
From Angela Marie Alexander

From Angela Marie Alexander

See Susan Otelia Nelson G E… L C O…D.E…S…



Tamika Rivera…

Angela Marie Alexander…

A M A..

D .O…

Dzidula Offiong…

L.. Lisa Tylor

T R A M.A D O L…..

They wished to use Natures Chemicals ( Outter Space Ele Mentals ..Periodic Table.. P.T) to fuck up the minds of the people to F E A R..E…

Evolution and all I represent…Eternals…

Why do you think I am in a Mental Health Homeless Shelter…?

Homeless U.S?

This is our Home..

Earth the Belly of the B E- A.. S T…

9:03 P.M.


I C..

What Beast… ?

6 6 6.. M A.. R K.. M.. ?

18…Moi.. Line of my Sister Brother..?

N N A M DI.. NN O ..N Y… E.L.. U M… E L C I S.U M…

M U S I C.. L E… Y N O N N… I D M A N N…

NNNN… 56…

I D M ..U… S…I C LE… K.E Y

Filter …Chill ..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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