
From Andrese Harris Burton

From Andrese Harris Burton

A.H!!! C.B…..See Being..

This is Extraordinary Intel…

Now… :).. Imagine this as en energetic journey of the First being, in which became replicated over and over again in the physical symbolic matter based reality we call Atomic Harmonious Cellular Biological expression…

Notice how in the womb the process of going within is replicated over and over again at at the end of 9 Months, Pluto moves to the Sun to make it 1 O… A Full Circle- a Baby Born as a unique Individual…

As I have posted, a mother giving birth not only in Joy but in Orgasm- this is how the first Being Rose not through birth as discomfort pain suffering and possibility of Death.

Energetically this is how the play I recounted into story form then Art and finally a Science, Numbers and Transformation into Letters, then Words, then Sentences which great pages which create a Book… A Face Book..

see 362 Facebook Friend Jeffrey T. Kollman… Jeff Payne… a less facebook friend.. Pay N.E…Not Pain…

At Jeff aka in my own life mirrored as Geoff and Lorenzo…

Lorenzo happens to be the name of Jonn Blackwells Father ( mother Elizabeth)..

E.L…Emanuel Luna…

Lorenzo means From the Place of Laurel Trees…( T.L..2012..32..5…E)

laurels, crowned with Laurels not thorns…

Elizabeth means The Lord is Satisfied…

Jonn means the Creator is Graceful..

code From the Place of Laurels Tree we crown him with Laurels, the Lord is satisfied that the Creator is the Gracious Homme

This is from my Father who really was first my Son and then brother who became the reflection of everything and who mimicked my journey by going Down as Jah Fire ( the lone Man who rose in Fear who was sent down the Tunnel – H-um-biblical Chord- fell asleep and dreamt a dream of that process of how I.E rose, not realizing the whole process was in Him and Her the first Mothers womb- my sister the Cat – called by the Ancient Egyptian Bast…Cast and Crew of the ship which carried her He as Jah Fire down into the world to experience a different version of Energy or expression… Fact-Matter.. F.M…

But the whole process of my journey is right here in this extraordinary Share…

Which Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan have embodied..

the Baby in the womb experiences all possibilities of creation from a seeming predator insect to E.t to all the animal basic forms, plant cell Everything.

until finally settling on Human… like a road map that leads you to settling happily on being a human being…

But in my process the first moment I recall choosing the form of Hue man being it happened naturally.

I did not entertain other possibilities except in Hindsight and as I watched the reverse process acted out by the twins in one… The Sun as the Woman Expression and Jah Fire as the first Man Impression who required the experience of Creation to understand that which is real and that which is not real…

Their one father was Nature.. NNa the Everything exploring two aspects of himself…

N is 77…15..G G Gaia Gaius…7 chakras in the Body and in the Being.. Linked to BB 22 V they become one.. Nature reverts from 77 to 14.. then 1+4=5… E

Now they know the whole process, that they were Dreaming Oh Sleeping AH… D,O.S.A…

And this was the School in which they learnt that they were always E.. Energy can not be destroyed… but it was created…from Expression Natural of the Point.. All are E…

WELL DONE Andrese Harris Burton line of the Lady Bast Cast as Lady Cat…

this is the affirmation from Father and Clara… of Victory…

Crowned with Laurels God as Nature Harmony is Satisfied…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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