
First Contact is with the Infinite Being…

First Contact is with the Infinite Being…

And it has been going on right before your very noses…

and all the while most of the planet has chosen to Focus on Donald J Trump and their material Comforts….

3:56 pm..

And that in itself was a Test…

Which Wolf would you Feed…?

And that in itself was a TDest…o Alert you and Persuade you to the Choose the right focal point of View…

I have posted, evidence in every single post, right to the one here by Kachy Ihem and Nenad M. Djurdjevic testimonies and Vision all aligned and linked to this 58 month conversation with the E.T..

And the War- Atrocious War with the Ancestors- The Evil Past and the Evil Dead living all amongst us.. and yes they are you..

Not someone else…

Because there is no gray area, either you are living in alignment of the E Consciousness of Evolution Screen Play, or you are in the Universal Script of C.H.O.I.C.E…where you have chosen to acknowledge only that which you see feel or gives you comfort as the Material.

I knew that it was too late when I entered the Shelter in 2015, and when I went to Jon and Donna’s at 18 Mountain View, which I immediately recognized as the Past. just as I had recognized the B.R.C Shelter as the Past – Boarding School..

I had of course, see that the Ancestors and the Human Thought Waves of Imagination corrupted by Fear was the Play..

But even that was a set up, which I demonstrated as the E.T.. The Family of Ten setting up the species for Existential Death to manifest through cause and effect…

Existential death for that Past… Its Sum Total from Past to present.

Only those who have chosen to acknowledge the E Line as real and true are aware that every single post, I share is linked and aligned…

Right to Flor Elena Medina ‘Darkness’ post..

To Kachy Ihem and Nenad M. Djurdjevic…linked to Catherine Acholonu, (C.A) linked to my sojourn in Room 3A..

Which is the Planet Earth which was represented by its key players, while I was there, before I ascended to Room 4B..

The Archives of Space Time Continuum…

DD..David Dawn Francis Frick…

EE Represented by myself…Errek. Eric. Eri, Erik E… EE Anthony Alberto…

D.E.A.F… D.E.A.F…

and finally bed 5019… Traihshon Narisco Sum-Ler

( Sum Leur Traihison The Sum Total of Their Your Betrayal…

which I was forced to move through the representation of that portal of what was Humanities Purity… and what it became by CHOICE…

Acted out by the 23 year old Traihshon…

Acted out by the 23 ryear old Traihshon… Manor.. The Mind and 3rd World -Earth, chose to betray the Truth revealed to them…

I transformed it back to its True meaning 3…White Flowers.. 3 3 Trifoliom Trefolio… * Nenad M. Djurdjevic…and Narcissus Echo as Beauty and Transparency.. N.E..And SUM../MU..S.I.C…L.E..R… EL/LE…T.H.E…Radiance sacred portal 9…

Which thus, moved me (Ascend) like a piece of a puzzle to the 5th floor where another battle has been taking place..

With me, sleeping right infront of the Door and under the Light

Spot Light in my condition with the E.T and the Beautiful Ancestors of Rage rising through me, and my using all my self control to not explode into rage at the insult of being once more being contained in this Script of Humanity being so, so stupid… And still challenging the Truth, using this perverse consciousness which elected Donald J.Trump…

Listen.. that is the song playing now…. in the Star Bucks

But only so few Listened….

..You should Listened.. she sings…

Beyonce… Beyond Others

She looks alot like my Mothers C, and her Sisters B…

C.B…Amazing non…the Equation of names..

But I dare say that my mother and aunt are or were even more Radiantly Beautiful…and more dramatic

3:33 p.m.

3-3-3… Solar System.

3-3-1.. Trappist

25-2-2017.. 37 10 1

25-2-1 O…

2-25-1 O.

Yesterday the Image of the Horns of Aries was drawn in large relief on the Floor of the Caged Terrace at Delta Manor…

I saw it…. paused…

and I also recognized it as the symbol of which I appears in nearly all my Sacred portal…

See it prominently on Sacred Portal 46…

And then last night again there was the battle in which because of where I was placed in the Room- (They keep placing me in the worst possible places and rooms and made me battle my way through each room…)

But I am not here to win a popularity contest and I have long since given up trying to get the peoples attention that they are being used.

One person in bed 5007…E.O.O.G…E.O.G..E.G…

said You can turn the lights out because you control the lights’

Which is only because I sleep directly under the lights in front of the door, depriving me of any privacy whatsoever….

57..Enders Game…

He further added that he feels as though he is a place outside of time, a Time Warp…

He is the same bed as Will in Room 3A… Right next to 57 year old Paul Franklin…

Enders Game…

And then today, the boy recently hijacked and beaten who is in the bed of my code 5011… E.O.K…

Did something so insane and disrespectful while I was showering… that ‘White American sense of entitlement and familiarity that the E.T and Ancestors of Beautiful Rage rose in me, turning to him…

I will never get over how people continually forget how Dangerous I really am because I am civil and pleasant…

It is called Respect… Self Respect..

Not because I like you, or wish to interact with you…

There is a new movie called Get Out

with Catherine Keener, C.K, Bradley Whitford, B.W, Allison Williams, A.W…Daniel Kalu-uya, D.K..and Betty Gabriel..B.Gand.

-A sort of updated version of ‘Guess Whose coming to Dinner’- which captures this Racism I experience in not only the Caucasians but by all other races…

Again it is always amazes them, when they realize that the power is not in their hands…

That they are not the Superior Race in Control of things…

I had been very cautious in my interactions which even the people who have been the chosen reps by the Beautiful Ancestors..

And though I had been tired of being proven again and again that there was no one I could trust…

Not even the Chosen Ones, since I was and am fully aware of the interference by the Evil Dead ( Memory as a Lie)

… The Ancestors of the Past who refused the Truth of Evolution and the Beautiful Ones even in the Past…

* See Professor C.Achulonu’s play The Beautiful Ones’ and

Her book, ‘They Lived before Adam- all of which have been played out here for the last 5 months here at Delta Manor- in a sort of Challenge by the Evil Ancestors.. The ones Jealous of the Beautiful Ones..T.B.O… Who were so stupid that they could not recognize

* Rahul just came in and took the seat in front of me…

being fully aware of his Harmony, I checked the magazines he just placed on my table…

One them is X-MEN..Alpha Flight..’ ( X.M…A.F…)

and the other..The Future of Everything’ – From the Wall Street Journal…( T.F.O.E…)

Its a code of course from his Two aspects as E,T and D,na…

X.M is X is Ten… 10… and M is 1000…1010…

1010…Balance… A.F.. 1-6… A Fact

T.F.. Trifolium Trefolio Flowers..* Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

OE… Not T is Foe…

Time now is 6:01 p.m.

61… Fa… See Sacred Portal 61… A.F../ FA…F is 4….

6:03 p.m



First Contact….

Now, to show the evidence of this being real and a message

I would like to share the text message between Nenad and I…

while I was doing this post…

Please note the Time the Dialogue began…

3 3 6….C.C..F… Carbon Copy Fact.


Emeka Kolo

‘Hello. Nenad, How are you?

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

‘Hello. Emeka, I’m quiet fine. How about you?

Emeka Kolo

‘There were some things I wished to discuss with you about what is really happening here.. As you have witnessed, I and my Brother have been literally cast in the role of the Devil and Evil… Which of course, this case which we had been accused of by the People of Earth, has turned around to reveal and prove that Humanity are the Real Devil and the Source of Evil… The False Accusers. This has been about First Contact and the fear of the ancestors of what I have been doing and the fear of my completing first contact… There is no doubt that I am furious and truly have within me an Anger and rage that I never though could even exists… And it is aligned to the Rage of The Beautiful Past and to the rage they have had to carry by being so falsely accused… There is an anger I have for you- but not personally but to that which you were specified to represent because even the pure were not innocent and I am being moved by that Rage- which to be honest I am tired of.. But I feel as if that rage had to be expressed and endured to transform that Past back to beauty.. Which is why Flor Medians post of Darkness was so pivotal…

And of course, the most important is that I first contact is being made.. You were chosen by them to be the witness of that truth when they revealed themselves to you and how they are watching the Face Book Play… The non stop meddling with my body is of course, has been the greatest impediment and that luxury which others are living in who were meant to be alert to this what is happening.. I am able to perceive the true depth of the Evil which humanity have descended to especially with the Shelter in the last 2 years in which Existential Death has become manifest by being earned by this set which gave proof of just how bad the species has become.. Diseased,…’.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

What is the date of the Flor Medians post?’

Emeka Kolo

‘But on a lighter note, I wish to discuss at some point the more amazing and extra ordinary truth of this experience of First Contact and for the moment there is only you… Oh she posted in on my page yesterday or the day before… I after the B,A.P.H.O.M.E.T.. Equation was solved… and yesterday night the symbol of the Rams head was emblazoned on the Floor of the Terrace.. Drawn out in some kind of liquid… ( It was C.O.F.F.E.E)

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Please let me take a look at it…

Emeka Kolo

O.K…. Its is titled Darkness..

Yes. I know what you mean.

Let me take look please.

Emeka Kolo

‘Yes.. take your time..

Nenad M. Djurdjevic


Yes. You are right about the false accusers.

Let me tell you what happened shortly before you texted me.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic


Will smoke a cig.. and respond…’

Nenad M. Djurdjevic


We have a spotlight in the kitchen that burned out a week or so.

Shortly before you texted me, I was standing in the kitchen, in total darkness.

When I felt some voices passing through me who were apparently angry with you. Of course I was pushing them back not giving them chance to rise and gain power.

At first glance I thought it came from me, but when you texted me I realized they were trying to use me as their vehicle.

I am aware of the Baphomet symbolism. It was hijacked and used by some people to gain power and enslave others. The same happened with the swastika as well as hexagram (Star of David). Those people twisted the original stories and meaning of many sacred symbols.

They are the usurpers–liars and murderers from the beginning—the evil collectrive consciousness trying to stop you.

Last Friday I noticed that our bank changed the cheque book layout. It has new matrix with a Star of David hidden inside it. This is an example on how some people misuse a sacred symbolism that in origin was a symbol of life and now they use it for ephemeral purposes to enslave humanity.

Nobody is aware of it or noticed it. When I told it to the cashier she was stunned.

Recently, the Italian Occult Freemasonry misused the symbol of Baphomet hidden in plain sight for political issues, to mislead people.

I noticed it and have the evidence.

When I have shown it to some people they were stunned.

Will look for the photos and send them to you…

in a while…

Please let me look for the photos..

In that place should be the Italian National Emblem with laurels, instead they used a distorted image of Basphomet for evil purposes.

It’s only me who noticed it.


Emeka Kolo

‘-Ah Nenad… that is the last of the evidence I required from you… Yes… I say to you… 4:40 P.M… Yes- they are so furious with me for refusing to forgive them for meddling.. But they have shown no contrition. And I had a mission in which I was forsworn to not Forgive- because the E.T and the Beautiful Ancestors felt that I was too Understanding and Compassionate and understanding. So they gave the Experience of this Human Collective Consciousness.. so I would not forgive… They forgot that I am the Beautiful Devil… And also the Fair Oh… That I had to be Fair and Just to All. This same play has been going on in every room at Delta Manor as well as the two Caucasian directors who keep putting me in the worst places… Enough that it has caught the attention of others in the staff who are seeing the injustice… And I am sleeping under the Light in my condition.. One of the guys who irritated by my switching the lights off… Said yesterday..’You control the light’- but it is my position of where I was placed which gives me that control.. And my refusal to be intimidated… They are amazed that I really do not care if they like me or… And worse still, they know, I am not interested in their linking me… Do you mind if I share this for evidence….?’

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

‘I prepared the answers to be shared

Please feel free to do so

I will support you.

Emeka Kolo

Well Said…. Sigh… I am so glad that I do not have to weary any longer of their using you.. I was aware of that and warned Nnaemeka and so many others… For the first time on this F.B script I do not feel Alone… Not that it changed anything..but it It is so much better…that being alone… After all Existence is Sharing because even though E Rose alone.. It was to Share ( Infinity Harmony) that He manifested this play to bring others who rose with him as Ethereals to be as He… Equals…. Thank You for your bravery and loyalty to the Beautiful Truth….

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Oh you are very welcome ?

… ??..

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

This is good. Really good. ?

Emeka Kolo

Oh yes… I have more I wish to discuss with you but later… I have to share the and do the encoding of the day… 918 Face Books friends for the 3rd time… Your line who rise… I.R.C…18×3…54… Sacred Portal 54.. Super Nova…!

Nenad M. Djurdjevic


Thank you!

Completed at 5:59 p.m.

Making Emeka Kolo…-Nenad M. Djurdjevic the true Trayson Narcissus Sum-L.E…R… Le Radiance and N Echo…

Nature played by Nenad as Naturalness Echoing the same reflecion but an Echo with Independence and Its own separate Identity.

Do you see…?

Thus this confirms 3rd 918 Face Book Friend…

999… 3 (9)…3 (18) 54….9…20…29…11 18…39…C.I…

C.I…C.R… Record Codes… C.i.. Court Records..

I I I…I… T.B.O..

3 (I) I…

39… 12…3… 27…9..14….23…5…56…

C.I…C.I… All align to C.I…

(E Ga La …XY C.I…1O 11…

Not Galaxy 1101 I.C

6:28 p.m.

3rd 918 Face Book Friends… F.B.F…( 6 2 6 )…

Laura Gibson… L.G…

Linked to Geoff LaCour… G.L.

Recall the Major Significance of this person to this entire Expression…

The One who testified to what had been done to me, and my truth in a hand written book…

Who said I had been betrayed and a Demon planted in me by my ‘Brothers -Humanity…

A Devil.. Baphomet….

See Anthony Bienke’s share of Solfeggio whom I honor for the Future Generations to know what he contributed to the Awakening, as the others who have been honored ad forever remembered…

Seen almost as invisible nothing by the most of the World..

( With me in a Mental Health Shelter with three missing front Teeth set up in the most unfair battle to proof out Truth E.T..Dna is Dne..


Geoff lives in St.Barth…Earth….

Code G.L… 7 12… 19…84…1984… ( Yes he is Moi as Espirit… Brother David, Mother Brooke… my True Past)

7;04 P.M…

Its means

Gods Peace…

Divine Peace…

Peaceful Gift…

The Old Frankish name Godefrid itself is from the Germanic elements god- and frid-. The Middle Latin form is Godefridus (whence also Godfrey). The second element is widely used in Germanic names, and has a meaning of peace, protection. The first element god- is conflated from two, or possibly three, distinct roots, ie got and possibly *gaut, in origin a tribal name (Geats, Goths) or a theonym (a byname of Wotan).[3]


From a Norman French form of a Germanic name. The second element is Germanic frid peace, but the first element may be either gawia territory, walha foreign or gisil hostage


LaCour means The Court…. Records…

One of the most physically beautiful men I have ever seen..

From Ceilo…

At 57 Street and 33rd St.. 2004.

He appeared after I wrote the Original Creation story..

The last time I saw him was when he traveled from St Barths to hang out with me at Hells Kitchen during that great battle with Voodoo and Hurricane Katrina.. ( Hurry Cane the Pure Ones)

2005… 25…

Todays Date. 25th.

2004-2005… 24 25 .. X.Y… 6 7/ 7 6… 76

E Ga La! X,Y…2006 26 Z H…Alberto Generation X Gardens.. Z.A!

Za ( Answer!) to the B.C..E @ Delta…


*’TRAPPIST-1, also designated as 2MASS J23062928-0502285,[6] is an ultra-cool dwarf star[4][7] located 39.5 light-years (12.1 parsecs) from the Sun in the constellation Aquarius.[8] It is as of February 2017 unique in light of its seven detected roughly Earth-sized planets.[9][10]’

J-23-06…29-28… E-Nenad M. Djurdjevic Nenad means ‘Unexpected’ Double V… ( Rob Barr Nenad M. Djurdjevic)

W ..OF..B.I..(Bergamo Italy) B.H..292…Full Circle.. 8..Harmony Infinity.

Age of Aquarius ( Vision.. Nenads Visions)

050 22 85..// O.E.O… V..( 200 200 USD) 85.. H.E

39.5 Light Years…. C.I..E

121 parsecs… 121 was what I had in my wallet last night and today…

Please see sacred Portal 121…Nnamdi Beating a Drum

Geof means

Divine Peace..D.P… Bed 4016.. Room 4B, 4016… Doe! The First note of the P…Planet Earth…and Plant-Et.. Pan..E.T…

Gods Peace-Peaceful Gift.. G.P/P.G… God Particle…

The Protector of Divine Peace… D.P.. 4 16… 4 x4…

who is the foreigner, the Traveler, the Peaceful Warrior who has been held Hostage in in the West and in the World- and led to live in a Mental Health Shelter until he proved the 5th Dimension and the that the Eternal Immortal Realm Exist…

( See meaning of the name Rosia Asole…)

La Cour..

But he was really in the Royal Court of France proving Sixth Sense is a Fact because it manifest Solid Real…

My Phones are have been codes from Galaxy Smart phones to L.G Pones 5 43 models….

Laura Gibson.. L.G… 12 7.. 19…84… S..A.I..H.D… 103… J.C…A O C

A-C.. 1 3…13..M..4..D.. M.D… 17..Q.. 8..H.I…E



‘The name Laura is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Laura is: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory)’

Gibson is

Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Gilbert. Means bright pledge, derived from the Germanic elements gisil pledge, hostage and beraht bright. The Normans introduced this name to England, where it was common during the Middle Ages’

English (of Norman origin), French, and North German: from Giselbert, a Norman personal name composed of the Germanic elements gisil ‘pledge’, ‘hostage’, ‘noble youth’ (see Giesel) + berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’

The Full Bright Scholar, Rahul is sitting in front of me..

Erik Ebrights portal I have passed through…

* Recall the posts and messages yesterday..

NIKE.. E.K.I.N.. G.H.I… Message of Victory…

And the Sacred Portal 85..’Crowned with laurels of Victory

And I found the half Coin of Laurel Leaves in my Wallet after I thought I might have lost it, until I completed this Script…


Crowned with Laurel of Victory ( L.O.V,E..EVOL..E.D..I.E)

is the son of the Bright Pledge, the Noble Youth so bright and Famous who was held hostage until he proved the Truth Beautiful Of Eternity Infinity… and revealed the Sacred Portal…

My L.G.. Phone is Life is Good.. E.

Well that remains to be seen and experienced for my experience of Life has been more like the movie ‘Get Out’


And so I have gone back to Kodo’s Kudos..

the Japanese word ‘Go’ for 5…

Where Life is Eternal…

Beauty and Extase…


But then this was never True Life was it…?

7:57 p.m.


A Full Circle…

7;58 p.m.

I loathe this World and the reality I lived for 49 years

and wish only its utter annihilation…

Compete and Total..

And there will be no peace until that which I have encoded has is made manifest and Done.,..

B.R.C..Green Point and Delta Manor…

That I can not ever Forget or Forgive the Evil you became…

World.. Word.. Universal Word Aware…


8:00 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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