
Father’s DECODER…

Father’s DECODER…

see yesterday nights post at 1:04 a,m.

Sacred Portal 104… Terrible Death.. Com Pass me.. Cloak Of Deaths Expression.. Supreme… C O D E S…

The VOID.. The Abyss… None Exist…

This is Not my Script…

I am have been stating that for years,

i am an Actor, in a Script which I have protested the Role given to me from the moment of by birth….

And had run from it ever since I became fully aware of my suspcions being correct when some, a Young and Handsome prince from the Onistha Royal Family ( Edo Igbo), a former Yale Student who had returned to Nigeria was introduced to me by his mother.

His name Chidi Ejikeme…C.E… expressed that which I always felt, like a shadow of a destiny which I could not shake.

He looked alot like Prince, the singer.

Jimmy Kimmel is on the moment I said Prince, he said Prince.

I am laying the foundation for what I truly bessech my Brother Father… Equal now as the Young Lady Sugar sitting besides Me and Facing engaging Peter wore…is my last Post…

Or at least, the last scene as an Actor Director Conductior all the 65-69 Roles he gave me to play…

I was once nicknamed as a child, the boy with 50 Talents

I noted that there are 5 Micheals in this Play at Delta Manor right now… M=13….X5… 65…. Male Female… 130….).

.. for a post which will come after this…

10:56 p.m. …10 11…

4-9-18… D.I…R.

NN-A.M..D.I… Is R.. Reflection… RA-ND- ALL…

RA Nnamdi David ( N-14 Nature D=De-Vine) of ALL.

D I T.. R..



E R I…F..

Emeka Robert Ignacio ..Francis…

Fact Infinity Reflect Existence…

Gods Rage… G.R

Golden Ratio…

The Knowledge of Existence Creation E.C was always here present.

Written in the Heavens, Earth- Nature, Plants, Animals Humanity.. All.

11:11 p.m.

Petery Nyarko showed me a series of Photo’s and one of them showed a space filled with books which ceated the image of three or people dancing…A Kiss of a man and a woman made of extraordiany melding of colors. And beautiful shot of himself and his brothers hands clinking to a back drop of a rainbow medly of what seemed like Candles.

But the one which grabbed my attention was that of a Yacht with the words

Great Point.

Peter Nyarko is the Human Rep in this play of the Planets Consciousess…

P.N. 16 14…. 30…C.O.

11:22 p.m.

C.D.. The Compact Disc now Conscious as exempified today, to the point that he told me that if do not close my gapping mouth, at all which emerged from his mouth today, that flies would enter.

16 Is the Number on my Face Book World Icon.

And when I contacted Dawn Piercy and saw her codes, and her confirmation of 3333 12.. 5-8…and watched my World Icon move from 1111 to 11 – 12…

And the moment our dialogue was complete on messenger Peter arrived, and I watched the number on my World Icon mobe to 13.

5 8= 13..

M is Manifestation.. 12 A Cycle of a year, +1..Resurrection.

11:28 p.m right now… Yes my birthday.

Randall Michael Wiltz, R M W.. As Peter has no true idea of the play going on, though Peter is more aware, just as Dawn Piercy is even more aware.

But as all the True Beautiful Descendant Avatars of the E.. Evolved, Eternals, Extra Terrestrials, The Naturals who never betrayed their Essential Truth, they as all the ones represented by them in the World Planet are in Harmony.

Peter Nyarkô who asked me not to tag him anymore ( Chuckle but I jus did because I am so very proud of him), explained and Embodies the meaning of Harmony so clearly and easily that I understood that not only had Harmonies Consciousness risen in the Planet Earth ( Peter meaing Rock Stone)

Nyarko, today I finally found the meaning… smh…

Its is Akan langauge, Ghana – It means Dove!

Landing of the Dove- represented in Human Form.

Its is still standing there in my Locker Art…

Peter was born here in New York just as I was born in England but he went back as I did, in his childhood ( me in my adolescence) he to Ghana and I to Nigeria…

N.G.. 14 7… They are nieghbours.

147 Sacred Portal A B.

Kate Rene is the 1111 Facebook Friend…

Randall Michael 1110 Face Book Friend…


Kate means Purity…. Rene means Reborn… Rebirth..

Rebirth of Purity…. Which brings the Landing of the Dove…

Randall means Wolf Shield- Protector… Wiltz means Extremely Passionate and Wild Micheal means Who is as God… I have decoded that as Eau… Water.. Beings of EAU.. B’eau-Te…ti…

Micheal Belle who channeled more than any one I have ever met, the Voice and Expression of my Father Son Brother so clearly identified by myself by my own private knowing and conversation with Him, that tears sprang to my eyes in recognition, that this is True.. That He went this far in his rage..

And it had caused me a few weeks before to lash out in rage to him..and hurt…incredility…

I later made it clear to Michael Belle, age code 64, that my anger was not directed at him…

Belle means Beauty… So I knew my Truth, that I had decoded had manifested.

Thus Randal Micheal WiltZ R M W…means ‘The Wolfs Shield and Protector, the Extremely Passionate and Wild One is the one who is as God.. the One who flows like water, the Being of Eau…Ti.. The 7th Note.Ti.. The E.. The Environment which fills Space.. Moisture Water.. which brings Beauty..

And the Beautiful One and Ones…

Purities Reborn the landing of the Dove of Harmony… Harmony as Peter clearly understood brings Peace.

Harmony Peace…


Sugar who was a bit of a vagrant for a while told Peter that I used to look out for here, she was very generous in her praise because I reminded her when she that I was not always so generous when she began to get out of hand. But she spoke of how her Grandmother and her husband had died, which I recall speaking to her about as much as I could during that period.. but that was a pain that she had to go through and I was carrying alot.

But she showed us a picture of her son, who is truly a beautiful man, and though of mixed race he has blue eyes…

I tried to recall who had told me to look out for the man- the man with Afro Origins with Blue Eyes…

I will recall when it is time…

Really tired…

P.S Michael Belle had given me 30 usd on the 30th of March if you recall.

3-3O Sacred Portal The Terrible Dream confirmed as my experience…

DRE… .M.D.. Elvis…D R E A D…

I felt that once that had been acknowledged and confirmed outsied of myself that I would be released.

87 million Face book users accounts were used without permission.

Sacred Portal 87 Returning the World to Its Senses and Sensie’s

One last thing…

Syria is on the News…


I will decode this one last code… I can and do not wish to do any more, I am exhausted and it is enough…

12:49 a.m.

Ah that represents the completion of the code of April 9th

I belive the Flip has been made.

And that it is not linked to Flip J Hendrixs but to myself, as Jace Horsford’s E-Spirit indciated.

But I had to Obey Fathers Script and allow the play with Flip to complete.

Peter and I both shared the same opinion that Flip Sha-Ron Addison who 6th sense is Perfection, he himself based on our last conversation agreed that he had not linked it with theMan who he is, in this World.

He does not trust this, despite all he knows, but I pointed out to him that, he is 25 and I am rep age code 50.. 51 and even 52/53 in the illusion..

12:53 a,m right now and that I understood what he had been through but to refuse to align the truth into one he was denying his own Truth which was within him.

He is fully aware and so this morning, after realizing that I was being sacrificed once more, forced to wait and work on yet another, while I lived a most soul draining existence, while he as all the others got on with thier lifes.

You can not force some one to come home..

Peter said the same thing over and over today…

The very basis for my rage at this Character I had to play of going after each person I was sent to at the expense of my own life and existence, being led to all these people thousands through the last 28 years around the world and especially in the last 25 years and 17 years and 18 months in New York- who each had had thier own revealations and chose not to be loyal to it or answer the summons.

Confirmed by my arrival today at starbucks where I met Robert Vlaun Age 22, and sat beside 18 Year old Henry and 17 Year old Leo who ended up giving me a dollar and who had just broken up with his lady.

1:01 a.m.

11.. 1…

And when I returned tonight it was T.J who I knew from Room 4A who came down to ask me for a Cigarette..

At first exasperated I said no, I barely had enough for the next day or two. And I always give out, but so few including he, who are all on state benefits remeber when they have…

But something moved me, I was also tired of playing this Character in Fathers Script.. So stern.. despite my understandng the necessity of it… and the reality of how people respect Fear rather than Common sense and reason and anothers point of vew and circumstances…

So, when he came over again, once more his tone of voice grabbed my attention..Uncle give me one..it was almost a command…

I looked at his shirt and saw on the corner were the bars and notes of a Music Score…

Today is 4-9 which I knew was his bed number the last time

As well as his name T.J… 10 20…

John Thomas….

So, I gave him one, forced to roll it for him because he as Micheal the younhh one and others do not know how to roll but which means that they take my saliva…

But just to make sure I asked him what room he is in, perhaps he had changed his room…

He said Room 904… Swtch the Flip the Script at last?

My first bed on entering this system at BRC…IN 2015 was 49…

And this has been over 2years… almost three years since I enetred the system in July and then left it for 9 months before retuning in 2016 one year and one day later…All this time seeking to Flip the script from Sacred Portal 49 which I had left 268 East 4th street A.Santana’s home with and through the filming of the Black Cock.. but in Spanish…

Till now…I have still been all that time in Existential Death which Peter Described as the conversation he had with me when my voice came into his head… and he conversed with me.. A Hampster in a wheel forced to repeat the same expression over and over again…

And the other video of the Man who had done the terrible dead and was pubished by living out each time the Evil he did, then dying and the same scenaro repeating over and over to infinity… getting worse and worse eac time.. and even when he solved it ..he is not granted release…

That is Nndamd’s Rage.. And Wrath.. N R.. N W.. And Davids.. D R.. E… D W…

As for Assad… A.S S.. A.D… the Ass of Anno Domino…After Death… the line of the man who repeats the same action over and over again, just as the species… the definition of Insanity…

His name actually mean Asad (Arabic: ???), sometimes written as Assad, is an Arabic male given name literally meaning lion. It is used in nicknames such as Asad Allah one of the nicknames for Ali ibn Abi Talib.’

D.A.. S.S..A.H.

Diop and Ali… Arab Bodega… SS… 19 19.. 38.. 11..2… 11 1… A.H.

Tomorrows Date 4-1O.. D.Jay… Di Jay… D A… O

Da Enlightens…

1:23 A,M

See sacred portal 123

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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