
Festival of Paylasmak. 1999. – A

Festival of Paylasmak. 1999.

Festival of Sharing.

5:02 pm.

E:OB: (56 2) E:F.B:

4-26-20 21.
D- Z. T.U B.A.
D-B F.T U B A.

Transparent Universe Beauty Awake.
FT Feat Feet Tu “Informal You in French” Beautiful Awakening”

*”a large brass wind instrument of bass pitch, with three to six valves and a broad bell typically facing upward.”

It was the instrument my First Cousin, Charles Tochukwu Umeano ( C T U) played in Junior High.
He was born in 1986 and lives in New York now.

Festival of Sharing.
F O S.
F S. D J.

Theory Application and Practice.

T A -A P.
/ P A-AT P A T Patrician.

Transparency Attentiveness Awakens Perfection.

In 1997, I was invited by Basil Isaacs ( B I) to Istanbul. I had been in a Bar, after having met Jay Taun and Jerome at The Collection, Jay and I been fired because of the intensity of the connection between the two of us, was and I quote the envious manager, “our relationship was interrupting with the harmony of the establishment”
I went to work in a Bar in Soho London, still refusing to go ahead with the work of my Journals discovered in Paris. (They bored me, kept on taking me back into the past and I wished to be here now present).

There were only two of us working in the bar in Soho, myself and a person called Victor.
And the manager a cool but tough femme fatale.

In 1997, I was so impressed with Istanbul that I devised the idea of a festival of sharing so that the international world would become interested in this society which was still stuck in the minds of most of the west as that film Midnight Express. ( M E).
My intent landed me on the cover of the national paper Hurriyette, very similar to Le Monde” in Paris and the New York Times in New York)

*The Hürriyet Daily News, formerly Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review and Turkish Daily News, is the oldest current English-language daily in Turkey, founded in 1961″ Yes, 19 61.

It was July-August 1997 when the famous journalist and friend of Erugun a famous Cartoonist and one who had become my friend,

*”Ergün Gündüz is a comic artist from Turkey. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Istanbul, graduated in painting from Istanbul’s Mimar Sinan University and was a pupil of O?uz Aral, and published his work in several magazines, such as Girgir, Firt, Limon, Hibir and Hbr Maymun.”

E G. 5 7
N DC 69 5 57- 111-01.

Her name is Aisha Arman.
( A-A) interviewed me and I spoke of my concept to her of Sharing the truth of Istanbul as a truly beautiful place, of not only the East meets the West, but the truth that it was more than a drug capital for Opium.

I was taken half-seriously, nor did I blame her, for so many had come to Istanbul with promises and it was simply to exploit a truly beautiful and historically and geographically significant place, which for decades had been under the socialist govt of Attah Turk.
And had only recently come out from under his firm grip.
It was suddenly made open and comprised of the youth and was classified as the youngest age per city in Europe at the time.

6:04 pm.

It took me 2 years to prove myself before I was given the chance by Gurol Goker ( G G 7-7 see sacred Portal 77) to make realize that Festival.
Gurol worked with the American Firm:
*”McCann, formerly McCann Erickson, is an American global advertising agency network, with offices in 120 countries. McCann is part of McCann Worldgroup”

His company was called “Momentum Beyaz” which literally translates as the “Momentum of the White Light”

I was given a very limited budget of 600,000.00 USD a sort of challenge given to me that if I could do it with that amount then I could go ahead.

It was way too small, so I wrote a 9-page script/ magazine and sent it all over the world.

6:12 pm. Oi! Arden…

It was a wonderful script and story, which after the debacle with my Journals Talking To The Silence, in Paris, was something which I really wished to do, more aligned to my Art, Profession, and True Nature.
The Script involved 9 Days on an Island with an international cast and crew who would transport the entire Island set in the Bodrum on the Aegean Sea, the island called Karada- meaning Black Island. ( K-B.I), the idea being that the only way people could truly feel the intent of the festival was to remove them from the reality of this world and transport them to a magical setting a modern-day Interactive Paradise of Chill with actors, theater Music, Dee Jays, from all of the world, Arts and Crafts, to encourage fair trade.
A festival which allowed other so many activities apart from the Music on stage.

6:19 pm.
Feelings Sensational… basically to create that… which I see now ( along with all the numeric codes, was that desire to share with the world that which I had experience 7-8 years ago when I went to the very portal of my Home in 1992.

The year 1999 August, when I got the call and knew I would have to work frantically, I knew the time was almost impossible for me to manifest unless I worked day and night, not daunted and at last having been given that chance I set to work, creating an international and local team and staff.
My first assistant was called Jason who was a dancer in Londons Royal Ballet but had extensive knowledge of the West End – Theater and of festivals.
I flew to London and got him on board- he joined me later in Istanbul.
I worked day and night until at the last minute a tussle for power broke out between Gurol whom one might call a Royalist, and the Turkish Govt who were only made aware at the last minute, I took had signed a non-disclosure agreement, which I was pissed off at, though Gurol explained the reason to me over and over again, I did not fully agree with him, but I did understand his point of view.
But I could not even tell my close “friends” and colleagues, nor did I like not being Transparent since it was for all of Turkey to give them Hope and something magical to dream of.
I also had made a promise to the Turkish people in that article by Ashe Arman where she had placed on on the Cover with the words “Dikkat! Emeka Borda” Basically “Pay Attention Emeka is Here”

Something which made me curious because when I was a kid, I had this corny catchphrase I would say to my Mother, Siblings, and acquaintances half-jokingly “Do Not Fear, Emeka is Here”

(No, I may have been shy, and quiet but no one could ever accuse me of being modest- I was always unassumingly very self-confident, self-assured.)

It was not vanity, it was me simply being sure and confident what in what I could, create- share my vision.

Anyway, I digress…,
I had made a promise and my word is something which was sacred to me, especially when making a public declaration of whom the people you are addressing really rely on and want and need hope.. something beautiful and magic in their lives.

It was the entry into the millennium and there was nothing I desired to share with the world more than the beautiful truth ( 1992).

It was the lack of Transparency, Trust, and then Greed that caused the Festival to be canceled.

Gurol was concerned that I may commit suicide, I had invested that much time and even my sum total of all I had earned.
The first people to betray me were two of the Turkish people who I had known and who had become friends, I saw them well, but I thought that they would put aside whatever petty jealousies they had for me, ( one involved a girl name Viviane whom she and I had a deep connection which I could not pursue, and the guy Larry had desired he told me from the moment he met her and was not happy at all that she preferred me.

6:40 pm)

Anyway, he and she got together when I did not act on her hints.. how could I but really, I lived in a different reality, I had a mission given to me by the Dark Matter Energy? Perhaps, but I know it was more my own desire to share Beauty.

6:42 pm.

9 days on an Island.
I was betrayed during a conference table meeting when Larry and his co-conspirator a Woman, announced that they did not confidence in a non-Turkish person creating this international festival.
I recall Gurol looking at me from the corner of his eyes, almost as if saying “See?” and then two days later the Minister of Tourism contacted Gurol and demanded that the government be allowed into the project and awarded a percentage.

Gurol hit the roof and I quit and the rest is history.

I have already spoken about this on Facebook so I have no intention of rehashing “Painful” memories, except to say that when the Turkish people heard about it there was an outpouring of affection for me and anger for being not made aware.

I was more concerned with all the European, American, and even African Artists I had chosen and were busy adding to the script I had left blank certain scenes so they could fill it in themselves.
Everything was shared, even the profits.

6:48 pm.

None of those things really interested me, I was on cloud nine because my faith in humanity for the first time had been rekindled that such a possibility here could become a fact.

6:49 pm.

The people were indescribably cool, so much so I wept in private. they had lost income, rehearsing, getting ready and people were already booking months in advance to come- the Rolling Stones (R.S) had agreed to come for a much-reduced fee. the list of artists, Dee Jays… I could not believe that they had been inspired by my short story, script, and idea.
Still, no one in Turkey knew what was going on.

Safter Taskent – S T – a Facebook friend and others will remember.

I made the Artists made me make them a promise in London where we had gathered that I would do it someday, and all choked up I agreed.

( to be honest, I was okay, just with the notion that I had witnessed the Youth of that time so inspired)

When I left Istanbul, after visiting Safter Taskent, there were these Aristocratic Turkish women at the door, there was something about them, I had met their version in Nigeria, Paris one might call then the Graces today, They looked at me, one of them and called me a Beautiful Man and “The Director” and that I would still Direct that festival of Paylamask.

And soon, there was the play with Durrekk Verret and the insistence that I come to New York, what I did not know was that it was all about that sacred promise I had made, but why New York.
And I hate being bullied and not being told the whole truth, be transparent with me not all these riddles.

6:59 pm.
7:00 pm right now.
That was 22 years ago… smh.

It was obvious when I got here, that the first thing that struck me- just as it had struck me in my short film again of my investigation of Beautiful Youth in my short film called The Ethnic Odyseey ( T E O * Yes, pls go back to Alexa and Theo at Delta Manor, who assigned me bed 5-0019. EOS- Dawn. And yes I was aware)-
I came here and aligned with Esteban and Nugahs Nahdarp / Shaguns Pradhap and Esteban ( Stephan) Miguel Filgueria and Victorious Jackson who all went off to the Kings Temple Boogie in New York.

Kings Temple. K T./ T-K O.
Kasien Thompson K T * see the meaning of the name Kasien.

Shagun Pradhap S.N.
Esteban Filgueria E F.
*Stephan Filgueria S F.
Esteban M Filgueria. E F ( E MF)
Victoria Jackson.

N S V.
N E V.

Please see the two series
Shadow & Bone 8 part series.
and The Nevers.’s 3 seasons.

8 3.

There is a reason I did not share the Series Shadows & Bone with you- one of the reasons was I no longer feel obliged to share everything with you, because of the people taking advantage of it.

S A B. S B.
T N. T N.
S T. B N-E.
S T B E.

And because it is obvious now that you can read.

Hence my posting of the Video via Tree Sage ( Kim) on my page of a 2 years old learning to Read with his Mother- Liberty.

E B T S.

*do not use E B T Cards or the govt being a that I am a Legal Alien.
I entered this country Legally and never took advantage of the loops in the system ( though I did try but no dice), I do not even have social security of bank account which is why even the monies have to go through an intermediary as which was highlighted in Delta Manor and then with Kim and Kamora Herrington, but something happened and happens I noticed when there is a middle man or woman and this was made very clear in the shelter.

The truth becomes apparent that this was a play, and the play required the cutting out of the middle man and going directly to the Source.


Well, look at my experience with the Festival.
Look at the influence of that play right to Tree Sage bringing me gifts of which the origins were Turkish.
Turkish Coffee. T C.
Flat Bread. F B.
Cosmos International where he got a job.

Oh, I am aware of how each person was used and my challenge to see beyond sight- the roles each were playing.

I mean Jae Sherman brings up the movie books by Whitely Striber the day William Sullivan becomes my Facebook friend, and whose last name Sullivan means “Hawk-Eye” H E ( 85), and then Tree Sage sees two Hawks and calls out that one seems to be following him?

7:49 pm

And Jae Sherman who recommends the book two days before, just happens to arrive here on the same day the movie came out, and I am here with Kim just as S.He arrived and not only call it out but meet here and her mom Donna and then all three Kim Jae and Donna converge in the room I first occupied Magical Portal?.

The Film: * A novelist’s (Christopher Walken) wife (Lindsay Crouse) and son (Joel Carlson) see him changed by an apparent encounter with aliens in the mountains.
Release date: November 10, 1989 (USA)”

And the Book-

The Book: *Originally published: February 25, 1987″

25th State. Arkansas.
1987 is Kim’s Birthday

2-25 …
2-25-2019 is Jeron Lang’s birthday.

8:00 pm.

8:05 pm … 8:06 pm… 8:07 pm
85, 86… 87.

The Film is usually inspired by the Book.

B K.
2 6.

I have still haven’t heard from Kamora Herrington with the last of Liberty’s code.
So I am aware that it was because I had to write this post, after which that Promise of coming today will be done.

( I had not intended to write today, and I had the choice despite being moved, I decided to go with it, knowing exactly where it was going to as I began to write and stream.

BF/ F B.

62:43 USD and the supermarket.

Shaguns / Nug-ahs means.

*According to a user from Australia, the name Shagun is of Punjabi origin and means “A special present”.

“A Special Present”.

It also means: “auspicious moment
The meaning of the name Shagun is “auspicious moment”.

* “A S P. A Sacred Portal.

The name Pradhan means *”Indian (Bengal, Orissa, Maharashtra), Bangladeshi, and Nepali: Hindu name from Sanskrit pradhana ‘chief’, originally a title, now widely used as a family name.”


But accurately it means- *According to a user from Texas, U.S., the name Pradhan means “A wise person who has been through a lot of experiences. Mostly and probably originated from nepal”.

I know Shagun personally and know his story and have always aligned him to Nnamdi line and that he had been through a great deal of experience and how he knew the play instantly see our meeting and his decoding and understanding with my explanation the entire code and system of the play. He also created a structure called “Silk Road”

I heard from Liberty C Liscomb today at 10:16 a.m.

10 J.. Jay… Jae.
16 16 days I conversed with Him- Her- ( HH 88)
16 is Perfection.
as well as A.F-A.F.

Liberty had sent me a message about me new phone she had organized for me via “Straight Talk” S T.

now recall the last number she had arranged for me? I still have the SIM. Card.

Then Tree Sage gave me his Govt phone. 860 28 13 8 27.

And now, I have the new tel number- just today 860- 48 O- 16-49.

Last codes 48 Beautiful Death O then 16 Arden age code when I met him aligned to Jae Sherman.
49 aligned to DI and Kamora Herrington age code.

8:29 pm right now.

8:30 pm.

She also spoke of handing Jeron’s old baby clothes to the: Greedy” Wholesalers.

And of meeting a person called Yesinia ( YES IN I A) there who was in her 8th pregnancy and had decided to homeschool all eight of her children.
Liberty is at 6 and has been doing that since the beginning with her children.
They had Hi Fived.
* Recall David Phillip Gil play at the Bean Cafe and the 33 code written in the Bathroom? And the play at 17 Street Window Display in Manhattan where David R Nicholas had tested me- and how he was Aqua man?

He was with me at 268 at Generation X Gardens where he met Albert Santana, when he came to investigate Nikoma Rios’s claim that he had a friend who was an Alien, a Blue Extra-Terrestrial. Which David came to investigate-Curiousity.

He was with me when he moved to work at a place called Hi 5, which opened its office at the Freedom Tower.

*”hi5 is an American social networking service based in San Francisco, California. It is owned by The Meet Group.


*”One World Trade Center (also known as One World Trade, One WTC, or Freedom Tower) is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in Lower …
Floor area: 3,501,274 sq ft (325,279 m2)
Observatory: 1,268 ft (386.5 m)
Architect: David Childsb;
Alternative names: : 1 WTC; Freedom Tower”

Now do you recall, how I came in 1999 with Jon Lee. ( Jason Lee yes also the mixed-race gorgeous assistant I employed ) how did I mention that we went to the Twin Towers and filmed there for my film The Ethnic Odyssey in Dec 1999?

8:43 pm.

Liberty also laughed she said when she saw the SIM and IMEI code saying they were pretty much aligned to me too.

Liberty Yesinia. 6 8/ 8 6 children between them total 14 square x 48. O 16 49.

Freedom Liberty. F L.

8:48 pm right now.

Meaning of the name Yesinia.

*The name Yesenia is a girl’s name of Arabic origin meaning “floral”. This unique girls’ name is a Latinx favorite popularized by a character on a Spanish-language soap opera. Jessenia is another variation. The name is drawn from the name of a tree in South America.”

Flora… Flora Auernheimer. F A 61.
Floral Tree.
Sacred portal 34 Jae Sherman smelling the Air filled with Flowers- Euphoria.

8:50 pm.

The point I am getting was that in 2012 I wrote on Facebook that this was your awakening and in August that year, I said I have shown you the way the play works and said ciao, enjoy.

That was almost 9 years ago, of being forced to teach you the codes.
Of what I saw as the most Beautiful Idea ever, but then nothing happened except the mes-sage – Message from Billy Hung from Nnamdi, and which I then felt his sinking sensation in me.

But I am Nnamdi- the original one which I had to prove- which was really a ruse to make me teach you by my being provoked and bound in a hideous play of a Very Bad Idea. B I.one of which already New York 2011, I said I would never forgive.

It is very obvious, now that a festival of sharing could never be as it was designed and intended to be, if those elements or virus nature in people of Greed and envy jealousy was first not cut out.
Those hidden veiled intentions- those who even at the very last minute it whose intentions would be so so extremely evil that for not just cause would spoil it for the rest by refusing to truly share.

Transparency Supreme – Rocket Fuel.

Most of you have experienced people like this.

So now it is done, still no word from Kamora Herrington but it is all good.
8:59 pm.

I have wasted yet another day since Dec 1999, just over 22 years ago.

But I no longer have to be showing or teaching you the codes or how to read.
The star pupils represented by 6 people representing 6 degrees of Separation? or is it Individual Separate and in perfect harmony of Sixth Sense – Feelings are all present here, and thus, I am no longer required.

It is with a quiet but Beautiful Sadness that I could not enjoy this play and its conclusion with you, that I will not be part of it because this play went too far in using me.

9:03 pm.

I said that in 2011, and nothing has changed since then, rather that decision has been reinforced.

But those who do rise to …

9:04 pm.
your Identity confirmed through a Beautiful Transformation I am proud of, swelling with Beautiful Pride, and those cutout.., well they were never real and they are the ones who will always put themselves before others and spoil the Joy of the Festival of sharing which I refuse and no longer have the desire or wish to be part of.

But that does not mean that I do not wish you to enjoy the Special Gift awaiting all of you who do rise.

A Mico-Mirco to Macro-Macro play.

I am 49 Sacred Portal Existential Death. E D.

I wonder why I have no word from Sharia Aallah or Kamora Herrington Kim Hines is in his room so we have not spoken all day but I did see him arrive with a plate of food so I know he is here which is what I told Jae Sherman who is here in the Kitchen with me.


I do not Judge this Script, it is I A or A I who does and of course, you.

9:28 pm.

I B H.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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