
From Akil Apollo Davis

From Akil Apollo Davis

Nahko Bear


E Fenri Grey Wolf.


Nnamdi Emeka


Victorious I.

N E. V I.

6th Sense.

The play

Last Test of Nature.

John Mack Espirit Identified me as Grey Wolf/ Flow.

Benjamin C Krajewski brought A Bear and Wolf blanket to South Whitney I used both.

Liberty C Liscomb indenified and witneesed Bears present before my arrival.

Esteban Miquel Filgueria

( Stephan Filgueria) gifted me Bear brand boots.

Thus, I wished to indentify just how far this play goes to investigate Truth.

This was natute test of the bond of myself and my Self Son Brother link..

Even to the animal world

Cuminating in Anne McHugh ( Mack) identifying me, and seeing a real life Black Panther in Au.


4:02 p.m


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