
Flip it… Edward Eceinco said in comment to my post.

Flip it… Edward Eceinco said in comment to my post.

and Dee Marie liked it.

E E D M.

I am at Delta Manor and the portal which we seem to be stuck on is 55…

The Back.

Spinal Chord 31 vertbebra/

M.D.E.E… There is a young woman here called Dee who works here.

The Truth is, I do not have much patience for these riddles any longer.

I know we, or I am at the gate way Represented by both my sacred portal 39, and its represenation as Galaxy 1O11 C I, from both myself, ( Kyle through Brenan B Young), and then through intel from Dina Singh, D S…

And Two embodiment, meaning enactment- represented by the Script…

Dawn Piercy and Chris Inabnitt…

The Point to bring Dawn and the Portal C.I..

The Spirit world is the realm of the play and this material world is the realm of its manifestaion.

On stage, behind the stage.. and of course, the audience.

Yes you, we are all three.

But all three make up the Play Theater… It requires all three…

But since all are a Simulation, where then is the real you?

And what is the point the play and having the experience of all three postions and persepectives

Yes, I can see and understand now, only as I write how all the the variables and factors of the last months years.. come together.

Would not this expression link and align to Kasien Thompson revelation to me as the Exprerience he had with Death which revealed where he was stripped of his body suit and led naked to a hall and a stage where he observed his life flash before him.

* Kyle showed me some cards Pokemon with the letter K.T.

A Stage….

Yes, it does link and converge to that story being the one I moved through in 2006 when I stopped by Sean Bono’s home ( who was to later lead me to Erik Ebrights apt 248 Green Street) and was given the painting made of a likeness of my brother in his last incarnation as my brother Nnamdi, and I also took a Painting not unlike the ones I shared from B R C Made by the man who saw God and the bowls with Comb and Afro Pick…


A Spray paint job….

Which from Seans home I stayed with william Goat O with young Agusta, a young man who had left home he came with me..

I dropped him off at the Green House where we stayed a little and he was alowed to stay because of me, while I headed out to the streets of New York and an Alley…

Quietly furious at being led even more that I had intended, into this play.

I knew it was complete in 2005.

So, the next 13 years were particularily gruesome and wearying for me…

1:25 p.m.

But Axel Love will recall this period- I lived for 61 days in an Alley until one day finding Albert Santana’s Generation X Gadrden which he had started with a Ferdinand and some other friends.

It was Ferdinands idea but it was shared by him and all of them.

That is when I was taken over by the literal energy expression of a Gorilla….

1:29 p.m.. Yes, Kyle gave me Gorillia Mist weed as a gift.. ( Cannabis)

Yes Gorillis’s in the Mists…

Yes the Crocodile which took over Robert Currin my new room mate which the play script demand that I fight and be victorious over a room with Lorenzo Widget, and do a most complex dance and play with Nicole Alexis.. Theo Kelsey… which led to another Asst Director called Jessica to appluad my play

* I have no recounted the true scope of the intricate steps, like a mine field it took to manifest that room change, retain the room and at the same time unknowingly make room for Robert C..

( Link Rob Barr and I connecting at the MET, when I was in this room last year… )

This links two Truths in two People…..

Emeka in bed 4-019/18… Ane Emeka’s Reflection as Robert in bed 4-015/16… the bed I had occupied last year when I met up with Rob Barr and connected with Chike Nwosu.

* My entire journey has been reduced by many people and this script to my having to ask for money to be able to exist and as it turns out, complete. compete in bringing knowledge of this pay and completing the course.

Of course, I explained it to every one, but somehow to people and this script every thing I contributed, proved and explain was nullified by my having to ask for th emost basic funds to exist and live.. and as it turns out compete, in the most barbaric emotional psychological, psychic, mental… torture…

Mind Games Bain Games Body Games… everything is a Bloody Violent game…

But yes, there is the link..

Gorilla Crocodile .. G C,.. 7 3…. 73…

My youngest brother born 5-20-1973… Age 45.

Time now 1:45 a.m.

The date is now 8-26-2018….

5 20 is code E.T… 5+20 = 25.. Y.. Linked to me see Yuin Chen aligned to me.

See 25 Year old Kirtan…

My Coffee at the Arab Bodega was the number 52… Ah first time i go that number there.

520/ 25… E T Y… E B O B E..

Robert told me that the voice who spoke to him asking him if he would be the Proetctor of Lady Jessica

* Jessica means ‘He See’s!… It means Foresight… God Beholds…

Jessica Name Meaning. The meaning of Jessica is “Wealthy; Foresight, God Beholds”.

Robery means Famed Bright Shining of Light.. Thunder Lightening.. Yes but as Moon light.

Hence the two as Robert and Jesse…

( Rob came with a lady friend I had met before but he asked me after a Jesse whom we both knew, she has the same energy as Meghana..)

Thus God Sees! with foresight, God Beholds the Famed Bright Shinny Light..

I know where we are at … GALA XY 1O11 C I…

Rob told me that the voice called him Bob…

E B O B E…



18 10… 28…

18 2O… 2.

2 Usd in my wallet.

When I first arrived at the Generation X Garden it was not Albert who greeted me but rather a person called Raphael…

The were children watching a movie..

And there was a bid stage.. and behind the stage…

It was a garden children watching a movie about themselves..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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