
From Alexzandra Akposheri

From Alexzandra Akposheri

Whoaa… What a cool Video…

I used to speak to people in Europe years ago about the Beauty in the continent of Africa, because I was so stunned by the perception of Africa, and beauty…

Literally amazed by the level of sustained ignorance..

even to this day..

I did my first Fashion Show after graduating from St Martins College of Art part time program, with a show at Heaven Night club, celebrating the Beauty of women who filled the Continent of Africa…

It was about their Evolution…to E.T beings..


Beginning in the Continent of Africa 1st Chakra,

to Esther Uzoma.. and finally to Beyond even the Stars…

Nice One…

5:17 p.m.

Who has the patent on Beauty?

Symmetry Perfect symmetry as Harmony does..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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