
From Aki Thunderpaw.

From Aki Thunderpaw.

Yes. But I would not use the words Thoughts or Mind..

I saw it is through our Manifest Being

Nor do we control energy, ( only the Creator of Energy can do that)

Rather we align with Energies Frequency which requires or staying seated in our Natural state and then through a process of Refinement, through a process- in Time and Space created for that purpose, we raise our frequency through the choices we make and mastery of our Emotions and Thoughts to see the Truth in each situation we gradually move to beings of the 5th Element, the One Five..

And then we are aligned with Energies Frequency but all through our Expession and Being

To reach the 5th you must pass the tests of the 4 Elements and 4 Cardinal directions

– Nature and Matter

4 4

Once you are able to prove to our guardians, P.A Rents, that we have mastered the 4,

Nature Satan-Santana releases you from the hold of the Ancestors and the Past


Perfection Attained!

To quote Stephen Johnson..

We are able to now vibrate at 5 E the frequency of the Eternal Realm from whence we original came: The Source Expression which creates Energy.

And thus you and Ebergy become one, but all based on your Expression Frequency and ability to give Praise and Appreciation to all who supported you.

Fought for you, sustained your and moved you to the see the lessons and the Beautiful Truth.

Nature will never release Humanity until it satisfies Natural Law not will Energy respond to you if you do not respect Eternal Law

In the script, I have been decoding this is where we are, at the portal of leaving the realm of U.N

Universal Nature

Rep code M.B.

Link Manifest Being

From Mac Kayla Burgos

To Muhammad Band E

To Michael Bennett who arrived in response to.the U.N play..

U N ..E

At Delta 4 Green Zone note of Fa!


E U N. E ..

F U N. E

G U N. E

H U N E.

I. U N E

O U. N E

I O U. N.E. for the Cruelty of this End Game.

O -9 is all there is

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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