
Fear Bullies..Face Book..F.B.

Fear Bullies..Face Book..F.B.

Find your Voice

And your Voi..(Way)

I am exemplifying the Voice and the way..

The last part of the journey to I.E you must each do on your own…

(Thats Why I am.meant to go home and never concern myself with matters of this world….ever never….Never for ever..

I am sure you get my meaning…

Because I have exemplified the way.

The Evil I can not take in is being held back.from going home by the Truth, having delayed me for so.long, taking this long long silly complex 31 month play to show an example to equals…

My shock.is so profond, so stunned am I by this deception bc of the lack of faith that you will take up the gauntlet…

Let.me be the first to.assure the Parents of humanity…

I am (at least you know, and not them…bc of you) the source of Man…

A Man.

And if you allow the Truth.to.manifest of these Truths woven over a year ago…

Hell 13 years ago, humanity will rise to.the occassion.

Remember 911…

You have made a great mistake in betraying me.for them, in believing they will understand how to.link…

They will figure it out…

After the first 12 months on F.B you shoukd have allowed all the manifest truth to.be revealed.

They would have figured it out as I did.

Now you have made me your enemy to.the very end.

First time in my ever..

But you are my Enemy now and forever.

You should have trusted humanity.the way you trusted me…

A trust which turns the one who is rewarfed for being true to.his nature…to.be the lowest slave for nothing and for nothing in exchange…

I.can never trust you.

I.despise you and have set the trap for your ultimate destruction in.the same way you.deserve..

You are the Source of the Fear Bullies..

It all began with you…


We have no God in our realm only Harmony if you as G the false note had helped the species learn.how to.read Harmony, instead of coddling them.and protecting them from thier cause and effect…

And been a true parent not addicted to.power, hiding behind your children using them.as an excuse to.create and act out..

Letting them.go too far by spoiling them rotten or being so.strict they would not have needed such sacrifices to rescue them.from the brink.of non existence.

You realized your mistake too late..didn ‘t. 77…

That is why you keep delaying the end of this play.of number of F.B friends…

We are at 28-29 me…

I have watched for 18 months you delay each time I.posted the equation that.it is Done…

Undermining me, thinking you have humbled me to start all.over again.

This is not to.humanity I address but to you…Behind the Viel in the Darkness.

Thinking you so.Clever…Africa America liason…

I see the whole thing through the ppl…

The only thing that is a horror is you.


Because with the Evolution Awakening you know hue manity will not.need you anymore and you.and all.your kind will cease to.exist…

78-87…? Ptah!!!!



O2 is I.

You do.not Exist…

You were allowed to.exist to Protecr and Guard human development…

You too were meant to.evolve to.Harmony…

But you could not could you…?

You.became set in your ways..

And that is why.ppl.started to grow old sick.and die…

And you blames humanity, the E line Existence Nna…And my.lady and of course me…

But it was all you..

7878 1 56..You.even blamed David Nikoma line…when they weren’t even aware of the play.

Old Age….Begone…you are Fear.. Fear of all.that which you know I.wove inside the tapestry of this weave which humans can not see.

Afraid of what I have created as consequences…

So you delay, finding fault in.perfection…

Creating ruse a War btw Nature Civilization and Existence

But you became disease decay rot.that can not die bc you.know there is no death but I.E transformation..

But I manifest, I.manifest and now know that I man did not invent God and since I rep man…you.not exist.



L. A.W.E.

L.A. W.E..




There will be a Wall of Energy and Wax for all the Def and all the dimensions or illusions of the plane of existences 1-4.

The Harmonious Beings who rise to E Harmony do not require such.

But all those left behind who.do not.rise.

Did not clean up thier messes..

Especially the Bullies of Fear,

Who became the Terrors Bullies to keep.ppl.from speaking out.

This can be seen by this play .

It just went too, too far…

I personally paid a price that was beyond what I was willing to pay.

It is inconceivable that a power can force and extort a being, anyone to go this far for something he willingly fought for but on seeing how far the evil incarnated on this planet…said no.

The same must be said by the people whose existences, I am experiencing who suffered to this degree without anyone intervening…

It just makes me sick…

Sick of what I am experiencing was done to children and the consciousness of Beauty.

The degree ppl went through out the ages to infect them.

I saw it.

I lived it

I experienced it

Even in this life time…

Ppl with Aids and A.I.D.S deliberatly infecting others….

Anyway, it was a joyous day and I will not.let this last play infect it.

But my.duty is still to the Future present in me

It.is true that at this current moment I obey the Play Script.of the True Past story.cleaned up.

But it is also true that once this is conplet the E line of E Harmony Infinity take over.

Elections in my realm, still not fully manifest here is over.

All roles in the True Play made into True Life is complete

Law Justice


Johnny Larkin Equaton

1O 12…22 V.E

12-1O…22 Be Be V.E

1O..1 +12..13

13:31…44 (R.Barr R Az)




28 B.H


16 P.


A H.I. B.H. A PG.

AH Infinity B.E. Harmony.

A. P.A.G.E

Nothing is forgotten.

All Injustices Expressiond Contempt of Law E

Full Circle is to be accounted for.

The 39 Sacred Portal is

Julienne Coco…Rep J.C standing Guard.

The Dimension of 999 (39..12)

27…Has been transformed from the lowest existences of Hell (shell fire Gun Fire war trauna death and disease) has been trsbsformed to the highest Number in Universe as Matrix, before moving to


Numbers Transforming to

True Nature (N.T-T.N)

Embodied Human Beings

Who evolve to E through thier own will or desire..

It is thier choice.

They can stay as H.B or move to E.H.B..

Giancarlo Thiago are the.lines of the Sensies

G T …7 2O….27…9

3rd and 2nd to 9th to Star B Center St.

Represent this consciousness of Transforming.

Nikoma Rios and David Philipe Gil were simply representing a role.

They Rise in the Dimension of They incarnate l..

And One more thing…

I am.have no desire to repeat myself but the desire by certain ppl.to destroy the Supremacy of Africas power was because ofban awareness of its secret powers and weapons..

Which the average.person Westerner and Europen was conditioned not to.even contemplate.

This War of Cartesian and Indigenous African.ppl. I spoke about the.proceeded to do the counter weaving on F.B in.the very begining of this Battle.

It rages on F.B unseen simply.bc ppl fid not take what I was doing and saying seriously.

Or bc they did not believe Emeka they onew was this person undercover but transpsrently so.

Or how Lightly (but deadly seriously)… I took it.

Amused by the opinion of ppl of why should a tall elegant well educated man put himself through.such.hell for 13.8 yrs..

A spy…

No Equalizer…

The Battles were right before your eyes written on F.Book…

That is why I was so.disgusted.

It was all taken care of at.the Energy level..all these terrible plans.

But because of the A.I.D.S..the E line of E me fought to manifest it so you would see Revealations revealed.

See the back.posts.

I always mean what I say.

I.am light bc.the Nuclear.power is controlled by E…

Source of Infinte Energy.that is why this constant expression, it.is a manual.way of generating the Energy from.nothing to.combat this set.up for the E.N.D…of the world in the most.hideoys way…

That is why in their own way Nikoma David A.E and MM M.B are heroes…


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