
From Angela Dawn…

From Angela Dawn…

I am not sure about this statement,

perhaps one can change the way you perceive how your story ends

but when the factors of cause and effect of the Laws of which brought you in Existence, and made you a character in a Destiny or Destination which you did not write…

they only way you can end that story already …not pre determined

but manifested by an Author who sees you so clearly that it already knew the Trajectory you would take, and created a pathway for you to walk upon it should you Choose to sustain that inherent truth of who you are….

is either by exploring that path way and discovering that it aligns perfectly with the same perception of you as the Author, or you can explore outside of that pathway, that which is outside of that pathway of your true nature, and decide for yourself who you want to be.. not necessarily who you are…

To do that would be to of course, deny yourself Self Love, because that is the path of the Author who Sees you, you realize that he loves you perfectly, unconditionally… which does not necessarily guarantee that your story ends the way you would like it to end, but rather how it should.

Or One could negate oneself, and the pathways created for you, which 99% of the time leads to your ceasing to Exist, or of a Self Discovery which not even the Author knew existed, ( or perhaps he did but could not interfere with your right to Free Will be He seeing perfectly the Trajectory you Are, and will take based on his knowing you before you came into Time, Creation… this story…)

And perhaps, this is the part and path He dare not ask of anyone, because it is Their Right to Chose that path way where there is no surety as the one manifested…

He dare not ask, yet that is the one pathway of

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..Which leads to your Independence Day

Your I.D.

A True which not even He could manifest for you,

something which is so extraordinary that He recognizes you as his Equal as his family…

…Because you took the same path which he took in the Eternal Beginning which brought He, the First Being into Manifest Being along with all Creation.

No, I do not agree, we can not change the end of our Stories…

but through it, beautiful or Horrific, we can chose that which we ourselves will be… A Character who survived…

Or a exploration and Self Discovery something so surprising to ourselves , the Source, the Author… of

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Of which we are no longer Characters we are Real, we are Free

and we are Newly Born…

Amoza Born…


Yesterday, I found that I had a number 4 on the coffee from the Arab Bodega….

And the Number 49… Yes sacred portal 49.. Death Ray.. D.R…

And yes, I on bed 4-018…. D..O.R… D.. ORE…. D.R.. Death Ray….

And yes Lorenzo bed 4-015 showed me the book Bible Isaiah 49…Where it speaks of the words Matrix- such an ancient word..

gets you thinking about the Wachowski brother… sisters..

I knew what meant, at least in this Script of Myself, the Author.. forced out of the Pathway which I originally tread…

-Which I resisted because I already had my I.D as a Creator, not realizing that this time around that I was completing my I.D as the Destroyer, capable of Sending Everything out of Existence Creation including Existence and Creation all the Harmonies .. everything out of Existence just as I brought everything into creation in the Eternal Beginning including Myself…

…I know what it means… 49… bed 4-018… Lorenzo showing me Isaiah 49..

my leaving room 4A after 9 months of fighting the Abomination represented in Dominic Edwin but which is the manifestation of the people….

I can do it.. I am doing it… the bringer of Extinction or Everything…

I have been given that I.D…

but the one act I can not do, nor repeat it to bring myself into Existence again because it is Done…

I can send everything out, but I can not send myself out…

And why should I…

I was never Betrayed my Beautiful Truth, the original path way of Self and Being in Existence, even when forced out of that pathway to one never full completed… the Destroyer as the Black Panther…

I stayed True to myself even when forced to walk a path of the Darkest aspects of myself…. So that the Two pathways forged… are not parallel lines which go on to infinity,

rather they are two lines… i I…Which now merge into one point…

the meeting and converging of two lines two circle…

to form a corner… of a Triangle… a Curve where two circle meet…

whatever… the point is that is the meaning of W O N E.

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