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J.C- 1O 3…

4 3 ..12 7… 19 84..1O3..13..4…

When I left Nigeria, and returned full Circle to the place of my birth, London, one of the foremost things in my mind was to clean myself of the experiences which I knew was dirtying the mirror of my mind-consciousness.

I had always known, that life was about Boogie, but I also knew that in order to boogie- one must clean up and resolve hurts, angers and thoughts even emotional judgment which were really simply opinions because I had yet to put all the pieces together…

I was impatient to do that grooming before I went off into the adventure of my life.

I created my reality, I always knew this- by the choices I made..

Yes, no, yes no..10101010…Galaxy C.I..11 01..

Everything was a simulation, but to navigate this Hologram, I was fully aware, by having observed as a child, the obvious conscpicuous lack of clarity in adults around me, who would often stare at me incredulously when I would impatiently point of things which were so clear, but which they had not seen..

I also experienced that which clouds perception- thoughts which were not clean.

Meaning not true, did not sit well with me.. conclusion which did not provide the true picture, nor ring true.

My body felt it..a sort of quiet nausea would rise up in my body, a discomfort with my self..uneasiness with the view I had taken.

Of, course I knew the antidote.. Quiet..

Being alone, going deep into the Well of Z.am-Z’a.m to retrieve the truth of each experience which had not been clarified into crystal clear fresh water that I could drink and go A.h!! I.See..

I could now see clearly into the pool of my reflections.

the murkiness, had decipitated, and I could see clearly the truth of what really happened and the true meaning and origin of the situation by my having looked deep with to the root of an expression/

At this moment, as if to through me even deeper, into that urgent desire to clean and groom my E-Spirits- my Pegasus winged steed, My beloved Grandfather passed away.. He was still young, and..

I ended up finally managing to be directed to a huge house, in Brixton, vacant..

I squatted there, eventually meeting the owners who gave me their blessing and gratitude for taking care of the house..(That’s another story..:)..)

For almost six months, I sat alone with a mirror,

I would go to work, come back, and sit alone in front of a mirror..

Knowing by looking in the mirror, that one can not lie to yourself when you went into all the places of hurt and anger of experiences with those you loved, with people..

I had experience a great deal the 11 years I had lived in Nigeria..

So much had happened, magical.. and yet so intense, out of the ordinary…the impossible nightmare..

I had experienced the death of my younger brother, the kidnapping of two of them..

And events so out of the ordinary that you can write a movie on it and it would come out as though it was science fiction- horror-fantasy..

So much had happened since I had left England as a 6 year old kid for Canada.. then Nigeria..

We had arrived there as a family of 6..

I had returned as had my sister, but Individually.. a family torn apart never to be re-united again…

Each now existing alone, as Individuals..but never ever as a family as we once had been..

What happened..?

What was going on?

And so I sat with a mirror, grieved, looked into my eyes each day- as I traveled the story of my life up to that point, a 22-23 year old guy, alone with a mirror cleaning up all my reflections to See clearly the truth of my experience, all in a bit to feel lightness again- come back to my true nature,my true self because I could See again, clearly…

It did not matter what I saw, as long as it was the truth- Clarity..

And Clarity, always, always reveals the most beautiful truth- Harmony Symmetry meaning from Depth to H-Eight.. Harmony I.C..

When your reflection are not honest as you gaze at yourself in the mirror- you can not look directly into your own eyes, and if you do, they will tell you that you are not being truthful because they will not reflect that special light called Lightness’ which comes in peoples eyes when resolution and clarity dance together..

You will see your own self deception- but you will also see sadness, you will weep, and tears do fall.

And this is the most sacred of moments, the most private of moments..

a ritual cleansing so private that this can not be shared with any other..

For here at this moment the Individual and the Illusion (False ego- the Shadow- called Self Doubt) and the Source God, the Clean Mirror reflecting your truth right back at you, embodied in your eyes, rays- scanning you and your thoughts, reflections feeling, history, story, emotions..and aligning that seeming swirl of chaotic feelings bombarding you..

Be Still!

The penetrating gaze and rays of observing your eyes observing your lies and your truths..

And that self mastery of stillness is when the Beautiful Truth of you transforms..

And that soft strong, luminous light fills you, and your face is calm serine, filled with a beautiful sadness, a quite exhaustion from that journey in the Swirl of emotions now stilled, through the mirror, and the rays of your eyes to a Self Mastery of Be Still.. where there you can plainly see the light of lightness dancing even now, in your eyes

When that face and body appears in this clarity of White Light..Roy(g)gbivR…

The Shadow of doubt is gone, the shrill cry of hurt feelings are gone,

the False Ego is gone, only the Individual remains, The original meaning of the Ego, The I. A.M…

Merged in perfection with the Facts, the Family God whose name would be Cee..Consciousness..

Be of Truth Honest Expression..

T.H.E.. Beginning, that is where everything begins..

Alone with a Mirror..

Alone with your Reflections…

A few months into that process, I met Jon Jason Lee,

who I instantly recognized as he flirted behind the Bar in a West End Establishment called Peppermint Park..

Dec 1989…

1O years later we came to Alpha Bet City.. the lower east side together..

27 years later I am the guest of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan, Jon is the one who found me, all through my expression on my face book page…

All the Jon’s were the same Jonn, and evolution of Jonns,

whom I had recognized from the memory beyond in a instant that this was my little brother Jon, Wisdom Jon a reflection of my own reflection of the Original family of Ten and the First Creation Story of this World.. and Universe and all manifest creation…

3:5O p.m.


One would suggest that the cleansing, cleaning grooming,

Alone with a mirror, technique worked perfectly well

considering the evidence of how clearly I see..

I recognized Jon Jason Lee in and Instant and went to him …

And Jonn returned the favor…

And then we linked to John York..

Code J.O.Y.

Sacred Portal 1A=I.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156542013420162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10156542013420162%3Atop_level_post_id.10156542013420162%3Atl_objid.10156542013420162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10156542013420162%3Astory_location.4%3Astory_attachment_style.share%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1451635200%3A1483257599%3A4211348057807061915&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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