
Four years ago, a lady named Marcia, told me a story of a vision she had just seen, it was of a World being consumed by a giant Tsu-Nami.

Four years ago, a lady named Marcia, told me a story of a vision she had just seen, it was of a World being consumed by a giant Tsu-Nami.

It moved through the planet, She said, but was more Energetic, but only certain people saw it coming and, transformed into Human Birds and flew to this high peak.

While the world below woke up in panic to the presence of this Giant wave…

Those who transformed where being guided by beings of a higher nature to a portal which they passes through.. into the 5th Dimension she said.

While others stayed on the Mountain peak, still attached to those below whom they left behind.

She said one of the Crossing Guards told her the gate would soon close.

This image reminds me of the Vision she told me about 4-5 years ago.

1:44 p.m

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