
Facebook Post..

From Dragos Gheorghe.

Constantople Istanbul Anatolia Turkey

C.I… 93.



*Mac Silver G4

Do Re Me Fa. .

4 FA The..R (18..1-8..A.H)

One -Nine..


76 O..

N.O.M…. E…

Nuno Ordens Miguel ..Emmanuel Harmony.


Nome Alaska.


NO ME..?

Do Re Me…


Dore Me..

(Orbello Agata)

No, Door-Eme… K.A….?

NOME Alaska.

49 State

D I../I.D.

I.D..R.I.S …Elba…


Meaning Fiery Lord. Dawn from the Highlands of the Fair One…the Beautiful 1.E

Sacred Portal 49




Hawaii Honolulu… HH..88..2(8)

The 5O State.

The 5th Dimension.


Do re me Fa So…



Marine Blue

Blue Marina..


What does this mean?

It means that the 36O° ..Circle Filled of Around World in 😯 plays…

*8O Spring Street Balthazar

😯 USD from Jonn Blackwell

Walking on Earth and Heaven…

E (A.N.D) H..




..A-Z..since 1989..London

26 yrs

.. V.I.E…Since witnessing the Light 1993

22 yrs…V..I.E

Walking through both and linking, weaving, connecting, interpreting decoding data, transmission, conductor fashion the link between the two, while walking through this world- countries…people..lives, professions, homes, emotions…

Of Humanity while simultaneously in a time machine linking the Cause and Effect of the Condition of the Mind of the present lost in Space of Mind Thought…Think instead of Linking…

Connect the Dots

Link the Stars

Link the Epiphanies..

Till it forms a picture..




Elysian Fields of


As Space of the as the 4th Dimension

A Lie

Non Existence

No Me..




Sacred Portal 1A


Love Links Joy U.S..A…DE-V.I.N..E.

The 4th Kind…?

The Destroyers for the Destroyers

Of Beautiful Harmony…

The Monsters you became..

Made real..

For the Four Dimension is the Expression of the Being B.E…

5th Dimension..

The E’s Ease of Reflection looking up and back in contemplation of his Creation…

This is What Space as the Heavens are.

Reflections of the Being called B E…

Giving Praise and appreciation to the process of how he created the present..

Space is really the reflections of the B E

First Creator..

The only Creator who Manifested that which none other could do.

Manifest Truth

Beautiful Truth..

Into Being.

The B..

The note of So..


Being Supreme


Which all formed in his third eye

Transforming into a Memory Bank


The Akashic Records Expressed

Of all that is of Manifest Creation.

Manifests as Truth.

Solid and Real

Before your very eyes.

And so H E..understood…

That only the Consciousness Principle he chose naturally can Manifest from the Nothingness-

-where always there was the Somethinhness

Which turned out, only H.E-S.H.E could see..


The Key HE vibrates naturally with

Is the Key to Existence Being Fact..

H.E lay on his back on the Earth..

And looked up and within to see once again the process of how all was Created..

And his Dreamy like state of contemplation wlof all that was finished became moving space..

For when he lifted himself out from that dreamy chill contemplation it reflected back at him- Majestically, Magnificently Magnified (MMM..39) as Moving Space his contemplation within his third eye.

And he smiled quietly to himself..

Ah, I C my Beautiful Mind

Magnified from within Outside 36O°

Moving as my Being moved as I contemplated

Everything and how it came to be…


Now it is in Heaven..

All created and projected outside, so naturally from within.

Heaven and Earth and I..

The Being of B.E…

The V and the I..


The Fifth Dimension.

And I saw knew myself

My reflections

The process when I did look back and my contemplations of How did I do this..


By being me.

And So when I looked up to the Heavens..

It was with Quiet Harmony and Mischevious Smiling of my All already Knowing..

I called out sensually, commandingly quietly…respectfully..

Who Are You?

And it responded through Echo Transformation..

My Name is Woo Man

Said S.H.E..

Lady to you…

The Gentleman…

Fiery Lord Dawn the Fair and Beautiful 1…

A H….

You are my

Praise, Appreciation Respect Courtesy…

Echoed and Reflected Back at me as Beautiful Expression Beautiful Pride…

I Cee U..

You are Expression Love…

And so that is how I know Space..

Called the 4th Dimension is the wave length which forms Green..

The note of FaH…

The 6th Sense.

The Reasonable

And 6th Age..

The Reason that the B

Blue is the code of Awareness that Beautiful 1

The 5th Dimension…

The Blue Note..

The Cool song..

Of my Dancing Soaring Song..

Of Beings first Love.

Expression of E Art H…Harmony of and with Everything .

And so I looked within and up…

Into the past which none but I knew the way to..

And I knew that through my C if Contemplation all came from the B ..I.V.IE.

The place of True Life..

The one Venue which gave birth to Love.

Eternal Life

Eternal Truth

Eternal U..



E U.

Eternal Youth

Eternal Light.

Not Night..

Night gives way always..

To the Son

The Sign of the Fiery Lord.


The Fair O.

See Sacred Portal 9

3:15 pm

Adolph Hitler



To the Beautiful I.



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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