
Fact and Fiction… Fantasy…

Fact and Fiction… Fantasy…

Three Posts on three Snakes…


It has to do with the Movie Black Panther which is coming out tomorrow.

Black Panther is me.

B.P… Beautiful Pride 2 16… Beautiful Planet… Beaute Plan-E.T.

2+16= 18… 1 8…A H… = 9..I… Infinity…

So much of this play, just as is the Human Existence in this World, is based on Comics, mythology… imagination…. Fantasy… From Greek Mythology to tales of Gods and Goddesses and Super Hero’s which quite frankly in all my travels through all these homes, and people not one person has meet any of these beings or provided evidence that they exist.

But a whole world walks on these myths and even the so called Cartesian Western World Scientist name the Stars, the new galaxies and cosmos and every other thing with the names of these Non Existent Mythological characters.

I for one never have ever met any of such beings, nor have I ever had what might be called a Night mare ( except a vision or two or which I plugged into the Human Collective Mind Matrix…)

Not that I am saying that such mythological fantastical beings do not exist, but they exists through my direct experience and knowledge as Human Beings Complete and fully evolved… The Future.

And that Humanity has been tapping into a frequencies of Ïdeas- Concepts through Imagination ( I.C.I… Ici.. Here), and so they touched upon a truth of themselves Evolved.. but yet to attain here- where the process of meriting and earning that which was already planned Plan E.T”- Which are already manifested in the Eternal Realm.. but in almost like a Stasis waiting to be activated by Humanity Meriting and Earning it logically by evolving to it.

I would like to say that I had no idea why I

I saw a post which Susanta Nayak had brought to my attention.

It was about the Killing of the World Biggest Snake…

It was unanimously declared as Fake…

…But unfortunately I do.

Nor can I describe the utter boredom of this equation and play which still led me here to Facebook- where for perhaps the first time there was no likes, no prompts or stimuli..

Nothing to do… yet I am sill here and there is a 77 year old man who has lived in New York for 61 years who is was made space for me to sit between him and a person called Don.. As I ate the unmistakable odor of Urine wafted up.

I turned to Don to ask if he smelt it.. He gestured to perhaps it was the bathroom.

I kept quiet after realizing that it was the 77 year old man.

I did not wish to embarrass him, but I had been made aware of his Energy the day I was speaking to Blair and Dee about my Bio Father and seeing his true Energy in Blair and that of his Father in Dee.

That is when this older man interposed himself in the conversation and I recognized the Energy of something else…

12:15 p.m… *This had better be the end of this play of this day…

Tomorrow my code name the Black Panther movie is coming out…

He reminds me of my Bio Fathers Mother who my father warned us against even shaking her hand when we arrived in Nigeria for fear of her poisoning us… Yes…

She was reputed to be a great witch as was her mother.. they are from Awka – the historical land of the Black Smiths… Who are linked to the O.INri Nze Priest Kings…

His names is James… 77 year old.. code S.P 77.. Loki and Jorgumdnr the Giant Serpent at the End who rises Levithan.. Remember Edward Enciento..Fenri the Great Wolf… Golden Wolf.. Anubis

Hel…the Giantess….

Code at Starbucks 77 45 O..

Year as a family we moved to Nigeria from Canada..

C.N… 3.14… Prince Cromwell and Sustanta Nayak… Harry Potter…

P.S…Philosophers Stone…

Nigeria to Canada… N.C…

We moved From Canada to Nigeria.. C .N.. Cromwell Nayak…

Please note… The 19 year old youth, who killed 17 people in Park Land Florida..

is called Nicholas Cruz.. N.C… meaning The Victorious Peoples Cross.. Crossing

The young man was Caucasians.. They are not the Victorious People.. nor is any race of humanity apart from the N line moving to the E.

Natural Expression N E.. True.. Truth… Transparent… Supreme.

He used an AR 15… A R O../ O R A… Äro-Chukwu… O R A C L E…

.. but there was no C.. No Consciousness.. Vacant of the Soul… Spirit Seed..

We moved from Canada to Nigeria… 1977…

C.N… 3.14… We moved from the Time Zone and Truth into the Past…

– A story.. while the present was a Matrix… Non of then A Fact…

Fiction and Fantasy

But here are the codes…

One Snake 33 Feet found in a Cave in Brazil.. 33 Feet Long and 3 feet wide..

Which links to Peter Nyarko.. P.N….Who works at Insomnia Cookies…

I.C… 33rd Street and 3rd Ave…

A Street and A Building with a Chess board like Harry Potter story…

A Street can be a Serpent but it is three feet wide.. not a Street and not a building…

*As shared on Facebook, July 2, 2015:

World’s biggest snake Anaconda found in Africa’s Amazon river. It has killed 257 human beings and 2325 animals. It is 134 feet long and 2067 kgs. Africa’s Royal British commandos took 37 days to get it killed.’

Look at the code… 134 Long.. 13 4.. M.D.. See my face book friend Michelle Dominique… Me at Delta Manor… 20 67… T.. 2O.. B O.. F…G…OD..E.. NZ 67 67 46 B.. Social Security… 257…Y.G…B E G.. No I do not Beg…

1:11 am .. I will continue this on a post

*Share. The longest snake – ever (captivity) is Medusa, a reticulated python (python reticulatus), and is owned by Full Moon Productions Inc. in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. When measured on 12 October 2011, she was found to be 7.67 m (25 ft 2 in) long.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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