
First Shared MAY 7th 2013… 5 7 20 13… 2 O 13… 33.. 6… 14.. 5…

First Shared MAY 7th 2013… 5 7 20 13… 2 O 13… 33.. 6… 14.. 5…

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it is mean Eternal Begining…

Itz Nnamdi Kanu Son

See image Todays New York Times

Travel Section

George WashingtoN Carver as a B O Y… B O I S… B O I…

I went to the Botancial Gardens…

Never to the Bronx Zoo..

Mann is a Plant… mOLE…

Not Animal Beast..

G W.C…

Gabriel Binky Signar

Cecilia Wiebers

Went to meet Rachael Devon Rios Sessions

*George Washington Carver


George Washington Carver, was an American botanist and inventor. He actively promoted alternative crops to cotton and methods to prevent soil depletion. While a professor at Tuskegee Insitutute, Carver developed techniques to improve soils depleted by repeated plantings of cotton. He wanted poor farmers to grow alternative crops, such as peanuts and …


Lived: 1861 – Jan 05, 1943

Nationality: American

Founded: Tuskegee University

Education: Iowa State University (1894 – 1896) · Simpson College (1890 – 1891) · Minneapolis High School

Parents: Giles Carver (Father) · Mary Carver (Mother)

Movies: George Washington Carver


Human need is really a great spiritual vacuum which God seeks to fill… With one hand in the hand of a fellow man in need and the other in th…

God cannot use you as He wishes until you come into the fullness of His Glory. Do not get alarmed, my friend, when doubts creep in. That is o…

When you can do the common things of life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.i

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