
For Carrol Levi. – Carrol is th

For Carrol Levi.

Carrol is the name of my Motyer and Theresa- Ijeoma-Iesha’s younger sister.
The one who literally seemed possessed.

It would come in and out and was the heart break of my Grabdparents, especially my Grandmother.

It means “Fierce in Battle.”

True, she was was Heas Girl in her boarding School Queens Nsukka
Equivalent here of also Valedictorian

Stephen Johnson

It also means Man…Free Man and
Christmas Carrolls… Songs of Praise.

She is the one .Chinyelu Lord Charles Igwebuike was told on his death bed by his wife Chinyelu to get her after he entered Death.

He couldn’t and his Espirit who came to me in New York at Luciens Restaurant in the lower east side Manhattan came to me and he had seen her name written in my book The Cteation Story 2004, wept and begged me to go and see his children again at Agusta Georgia.

Tall Elegant Gracefill Beautiful like my mother but taller

9:20 pm


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