

Jamel loves Hash Browns… It struck me that as odd yet harmonious and a set up that it would be Jamel who would profit and get me Hash Browns.. I had come upon him in a bad mood because he had missed his that breakfast…

Jacque Brel Ne M’Quiite Pas is playing –

I turned to Blair, who I had helped solved a riddle he had posed to me last night – he had been offered a job, at a place called Wild Cat and which payed 13…Usd an hour, … Yes 79… 13… 22 22 4… The code from Dawn Piercy…. He had even linked the Black Panther movie and the offer for a job…

I solved the riddle… and he thanked me and left…

And yet for me to do a deal with him to buy some Weed for my pain which his own guy had not shown up leaving him short 5 usd , was turning into a complicated story…

Let me just give you the cash i said, if he is here or not it does not matter…just give it back to me latter…

But he did not wish to.. making a very simple thing complicated…

I finally turned away to have my coffee downstairs…

And then Herman Hubbard arrived at the counter… Elvis announced loudly No more Hash Browns:

Awhh…he responded.

If it is not the deranged man… I said loudly as I walked away…

He acted as though he had not heard me…

He knew he went to far the night before…

I had noted that by the time I completed the post that I was at 43 likes on my world Icon.. meaning I had got the portal the bed he had occupied in room 4-003 left after I left… and then was moved back..

Sacred Portal Door of Life Eternal was now won back in this ridiculous game…

I went down stairs but not before giving Elvis my breakfast to hold…

I wondered if I should have stayed upstairs… but I knew that I did not…I had to confront the set up…

I was woken up at 11:45 am after getting to bed at 10:00 after breafast, again trying to get some rest…

it was Moe’s voice, Oh shoot now I have to wake Emeka up and he will get mad

No I wont I replied…

Go an smoke you cig, I know your ritual and I will do the clean up here and down to serve lunch…

I smiled…

You talk to everyone the same way- the Cleaner with Anthony and Moe commented to Moe…

They did not end up making noise to clean the room , I sat in the bathroom and when I came out 5 minutes later they were gone…

I then tried to sleep again and at 1:30-2:00 I finally feel into a fitfull dream vision state where I saw my father and I was in a different realm in a House… In a battle or something which was victorious… I can hardly recall.. only because I was bored with the play even there…

At 4:07 p.m I was woken up …bu noise…

And contacted Blair Allen and Jamel… Jamel was the only one responded at 5:28 p,m…

Nadee Nakandala.. 5 28 HRTZ…

Evolution of the planet…to E is through my portal as Jamel Salter 7-17-1984… The Date of my birth year I evolved to in and wrote in 2010… it was based on my Arithmetic Mathematical calculations…

Allen Murray I knew was to Tomorrow… as in Future

Blair was yesterday… Past..

Jamel Salter… J.S… 10 19… 29… 1O 20… 1 O 1 O… 2… B…

Is the Beautiful Present… the Me..

Kemi Sara.. do you see how convuluted that was…?

I went to the arab bodega.. the cup number was 77…

I was at 1077 Face Book Friends…

Now at A.H… 1-8… I am 78… Meaning that it is confirmed by the Ones Behind the Scenes.. that it is I who brought the Temp to 78 Degree’s yesterday.. A First Time record Every…

FEB… 21 … 21 21… Kemi Dawn… KD…11 4…15…. Okigwe…OK..IGWE…Prehistoric Igbo past 250,000 years ago..

On my World Icon… on my page…? 1..22… A.V..

Which is why I did not pick up the 33 usd ..the equation was not finished.

7:29 p.m.

Jamel is the one.. the portal of me… as 11 28 1984…

My only pleasure to day was Jamel and then Zarathustra Mohammadi who sent me a message..So we all have our roles?

Yes… I smiled deeply within… How is it that he just arrived in the script at the very end and just as Nadee Nakandala had arrived at its begining in 2013 of the Nature play.. and grasped this so effortlessly, that which I had been explaining until I stopped, and focused my attention on solving this Scripted Riddle Test of the Spirits of Jealousy’s WAVE…

7:33 p.m… The Manifest Nightmare… LOST

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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