
From Alicia Norris A N/ N A Neil Armstrong. Man on the Moon

From Alicia Norris A N/ N A Neil Armstrong. Man on the Moon

Link Frank Kim ( Tree Sage) and Dakota…

South Dakota is the 40th State which aligns to my sacred portal 40 and the Pipeline- Line is an underground pathway and network- Sewage Toilet a passageway for undesirables or simply a flow of energy expression through a pipeline….sew-ag.e

North Dakota is the 39th state. All Good.

Things can look the same in different Time Lines but we all know that they have different meanings and significance until aligned in all Timelines and dimensions to one Truth.

North Dakota. N D.


Now only DNE. D N Africa Pangea – a story, close it down.

The story I have narrated is not Fiction or story it has merged with the E as E A and now Area 51- is 6 6sense a Fact.


Only the Fifth Dimension is real and exists.

11:05 pm.

The data to weave from and through all of you has been non-stop for the last 3 years especially here in Connecticut the 5th state.

things have many meanings- but it is the one which applies in perfect timing that s the meaning personified

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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