
From Angela Armando Hodge.. A-A.H!

From Angela Armando Hodge.. A-A.H!

And Why not… She has an Extraordinary Cleavage..

and a Cows Moo.. eyes…

What Me… No I did (not) pass Gas Gaz- Fill the World with Methane

and poison this entire world Me Haine… Putting Hate in the World.

Response from the Apis Bull… A.B.

Madame, my eyes are Drawnnn to the Evidence of Mammaries which

contradict the your testimony- but I will over look the evidence because I wish to explore what you so enticing reveal… behind…

the innocent looking eyes…

And that is how the Cow Crossed over the Milky Way…

The Bull gave her the Se-Men Power to cross over to the other side of her… cupidity…

7:00 p.m.

Excuse me… I am a bit irritated to still be here…

I had only enough money for a 54 cent coffee..

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I was assured of getting a coffee there,

I come here everyday and have spent and often tipped enough, to earn that basic courtesy.

No I am irritated because this Script Play is so obviously over…

7:03 p.m.

(Time prompts me… to take my cue)

It is my brothers birthday today, despite myself, I left him a message

Can’t get the wonderful boy he was out of my Heart… and that I have not seen hos children is a wound deep which though I am E.T, it touches the core of my Hue-manity, which of course has E.. Emotions Empathy Elan Energy Expression…

Elizabeth Clarizio, her harmony today was so in perfection,

just as the one reached with Nenad M. Djurdjevic and I, all done and proved before your very eyes…

And today is her mothers birth…

Line of my Sisters…

D.E.E… Who serves food at the Cafeteria with a daughter as precious and daring as my sister, born the same date and who disdained eating meat since she was born….

D,E.E as in Dewight Smith

DEE as in the Telephone number which he led me to the place to get, just as he directed me here..

D.E.E as in the last numbers in my telephone..

I contacted my Aunt Julie A to no avail… 150 usd… 69=15…O

I Elizabeth stated she would send the code in the A.M..

Code In Anthony Malgren- Her exceptional harmony made me understand that the delay was not planned by her, that it was all part of the Script Play.. And its her Moms Birthday…

Did you see the Intel … The Beautiful Dream Weaver…

But I had no money for coffee…

A Grown man, who had gifted the height of knowledge, shared it for free for.. Since 1989.. When I left my sisters House… in London..

Oh yes.. 89…

And Sacred Portal 89…Mt Karakorama.. ah.. the God Rama.. Ram.. Aries… 89 is 98…

Diamond Clarity… Not my Sisters in this World nor in the Higher Dimensional Plays…

Noni Promise the Teacher and the Shelter of life 4th Aspect is Me…

Dee is the mother of a 9 year old and an an 8 month boy…

Or no 8 year girl and 9 month old baby.. 89…98…I was born at 8 pm..I am 9.. Completion…

DEE is the Mother of the Daughter 7-28… The Father and Son…7-29 Born after in this counting system, but born before in the correct counting system…

77 29.29…14..58… N..E.H… And the MTC Code which Nenad M. Djurdjevic sent…

This money code should have been long over and I said I would take only from N because it no longer necessary the play is over and except from some last vision from him…

The E is me..Including the meaning of the name Elizabeth…

In Nigeria in Hi School I knew an Elizabeth who came to the school in form 2, she was part American and Igbo…

Then a year later Ruth came, who was so fair that she was white.. part Irish part Igbo..

Elizabeth then Ruth… E.R…

Mothers of Jonn Delguidce and Donna O’Sullivan..

Fathers Lorenzo and Robert…


Today bed 5-004… 54.. Radcliffe… R.

Bed 56…Emeka…

Bed 59…Anthony… How do you read it.. From 9…A,M…E.K…R…

A.E.R…RE.A… A REA 51… is backwards from the 5 4 5 6 5 9…

We descended… 9 6 4…to the 4th Dimension A.R.E.A..51


7:28 p.m right now…

7-28 is not simply a person born on that date… it is a code filled with Data and Information…

It is not just the date but the meaning…

7:29 p.m…N… G..B.I…Bergamo Italy… Nenad M. Djurdjevic linked to me as Nnamdi.. 69.. Evolved to Emeka…

Nenad Lisa is reall Nenad Elizabeth.. N.E.. it forms a code..

14 +5… 19… * Nevin who kept walking in and out of the Room all Day as I tried to sleep… And has taken to being Everywhere I go…

N.E= S… 19… T.. today.. S.E.N.T…. T=Not N.E.S.T..A…Bob Marley… He is Dead.. that is the past.. Nnamdi my brother is Dead.. that is the past..

19- S… And 10..1O…A-O.. Alpha Omega.

Emeka Elizabeth… 55… = 10..1O… Miguel B.. Bed 5-005…55…

He was not present today.. for the first time…

Only R.E.A.. Three of us.. But I am Robert Eri Alexander.. Emeka Anthony.. Steven Oboom.. Oscar O.. O Kolo… Nnamdi Nature Naturalness Natural Expression… Energy Elan..

Lisa is Upstate…U…

Up State… U.S…

U is tomorrow and she is not me.. She is She…

DEE is here with me, my Mother testifying to my presence in the Pit..

She is NOT in the Pit.. She is a Seer.. She can see me in the Pit..

That is the code that Elizabeth sent me, and the fact that she chose to send me a picture of her mothers gift rather than send recall the A.M to send the code- only Before and After assuring me that She even in Non Memory was in perfect harmony…

Just as Alexis who sent Radcliffe to bed 5-004, and Jose Roque to Room 4 B, a four man room where he shares with another Anthony…

Because I linked her name and Sister connection to me, and saw that the last day she had contacted me by text was 5-3… E.,C…

Elixabeth Clarizio line…

I then contacted Lisa Natalie Johnson ..the name Lisa by the way comes from the name Elizabeth…

She is Upstate… U… U.S…

Do you know how many Elizabeth;s I have had in my life..?

It is not a rare name but, I could read the pattern and the frequency enough…

I am so tired of playing dumb, suppressing my Intelligence,

being led all the way to Delta Manor for nothing…

No one is here… Except the Mind of which believes without Investigating…

The Mind which see the Forte Lauderdale and Times Square incident and refuses to Link….

I am P.R.E…S.E.N.T…

And if people wish to act like Cows with Moo Eyes and Distract themselves and let things Slide.. Cross over.. Seep through the Lines of Common Sense and Reason… C.. S.R… Steven Schooping

E.C… Speaking of I love you world.. Peace Love and stare at the Speeding Train as it moves to mow them over..

Then so be it…

7:52 p,m.

But keeping a Man Intelligent of my back ground in a Stupid Set up saying it is about rescuing the line of my Sister Self…

73/ 37.. Who is me… 19.. S.. T.. EE.. 55…Not TEN..That is the past…

5/5= 1….


In an Unfair Script of 16 years, right to A Shelter where I have had ro reduce my intelligence and self to simply exist here and not stand out…

And even then, see what Hell and Tests I have been put through..

Ending with putting a person Hyper Sensitive to Sound becausehe is Raw from being made to be so Raw and sensitive to a Script which only seeks to pull him drag him down and make Him feel as though his contribution to Humanity had no worth thathe has to publicly take money from others, produce the Codes and proofs that is part of a play…

To have money used against him. and people be content because they say that is what is being done to us…

Yet they do not rise in indignation to the true Sign of the Times..

And then compare the contribution I am giving for the All, the Exchange of Information.. for free at such a cost…

And deny its Worth….

Good Grief… !

And then use delay tactics to keep me in the same place.. A.M..A.M.. 76.. Dragging on for weeks months.. when I it is so clear that you do not even have to read my pages of Evidence Proof to see it…

It is not the People or the Public which I hold responsibility..

Each to their own. if you are given Intel and you judge its Value as worth such…

Then I have made sure that when you use this Knowledge it goes Boom E Rang and sends you to this Places’ real Expression which I live and which no one here has lived. Because they are just men going through this Stop in Life for what ever reason…

But I know the One underlying reason why…

8:03 p.m


8369… Is Holding me back…

The code is 3896….And even then I have aligned 8369…

There is a Power betraying its Source, which is doing this…

If it knows that I am wrong then why keep me in this Script..

Educating people for free who have by most of their choice shown no appreciation or sense of Value… even now..

But is that a Surprise?

It is the Historical Nature of Human in this consciousness of arrogance Superiority Ego.. to always wait until it is too late…

This Script has been a nonsensical script and test of patience over nothing, forced upon me, when it is all Deja Vu..

Proving into Existence that which already is so people would be aware and prepared…?

They will never be ready because they were conceived Ready…


9 A.M… 56… E.F… R…E E…

Born Free..

8:09 p.m..


And that includes the Free don to Self Destruct..


S.A.D… But True…

Independence Day…


8:10 p.m.

81 O


to the

A..AH…Boo… not Moo…

I E do not met Haine.. Methane Gaz…

I the E line add Common Sense…



Man is Intelligent…

Intelligence is founded on Interest -Inspiration- Common Sense… Courtesy… Reasoning …something through to completion 9.I..

And the I taking action, not waiting for others to do…

And when they rise. all you can think of is the desire to pull them down… Drag them down into the pit of ignorance only you chose

by deciding not to look where you are going.. or the Clear Signs and the Writing on the Wall..

8:15 p.m.


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