
Friday 17th October 2O 14

Friday 17th October 2O 14


Q.A.O….T.N…C.D…G..O.D E.

Last Equation of Time and Space

And The Gathering…

The O.I.Nri Market Days 4-7..28…13 month.year

Dedicated to.the Goddess

The Roman Germanic Astrological Calender

The Mayan Calender…


I awoke to the code 1 message 8 likes on my F.B messages

Before I went to bed it was 6 likes

Both represented by Angela Marie Alexander 6

And then Dina Singh…

The code was 1 68…

Just before that I heard a conversation here with the code 6 8…45…

So I am visting my former host Al…at 2 68..

Code is David (Roman) Nicholas..Nnamdi.

45 April 5th.

The Seven Days of week.are named after Roman gods and are based on the astrological relationship btw the Sun the Earth and the Stars.

Emperor Justin Constantinople in corperated it.into the Roman Calender and this is the result.of the Calender we.have today..

Constantinople is Istanbul.

The Germans who sacked Rome did the same substituting their Gods for Roman Gods.

Friday day of Goddess Freya aka Venus

The O.I.Nri.Igbo have a four days in a week..

Each day representing a Cardinal.Direction

Eke Oye Afor Nkwo..

They are also Market Days…

The are dedicated to.the Goddess or Chi Creative Force

Days of Gathering..

With the surname O kolo which.means Male it represents the Goddess Nkwo the 4th Market Day…

4th Street..

(Thurs is the 4Th in the West aligned to Thor

Thursday and Nkwo…T.N 2O 14)

E.O. A.N

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday…

Code M.T..W.T (MW) F.S.S..

(Feeling Sensations…Sensational)





Code of I..47

D.O.B of Al..74.

Royal Mayan 2012…F.B Friend and son of Former host and F.B friend Ritz M.

As one can see This play of 2012

And 2014…

Is a resolution play of Space and Time.

It is all aligned here at my former hosts home.

The O.I.Nri Igbo calender which incorporates Time and Space as grounded in the here and now Markets in which women became an economic force.

The Markets where and are gathering Places for E.Vil…as in Energy Villages..

The Four Markey days are aligned to The four Cardinal Directions called the Lords of North East West and South.

Yet were dedicated to the Goddesses which this play of Time and Space as Nature…(N.S..North Sout..N.S has affirmed.

I.represent at 47 and on O.I.Nri Ancestry through.my.mothers line…this truth.

My former host is aligned seeming with the 74 Roman Germanic Christian calender we currentky used based on astrology…

But his code Address 68..aligns with the D.O.B of David (Roman) Nicholas Nnamdi and the cosmology of the O.I.Nri Igbo..

Even to he having not only the cultural awareness of that world but even to.having a close Igbo friend before he met me called Obinna..meaning the Heart of the Father

Further aligned with his beautiful son.and my.F.B friend Royal Mayan S…

Whose code Name aligns to Time Calender of the Royal Mayans (and his second son and my F.B friend Reign Maximus..a roman name..R.M.S..same as thier Mother (M-R-M)

As you recall Mayan aligns to the full.circle of being O.I.Nri Igbo ppl not only bc of almost identical stories of Time and Space – One have the memory of the Full Circle and First Contact with the Beautiful Ones. And that they originated from outter space through the portal of the Moon Symbol…Egwu Onwa…E.O..Affirmed by Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula and the play of Myself at Pelham.Park Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna in Nigeria and Albert S, here all seeing the Full Circle of the Moon play I did and acted out…With A.S saying on.seeing a Circle Sphere drop.from.me bag excited comment.that.he had seen an visual of me in.the forest Drawing a Perfect Circle aligned from here to space and beyond…like Jesus….

It is all on F.Book.

This is further affirmed by the Mayans have said to have aligned Time Space Nature to create a portal at which they simply dissapeared.

One arrived through.the portal.of.the Moon out of nowhere with memory of the Full Circle and the Beautiful.ones dancing themselves into.manifest being transforming from Ethereal.Essence.to.matter

-*See Jaspers Post

And the other dissapeared…

Alpha Omega.

Mayan is N.A..Yam…The King of Crops and legend in O.I.Nri of this being the first gift of food to.transform.Espirits into Matter Form.

Also, the markets align the Ground as Space to the Heavens as Space aligning lines of Direction to.Lords of the Dance the masculine and the Goddesses as the Space above or inbetween as Expression…

See the code…in the Market Days…

E.O.A.N…N.A O.E…

E Full.Circle ANNA (meaning Land ET) Source O E…

Emeka O Kolo…

Born as Okolo Meaning as my mother recently informed me as the Child of Nkwo which.is the 4th Market Day aligned to.the 4th Day in the Wesr Thursday which is Thors Day (Thor and Loki.my former host but also.me as the Beautiful Devil…T.N..T.L…2O14…2O12…34..32…75/57…1212..(area code Manhattan)…12+12..24…X…Generation XGarden Eden..)

Affirmed by the end play compromising of the ladies from Esther Uzoma E.U to Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones ..E.O…to Angela Marie Alexander to Dina Singh Bhacon Dhante to Lady Shubhi Gautama Sarah Lagrange… Jude Rogers..the Dove of Peace…and the Peace Sign..P.S Garden made of stone in Alberts Generation X Garden…

Which creates the code Goddess.

Thus, in this first equation played out on F.B..just go back and check.

We were all.being moved in a play to determibe not just the Truth and True Nature of Existence which is 2O 12…

Two full Cycles of Completion… O1Nri to Mayan 1O…who was born 1O 22…of True Love…


And 4th Street The 4th Market day Nkwo aligned with Thursday the 4th day…(see Rob Barr turned 44..44..In 1..

He has an extraordinary natural Harmony always appearing in.perfect timing…pt.

Thus affirming 1…But through Angela and Dina forming 68…likes…aligning to.my host A..

Creating the word A.D.A… Meaning in O.I.Nri Igbo the First Born Daughter of Existence.

The Seers…

Adama means First Born Daughters of Beauty.

A.D.A. E.

It also.means the First Born Daughters of Beauty know…

Beauty is Nature…

And Beauties Source is the Beautiful.1

From Beyond…

Called By some the Beautiful Devil

And by other Bacchus Dionysus

Beloved David Dhante…

Or simply Emmy.

Thus Time and space is not above but is anchored in the presnt grounded from within (Odi Anna) meaning it is within…the Earth a Garden of Eden?

No, it is within the Body the true solid Land and landing in the body is the One Being of Paradise a Garden and a Consciousness from.Beyond.

But in time and space I havr aligned myself even.in the physical representation of Physical Space (One Spirit..O.S-S O…the fifth Note Supreme O) to E as Existence Expression Explained Embodied Exemplified in the very meaning and Being of one..

On Face Book with.the Goddesses comunicating through Spac Feminine and here in the present grounded in New York with.the Mssculine from J.N.D.A..Albert and to myself as the 1 O.N.E…


Mon Day Thursday and all.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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