
For the past 3 months on FACEBOOK, I have sought to call attention to everyone…



Hello everyone, For the past 3 months on FACEBOOK, I have sought to call attention to everyone I care about, (which eventually ended up including the whole world), that in my own life experience I’ve concluded through 11 years of conscious research and unraveling, that an extraordinary event is about to take place in the world.
I have supplied as much information of my findings from a 23 year journey through my mind of linking and mapping and following the clues of what this great event is all about, and how it is possible for a energy to take over a person’s free will, to direct them to uncover and find the evidence which supports such a conclusion. I know it is and can be very difficult for people to take in such information, of such a scale and possibility. This is why I spent so much time thoroughly checking and investigating my conclusions.
This leads me to publicly address you all. I have sought to stop communicating the information because of the quiet reception but found I can not.  But with what credentials and by what authority do I make such assertions, the public might ask? I would respond that I am part of the human race, and it does not matter the judgments or opinion of others, or demands on what authority of man do I have to back me up. I was surprised to find myself researching and figuring such a momentous puzzle out, but obviously something believed in me, or felt that I was qualified to fulfill this purpose. And it did not require from me (or anyone else who finds themselves in such a situation as mine), that I be famous, rich, powerful. I believe this Energy, I call the Collective Energy of true human will or possibility, elects its messengers, or whatever you wish to call them, for reasons other than those normally justified by society.
I believe it elects certain people because it believes in us, our integrity, in our resolve to ask it questions, follow the leads; even if it means going to the very depths of obscurity and fear, or to a place where one seems alone against a whole world consciousness and system of rule. I think it chose us because it knows the power and will in us better than we know. It knows us better than we know ourselves. This Energy I call Father\Mother energy, the unseen hand or guide and the nurturer of energy, of earth and life.
I further assert, that if you found yourself in a similar position as myself, where you are called upon by the earth, the wind, the ancestors or the highest potential in man, which some call God, to answer the call, to use your gifts, talents for something greater than yourself, for a mystery…if you looked back on your life and saw that your whole life seemed set up to meet this great challenge…you may perceive that you were in training all your life for this one purpose, as I felt when I arrived in New York.  In this instance, I feel that you have a responsibility to see it to the end and understand its purpose, despite the monumental trials and resistance from those closest to you. It is not an easy thing to do, it demands courage, true embodiment and discipline of self mastery. It demands that you are not affected by what people say or do to you, to not be afraid of being totally alone, to not be afraid of life or death or being made to feel an isolation and emotional torment which you think you can not endure…
You will endure it, you will find the strength to tame the hurt and your human emotions, and you will reach down deep within you, to places that you never knew existed to rise up and face the next day. Each day may be like this as it was for me for 11 years. Where each day you feel that you can not go any further, that you can not bear it, that you wish to give into rage, violence, and scream out your frustration to this energy that you can not even define. But you will rise, and you will shine and you will define the energy that has moved you, because your daily understanding gives it meaning and definition. Until you are able to bear the solitude and torment of seeing others enjoying life and having fun, while you study and study and unravel alone, because suddenly everything begins to make sense, and this energy which drives you forward, which you do not know is enemy or friend, begins to show you its logic, reason, intelligence… that it truly exist, even if you don’t see it. You can see it through people, places, symbols, words… Energy. Suddenly you do not feel alone, because you know this energy is you, the collective beauty of humanity and being… your super self and our collective super selves.
All of a sudden with this new found knowledge, nothing is impossible; everything is possible, even the awakening and evolution of a world never achieved or enacted to such a scale before… And it is occurring now because of perfect timing and because we are ready. What I am trying to say to people out there, so many of you I met with divine revelations which come from the reflective pool we all share as a species. These concerned the highest and truest possibility of our potential as a species made manifest: there is nothing to fear, and you are not alone. As long as you express your revelations with purity, sincerity and elegant, beautiful articulation, if you are able to achieve this, then it does not matter what people say. No matter how others may seek to drag you down, challenge or distort your vision and truth (which must be proven benefits all), they cannot touch you. They do not have the say, they do not have the authority, and they do not have the right. This is because something greater than them, something beautiful…saw you, believed in you and elected you to be the one to rise and take a stand, giving evidence for its existence, laws and truth.
Believe me, no matter the hurts and the trials you go through, or the scars that you may think will never heal, this power will never desert you. It will reveal to you its true plan, vindicating your hurt, suffering as well as your courage and dedication to it, for the entire world. We are beings created from the literal energy and vibration of love. The universe is an echo and extension of all…we are fragmented, but we were created whole. Our expressions are meant to mirror the expression of the earth, which is always beauty; and we can expand upon it to reach our apex selves, to reach our truth. In every manner, our expressions are beautiful and contain all: love, truth, honor, sincerity, integrity; all the elements which created the beautiful earth, heavens and, finally, the self-created beautiful you.
All the malice, jealousy, doubt, rage, spite…these are not real. These are the elements of chaos and illusion…allowed to exist to strengthen your resolve, to make you reach for the truth, the power you really are. It may be a battle, a battle for your very existence… but in the end only Beauty remains. You are its symbol and expression, standing tall and proud on the earth… its crowning expression and achievement, so graceful, lei! lei! The stance of an amazing grace and will, like a flag, symbolizing the true expression that conquered the Titanic nature of the Earth (the mean streak of power). The gods and man unite as one, Heaven and Earth embodied in the being of the Beautiful you.
There is a greater power than what any man or woman says; there is the power of human beings moving and fighting to bring forth the most beautiful truth…uplifting and inspiring everyone. Nothing–believe me–nothing can destroy the power resurrected from the truth of the apex of human possibility made real in you….in full alignment and embodiment as the beautiful truth of our collective spirit made real, true and alive… never give up, never compromise, you will not end up alone.
I promise.
In the end, victory will be yours…with God coming to you as the truest and most loyal friend… the superman\woman you… the Supreme You, is humanity’s greatest and most caring friend to the end.
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/21/24: 1436

One thought on “For the past 3 months on FACEBOOK, I have sought to call attention to everyone…”

  1. Original Comment by Krzysztof Solek:
    Hello brother. I can see you seating at the computer , punching down those lines and I try to imagine how your life looks like, what are you doing, how weary or happy you are… Would love to meet you and have a conversation with you about what life brought us in past years since we have not seen each other. I am sending you all the positive energy and hoep to see you soon. as you used to say always: love and laughter.

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