
From Angela Ahava

From Angela Ahava

The Two Sees…

1 1.. The Doppelgangers Twins.

Sky and Sea…

Who reflects each..?

Who is the Original and which is the reflection?

11 Equates…

but in between Heaven and Sea there is something which exists in the space in between..

This is where man – Beings walk upon land, Solid like a body, Stillness with the Flow…

Man is the Source of the Two Mirrors…

For in him exists Everything…

He is the Source of the Twins…

See land.. as He.. it contains Everything…

He is the Inner representation E.. Of Everything.

and the outer one is represented Harmony…and the Two in balanced played out here on the 3rd Floor is

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

John Mack

Rays McKayla…

Christopher Filgueira represented the line of Steven and Christopher…

Adam Christopher A C… 1 who is 3.. Sacred portal 86

Stephen Popiotek S P… Sacred Portal… E…

Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M Field…

Emeka M… E M= 5 13… 18….

18 Balloons…

Add F … 24… B D.. X…

E Manifests Facts…

S C… South Carolina.. Stephen Christopher… See the riddle which is in the meaning of the names…

And then you can understand that by solving this riddle..

– South Carolina… Total Solar Eclipse…

8th State.. began 33rd State… CC… which had to be linked to 6.. and O.. To half Circles merged into one…

A-Z Oregon to South Carolina…

O to S.C…15… 19 3… 6.. 22…


Fritz Venneiq who saw the Evolution Awakening of Nature with me at Pelham Bay Park in 2010…

5:13 p.m

E M… F…

E M.. R… F…/

F R M E…

F R…6 18.. Sarah Kaizer

R M.. Rays McKayla

Esteban Miguel Filgueira E…

E M ( R) F….

Emeka Manifests .. Reflection … Facts…

Emeka Manifests .. Reflection … Facts… Energy transformed to Facts from the 5th Dimension to the Fourth, raising the vibration from the 4th and 3rd to reach the Crown Chakra 7…

Gods Grace- which is the meaning of the name John, ian, Giovanni…

Mckayla means Who is as God .. Air Water…Waves..Expression Transparent Supreme…

Water is Graceful…

But the Source of Air Water Expression .. Being…

is the Gracious One…

Grace itself…the Key Master…

He is not only the Ocean as Death Salt Water

but he is the one who brings Fresh Water….Fresh Air…

Kathryn de Mente Purity of Freshness Ment.. Mint.. Nickel!

Not Mentir meaning to Lie…

F R M E… F O R M E… F R O M.. E…

/ E M O R F…

E M O R F.. S…. Feeling Sensational…

E M O R.. P H S… F…Facts…

the P.H.S…

/ S H P… S H I P…

Steven was born 8 16… 84… H P… H D…

P H Litmus Test Supreme

Word Origin for -morph. from Greek -morphos, from morphe shape. Word Origin and History for morph. as a noun, in biology, 1955; as a verb, in cinematic special effects, c.1987, short for metamorphosis. Related: Morphed ; morphing

Rays McKayla sees very well through Sound and Sight…

She percieves beyond sight and sound..

I am the rep of all these things which the 4 and the 5 people here including Tree Sage T S E…

And they had to past the portals of the

S F… C F… R M.. J M ( R J M M / M M J R…)

4 becoming One…

E.M F…

They had to pass through 4 in one aspects original 4 in One to reach

E M F…C.E… H.E…M M ( W W I N G .. M M IN G..) WAY… Of the E.

5:34 p.m.

D A… David Alexander… 4 1= 5…E…EROS..

D A.. Diana Aphrodite/ Alexa…E.C H O…F… E Harmony..

And so we are here at the E M F… C D ( C D is 3 4… 7… Violet Indigo color of my RM ( Room Painted by Rays McKayla), the moment Stephen Filgueria in perfect Harmony.. P H… S… M O R P H S.. F….to E.. The E M F Mother and Father, Masculine Feminine (M F.. 6 13… 19 S) to the 6th sense of the E.

Meaning his Radar or six sense is now honed and evolved through Reason R= 18…Life! 666.. 3 6.. C F… To pick up the frequency of only people who have the E in them Ready to Rise but must at the last step or portal understand the Reason and Logic of how and why these laws came to be..

Of the How and Why’ – the Laws of Santana Dharma- and the application of ideas which there are no manuals to explain the process and steps to understand the Eternals.

How do am I able to move peoples faces and bodies to morph?

How can one morph physical matter already Set…?

As a Facts?

By embodying and radiating in these 3rd 4th dimension the

F V..

Fritz Venneiq… Elroy…

6th Sense Victorious …is by understand the Frequency Vibration

F V..Of the E Beyond what the eyes see.. by seeing the truth of what each can become and the right to even chose not to become as E..

Go beyond the Facts which your eyes See to the Meaning of how each Fact came to be…

Go beyond

Link meaning of the names Jay Z and Beyonce…

Only then can you see Me…


The Example…

5:53 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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