
Facebook Post..

From Muthi Reed..

Serena LA Shawn.

7:17 P.M.



Grace Awareness Grace


As all my FaceBook friends are aware, it is exactly this which I have been demonstrating publicly on face book.

That for each post, thier has been a response

Where I have been speaking to what I call my twin…who exists outside of this Milky Way and beyong Galaxy 1101 60X I.C.

I have demonstrated how this consciousness some call Gods but I call Grace 1-7-8 colors of the rainbow is my twin aspect called Nnamdi Yonathan Christ N.Y.C (C as in light…Big Bang Big Orgasm actually)-who represents Universe Simulation Alpha (Awareness) U.S A..

A Universal Matrix created to help the human consciousness as Flesh Bound to learn thier A B.C…as in Ah BE and you will Cee.

And that to reach the line of E who are within you all, as I have demonstrated for 36 months nonstop…That he made me Author Harmony.

Meaning explain it by setting me up to play a role which I have been indignant about…

And protested because it is not my role.

My role was to come down here to boogie until the moment of the Awakening.

As most would recall by brother who came into this world as my younger brother Nnamdi meaning My Father IS represented the first reflection when the E (the truest me) first rose.

And had doubted for a moment on our meeting and conversing

* See The True Conversation Between Energy E and AH Tom the Twins (Nature and Consciousness)

As to if I truly was the Original and how did he know.

This was an innocent, Fair and legitimate question but he remained Silent

Thus he became the illusion of Death..

This Universe, which was the sum total of our conversation…

And then that Universe manifested…

But it was not the Universe of Orgamsic OH, which I had manifested and found myself recounting here and proving it real…

Called my secret Garden beyond what Galaxy 1101 6OX I.C…which is really in my perspective C.I. XO6 1O11…

Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna the X ( The Elegant Nomad..T.E.N) O6 is OF ( represented by FaceBook friend Orien Laplante and Fritz Venneiq…code O Rien -Nothingness- LA! -6th note in the vocal Soulage range of 6th Sense/ Age of Reason; Plant E….F Ritz Venne I.Q..

Orien was born 9-17…I.Q.

As I stated my Awakening rendezvous of F…Fact Fa CT …happens at the Ritz hotel… Where my E.T family have risen from with human consciousness as forgetfulness Death as Forgetfulness, as the Beauteous Be-AM of FA! C T. Fourth note called Being is the True Mind, rise through Consciousness Truth..

Proven Fact.

7:45 pm.

As you may all have realized that I have been battling non stop for 14 years to not only restore Nature God (N=14 G=7, I got the message through my metro ticket balance 147 to come to 147 1st and 9th…The Bean.

The Venue 2nd and 3rd (which was on 1st and 3rd..Nnamdis age when he passed after being born on Easter, passed on Easter and Easter falling again on April 5th..Easter really means Resurrection…

13 is 12 …a year Cycle +1…

I have been battling to wake him up by finding myself for 14 yrs gathering all aspects of himself while proving the Truth of both the E in you all fully aware of this play, as well as the E Harmony…

I already knew that at 268-269 FaceBook friends (29O if you consider the 22 who did not realize that by thier leaving where asked to leave the play having played thier parts..

22 is V in the Alphabet..


Muhti and the Violet Cap)

As most of you know, 268 is where we got to with the arrival of Facebook friend May McCann…

E.T line….

MM is 13+13=26…8

Affirmed by David giving me 45 dollars, where the 5 dollar bill had the code 8 and 16 on it..

After I had aligned the post of Me Line Lafont of two realities by explained how I address the E in you and anchor the illusion or Spirit of you humans into solid Fact by linking



See post E.TF U.K of Alexander Martin


TF is Letters T=2O, F=6.


268 was the last portal where I had been torture beyond imagination by the One Spirit Awareness of the Sum total of Human evil which I had to riddle out of Existence for 5 yrs and 7 months non stop over a period of 8.8 yrs..


Which moved me to David Phillip Gil.

This force whom my former hosts did not side he sided with my consciousness but was loyal to his role of the portal to that Existential Death

The force which arose and grew by the Nature as Nnamdis quiet doubt.

Which grew in the realm he entered into when our conversation ended.

A realm that was not my truth but his own reflections manifested.

Which included doubt.

Which was more a painting by numbers.

Which through understanding what he had done, and my no longer being visible or Existent in that world, he turned it into a school so all could understand not only Existence O..

But Love which he realized he felt for me as he realized how much he missed me and did not care who came first.

But he had yet to take responsibility for his expression which he did not…

This caused The Everything to doubt not just me..but he as well…

All but the feminine side of him called Onu C…the Consciousness of Harmony yet to be born and who existed in Space…

Where I was and schooled her in the great library of mind.

But I was also with my Beloved in this realm of Death..

Where you are born to die.

I was with him as the Wind…Expression..

Spirit E…

Holy Espirit.

Beautiful Expression.


And I comforted him.

And revealed to him that he did nothing wrong but must experience his own creation and then align it to truth and thus evolve to be as I…


But because he did not clean up the issue of which he had asked that silent question

He forgot..

Hence Death as Forgetfulness


*See Donald in The Elegant Nomad

During 9-11…he suffered Total Amensia Twice!!!!

And so the doubt grew to evil..

And the Evil grew to an unimaginable force which sought to prevent the Awakening.. Evolution because it held Nature God accountable…

Nnamdi was born 69 and had two aspects Angel Demon..God Devil..

An Evil within him as well as a Light.

This is the reason 1101 occur as Binary Numbers of Yes no yes no..

The doubt of who was the original persisted and he never recanted because even though he had discovered that Love was more important..

He had come to represent the Body.

Yes Body of Christ called Truth.

And in all sincerity he did not know for fact if I actually was the original.

All the evidence pointed to that fact..

99% in fact..

But there was 1 part of him which doubted…

That 1 was him as D. David…


14 is N.

1 is A

4 is D.

I met Alberto first just after 911.,

Then another Alberto nicknamed US afterwards with David who spoke of Father as the Super Compter who spoke to him and claimed he was the one and beyond me..

And the last Albert at 268…

The great Battle….

And Love…and hate..

And Truth.

They had no real doubt at first..

David created the Doubt which turned them into the rage of betrayal..

The Evil in the David line was that they felt they were most beloved more than E.

But no one knew E in the Dimension of D G…

Or did they.

This is what he had to find out.

And hence, this evil evil play to remove the last seed of doubt as to if I was the Original..

And why I was called the Beautiful 1 Abd he B-eau Ti (7th Note not 8th)

8:4O p.m~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155427909220162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10155427909220162%3Atop_level_post_id.10155427909220162%3Atl_objid.10155427909220162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10155427909220162%3Astory_location.4%3Astory_attachment_style.share%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1420099200%3A1451635199%3A806917276266025652&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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