
Fourrteen Eleven (Nine) Seven…

Fourrteen Eleven (Nine) Seven…


Who Created God?


I have a little story to tell you,

As you saw from my last post, I am still being used as a sort of Metatron, a scribe telling the story relayed and transcribed through me.

It is my story, because I recognize it.

But it is also as if I am the Scribe of a conversation btw two Awareness…

And one is telling through me the True Story of Existence and the other is something one might call the Sleeping Awareness who does not believe that He It is dreaming.

This Potential is the Collective People, and it calls itself God.

But it is Dreaming this in non existence…

Not even in the Nothingness.

And It refuses to concede that he is not God.

And that the realm of Existence is in is not.real…

But that he is that which can never be…

The illusion of the opposite of True Existence..

F.E Existence…Matter, the Physical who is convinced that he is.

And instead of Being Self Created Naturally as the Story of True Existence does…

He uses mind to concieve himself, to author himself in a realm of Matter…

That he is what the realm of matter Need.

And his intentions are pure, for His Existence is defined by the Physical world, which he does not realize is not real.

That he is a seed planted… Of that which could never be, a tool for the Evolution of matter, the body to.understand that all physical manifestation is naught but Energy…Energies Expression.

And so, the is an Eternal representation of the greatest illusion of all: Time.

And Time is an illusion, which believes itself to real.

And time becomes the reality of the physical world, feeding his belief that he is real.

And yet, the world of his dreaming, the bodies of so many, who are really all seeds of E.

Begin to suspect that there is something greater than time, the Physical the Cycles…

But they have no.proof.

And Time, the Illusion becomes God, and seeing the world through its physical aspects constructs an influence on all physical.nature…

Yet, instead of creating.the Nature of order which he observes in the very nature and essence of the Physical it creates chaos, confusion…

Fear Anxiety worry.

And this God, does not understand.

He wishes the best for the people, he is physical nature, he obeys the law of Nature, but he can not understand why instead of creating a flourshing physical world full.of the One Spirit which he believes is him…

The Great Spirit…

The hand which moves nature..

He convinces himself that something must be wrong with.the people, that they are not respecting Nature, Time, Him…

And so he sought to impose order, laws, rules…moving the world with his Brain and not his heart.

He loved the people, loved life in its natural order and sought to impose his will.

And the more he did this, the more he saw more Pain Suffering, misery…

People had less and less Time.

Thier life spans becaming less..

Everywhere he saw degradation, decomposition of ppl and he could not understand what was wrong.

And so he went deep into his Brain to.figure things out.

He became a hermit, going to.the mountains..he became the Old Man in the Mountain, seprating himself from all humanity…

Retreating from everything except Nature…

But his Mind Brain was still on.the world…

And influencing it.

And as Time progressed as did the world, he grew old, ancient.he did not die..

But ppl believed less and less in.time.

Begining to.look within to something they sensed went.beyond time…

And the God Time, who saw that he was in Harmony with Nature could not.understand why he was not in Harmony with the people.

Why they came less and less to talk.to.him, pray to him.

And so.he fought back, imposing his power of Time on the people.

And it worked.

People became obsessed with Time…

And it brought forth Misery and Suffering beyond belief…

And still.the God Time refused to concede that he might be doing something wrong despite his pure intentions…his sacrifices…

For he and the Great Spirit of Nature where one.

And Nature was Cycles.

But people were and are Change and Evolution which Time bitterly opposed.

Where are you evolving to? Everything is perfect, be as Nature…Constant, and your suffering will End.

Be as the Four Elements.(F.E…D is 4)

And you will find peace…

But people could not stay in one place, one repetive cycle…

They had idea, epiphanies, invention…

The E was rising in them.

And Time, Tradition was not pleases and decided Enough and trapped everyone in Time.

And anyone who dared to.seek.to escape he punished cruely.

It is for thier own good…for the greater good he told himself, but.he could not.deny, that something was not right…

But he.just could not concede that he was wrong..

That he had become.the very seed to rebell.against, the contraction.versus expansion.

And thus, suffering increased.

People had evolved energetically to see the duality, the circle of which no matter what they did they could not break out of it.

But there was one who was born about this period who knew how to escspe.the prison of Cycles this God of Time.had become.

The Cycles if the Sun which turned into a Black Hole…

The.despair in ppl.had grown so great by the Tryanny of Time felt.he had to become that lige began to loose its meaning…

People were killing themselves, Money became The God Time, for finally Time.had found a way ti control the people and bring them.back to.a sense of appreciation for Nature…and its wealth.

Time became thought…the Brain as matter, the Great Conputer, the Maize…Lock.Down..


And controlled anyone who used Thought..

Thinking, Grey Matter, for he became the Grey Wizard…and he trapped all in the Brain.

And he controlled all Thought..

Computing every possible course of action before anyone thought it..

There was no way out of his maize.

And so he created Heaven Hell but which was really putting.anyone.who used the Brain caught in.the middle of the two Hemispheres of the Brain…


The Grey area…

And The God Time became the God of Doubt..and the Greatest Evil because of his good intentions that.he knew what was best for his children…

And even those who knew, felt the Truth of what the True Seed was telling.them…

The power of the Brain caused them to doubt, even.that which they.knew…that.there was a way out of this pointless endless cycle of Nature…

But there was one who was born who kept on showing the people the truth, that there was a way out.

The God of Time became the God of Delusion, Mental illness because he would not accept the Truth…that something was wrong.

That his intention was pure but it.Expression and outcome created Madness, Insanity, violence, and a world going quietly.in sane…

Except.for.this one being who.always found a way out.

And when the people.saw this they were elated and terrified.

They were torn inside…

Was this real, were thier inner truths real or was this another illusion, deception trap..

Created by the Great Father as Time…

They could not decide what was real, what was true…

And they tore this messenger of the E, the Truth within them into pieces…


And the God of Time Thought was behind it all…

For he hated this young.man, who seemed to come and.go.as he pleased.

Creating a doubt in.him the Grey Wizard the White the Black.merged into Grey Matter the one who united Heaven and Hell from behind a viel.of thought…


But.he could not stip him.and did not.know how he did it.

He was breaking down the walls of.the Illusion Delusion…the Doubt of.that which.was real..

Ppl began to think link outside of the Box, the Cycle…

And for the first time, Time became.scared…

Fear itself…



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